In the domestic 40 over game a no ball costs 2 runs, not the normal 1. T20 allows a free hit after a no ball. Both rules designed to spice up the more knockabout forms of the game and I'm sure both generate lots of coughing and spluttering in the Long Room.
The club links page on the BSPA site has been changed to Buxton Hitmen, Dudley Heathens, Hackney Hawks, Isle of Wight Islanders, King's Lynn Young Stars, Newport Hornets, Rye House Cobras, Scunthorpe Saints & Stoke Potters.
Really? "Straight away" would have been when the team was first declared days before the meeting, rather than the month it took to sort the whole thing out.
Why not? Certainly not because of his age, as he's under 31.
Youth Mobility Visa and Holiday Visa are two different things. Tyson Nelson is too young to have a YMV. The Working Holiday Visa scheme appears to have ended in 2008. Unfortunately, the UKBA rules seem to be as easy to understand as those of the BSPA.
Press release posted today and already on the BSPA fixture list.
Going back to the thread subject, and from the same press release, the Newport double header will now start at 6pm.
I think you'll find that the 20-30 mins available, while we watch the tractor racing, will be plenty of time to move from one side of the pits to the other.
The official press release.
Wednesday July 28, 2010
BECAUSE of huge interest in Great Britain's involvement in the World Cup Final it has been decided to postpone Saturday's scheduled National League fixture between the Kart Raceway Conras and Newport.
A new date - likely in September - is yet to be confirmed."
Is that a typo or has the team been renamed in honour of Tyson Nelson?
Good news for those of us following the Rockets away, now able to see the top NL team at home as well.