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Everything posted by Baldyman

  1. Maybe they actually need to make it faster,, more dangerous and more extreme
  2. There is a sport in Poland called Zuzel,,, maybe try model a new sport on that.
  3. Then you would have thought downhill skiing would be all over the no brakes thing
  4. But you can already basically pencil in King Riss Hume in for next year already,,,, whatever the format
  5. But they don't need brakes,, others sports selling points woundnt be what they don't need. Welcome to football,, did you realise our players dont have engines
  6. Take Guys money away and King would have been our number 1 for the last few years,,, crowds wouldn't be so big then,,
  7. A pro sport where there is no prize money for the clubs to re invest and improve,,,,,
  8. Never really got the no brakes no gears,,, no brakes,,, cos the don't need em,, no gears,,, and? Makes it sound like an auto,,, I take it its meant to make it sound scary for those that are new to it
  9. Get the team selection right,, and as a 2 or 4 he will be fine
  10. I'm gonna try my hardest like I always have done,,, and if all goes well I am hoping to have a good season,, which will hopefully see my average improve slightly,, which will benefit the team.
  11. I don't know why,, but most fans seem to think Danny as a 6 to 6.5 rider is consistently going to score like a 9 point rider.
  12. But if they can find a rider that can slot into number 3 and improve,,, then King at 2 and 4 is a good piece of work surely
  13. He's the sort of rider that the crowd would take to,,, because he actually tries to make passes
  14. I'm watching Berwick v Edinburgh,,, and there is a young dane called Bastian Borke,,,, he would be well worth a shot at reserve next year,,, or even given a go this year,,,, a proper racer,,, a future star according to Hans Neilsen,,, I doubt Louis has ever heard of him but defo worth a look imo
  15. There are loads of riders out there,,, if someone can be bothered to look and do something about it,,,, I just think that a high majority of the fans are a bit dim and believe anything they are told
  16. Ipswich are so lucky to have you in the league the last couple of years,,, its only you and Lynn we can beat
  17. I'm guessing they were all fantastically brilliantly awesome,, normally are when we beat a team that's once in a long time,,,and the racing was probably fantastically brilliantly awesome,,, always is when I'm not there.
  18. Will prob finish just below 4,,,,hes had 7 firsts,, but 30 lasts so far,,, so he could easily improve by not finishing last so often,, in fact he has had more lasts than first and second combined,,, he has also had more lasts than thirds,,, 52 lasts and thirds to only 28 first and seconds,,, so he could easily improve next year
  19. Mountain is at best unpredictable,,, if its grippy he will be very bad and if its slick he will just be average
  20. But he will be,, he's gonna be our new rider we turn to for far to many seasons hoping they get better,,, like Bobby M or Heeps
  21. Should see double figures from Doyle Emil Danny Keynan and Riss tonight
  22. Oh dear,,,,,, but then again,, the Witches happy clappers are gonna love that,,, it's now gonna be a big home win and they will be dribbling with excitement.
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