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Everything posted by Alan_Jones

  1. If they withdraw from the PL they still have a PL average over 6 so wouldn't be allowed to join a CL team. It was suspending the long standing rule for last season that has caused the issue. If they were really serious about doubling up, as the recent statement says, they'd reinstate the original rule fully and apply it to all riders with a 6+ PL average.
  2. South Bank station is about a 15min walk from the stadium.
  3. @bbctms On the train to @Autosport_Show @thenec Birmingham. Should get there just as the game ends.

  4. @radiolemans Can't even imagine being 16 any more...

  5. @specutainment If anyone needs a Haynes Death Star manual they're £6 @TheWorksStores I got these today for £9 the p… https://t.co/cd594v9Nvq

  6. Immaterial really. That bridge was burnt during his brief spell at Hoddesdon.
  7. AlfieBowtell™‏ @AlfieBowtell Still looking for a team for 2018....
  8. Motor racing. A couple of the guys I go with are really serious about programme changes to the entry lists, grids & results. I buy the programmes, which are worth the money where speedway programmes aren't, but I tend to use live timing to keep up with events.
  9. Ricky Wells‏ @RWells142 Looking for a Premiership spot for 2018. Please RT.
  10. ...and I believe CVS is a director of Cradley and not a promoter, or Chairman as they are called in the NDL.
  11. SCB regulations, which all involved parties have agreed to uphold. From the preface of those regulations; "The fact that rules made by a Sports Governing Body have legal authority and are upheld in our courts is not always appreciated; therefore Promotions (including all its Members and/or Directors), riders, all persons, licensed or otherwise authorised to enter, participate or officiate at Speedway Meetings are legally bound by them."
  12. No, it's because it only applies to those with a PL average over 6.
  13. @specutainment Looking forward to the difficult 2nd album...

  14. No, you have to go to the SCB site for that.
  15. 2 point riders have to be eligible for the NL, they don't have to have ridden in it.
  16. He was allowed to guest last season because he was allowed to ride in the CL. If the rule eventually stands then he won't be able to.
  17. ...because it was illogical not illegal until now.
  18. Because he's got an average from this year and they haven't.
  19. It's basically the rule that's been in operation for years. Remember the Joe Screen average reducing furore, and 1 or 2 others? It used to be that a 1st division rider with an average of 8 or above couldn't drop down to the 2nd division. It was later reduced to 6 until this year when it was dropped to open the flood gates to doubling up. They've decided to bring it back for next season with the addition that it only applies to riders without a CL average from this season.
  20. The regulation stopping riders with a 1st division average over 6 has been in existence for years and at one time it was 8. Last year it was removed and added to the problems of doubling up. Having implemented fixed race nights to make doubling up easier, they've decided to bring back the rule and stop those that didn't get a CL average this year from doing so now.
  21. He's a Category 1 rider, having ridden in a professional league, which means he'll be a minimum of 7 but could be assessed higher. That's if the existing basic assessment rule hasn't changed.
  22. A rider that ends a season with a team and doesn't start the following season with them can't be reintroduced without MC permission which is rarely,if ever, given.
  23. That sounds like quite a serious operation and may preclude riding a bike for some time.
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