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Everything posted by Alan_Jones

  1. Ah, I see! I think it would have been mentioned if it was. Pity, I used to enjoy the Easter Triangle against Mildenhall and/or Peterborough and/or Ipswich. Team racing with team racing, rather than the 4s format.
  2. It's almost impossible to sign 2 contracts at the same time and totally impossible to ride the first match for each team at the same time. (I'm just trying to be patronising, no smiley used or implied.)
  3. As SCB explained, the team he's been contracted to for the longer time.
  4. There are no Peterborough assets, they are currently administered by the BSPA.
  5. Until the future of the Panthers is decided, maybe this thread should be merged with the Jokes thread.
  6. Tyson Nelson, Luke Bowen, Marc Owen & Chris Mills
  7. Your memory's obviously as bad as mine. Click on the "post you made" part of the notification and it takes you there.
  8. Len Silver was asking for sponsorship to fund the Raiders which I guess didn't happen. Crowds would never be enough to pay their way and any spare change will have gone into buying the air fence. Maybe if someone feels generous in the near future then the January 31st deadline given to IOW will be extended to new entries.
  9. If you consider your experience on the subject equates to a lack of research then feel free to be offended. I think we're still in an interim period where APBs are considered to be an accessory rather than an integral part of the structure with promoters/curators reluctant to compromise their precious track surface. I can't see any reason why in the future your idea couldn't be implemented, given enough space, outside the confines of the track itself.
  10. I bought a copy about 7/8 years ago from the online Sports Games Shop but unfortunately lost it and found it was discontinued. Prompted by your post I've just found out that they've republished it. They also still list the 2002 version of Speedway Promoter & Flying Shale for the PC, and Speedway Scene II, the dice & chart game which Flying Shale is based on. http://www.sportsgameshop.com/spd.html
  11. SR 7.4.5 If a Promotion ceases to operate, and/or the SCB order an Annulment, Riders on that Promotion's Retained List shall revert to the BSPA and transfers take place as per SR 7.4.2.
  12. That will be up to the BSPA who now own the Panthers riders contracts.
  13. To anyone that's come into this thread with big ideas and no research, please have a look at the following before making yourselves look sillier than you already are; http://www.airfence.com/airfencespeedwayorig_safest.html http://www.airfence.com/pdf/as.pdf http://www.championproducts.info/TIBS_Manual_for_FIM_2.pdf http://www.championproducts.info/Polyfoam_Brochure.pdf
  14. Nothing wrong with the thread, just its location.
  15. Panthers are not currently an EL team and according to BSPA statements on the subject, which I admit cannot always be taken at face value, their only chance of continuing in 2014 is as a PL team. It seems to me, with no interest whatsoever in which EL team's dad is bigger than any other's, that this thread should be in the PL section.
  16. Please add me to the list of people calling you a liar. Thank you.
  17. ...but the BSPA have the final word on league membership and there is only one licence.
  18. They'd be very welcome as a replacement for one of the silly extra league matches and could easily be accommodated in the League Cup and KO Cup.
  19. I think you'll find that the Declaration of Independence in 1776 forestalled the USA's future membership of the Commonwealth. The rule is actually for Commonwealth riders and an annual maximum of 4 from the USA.
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