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Everything posted by Baldyman

  1. Keep the faith..I've heard the riders are desperate to win a trophy for swales
  2. So when he booked his flights how did he know he was going to be ill??
  3. It'd bring the PC police down like a ton of bricks and is probably a sacking offence these days. Good job he isn't at work when he said it then. I'm not sure if it's lucky or unlucky, but I'm not really into pc much.
  4. Mong ...........That's a classic....ain't heard that for years.. we should bring back all the old school dissing😂😂😂😂😂😂
  5. Wait till you get inside..it drops another 10 degrees..or normally feels like it anyway.
  6. Yeah I put it on wrong thread by accident...please accept my humble apologies sir.
  7. Will you have your big flag with you??? I certainly hope so anyway. So they are right at least after its started raining or the sun comes out
  8. Cos I do..its part of my nature. . Can't help it ..just like other people can't help their personality traits. The same as your personality makes you insult others
  9. You sure cos no rain forecast apart from on my phone app by the look of it
  10. My weather app says possible rain around 7 and 11 and it's raining where I am now, but that is about 30 miles from track So best go with whatever you want, and hope one is right and the other wrong
  11. Speedway....the sport that promises to take the 💦💦💦 out of its fans The stupid thing is..we genuinely get a facility tonight because on fim duties
  12. Did you just say integrity and speedway in the same sentence?????😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂I've just wee in my pants
  13. Does that happen with 1 night illness some riders have to? You don't half talk some 💩 What's his illness???
  14. So did he know he was going to be ill today??????? What illness does he have then jeremy????what does the doctors note say???
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