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Everything posted by Alan_Jones

  1. It's official; http://www.teambmr.co.uk/bmr-speedway/4588282908
  2. For those that think sticking to the currently agreed rules for rider standards is too harsh, here are the criteria that were in force for the 1999 season; Speedway Criteria 1999 The Department issues work permits to established international riders of the highest standard whose employment will not displace resident/European Economic Area riders and who will make a significant contribution to the development of the sport. FIRST TIME APPLICATIONS To qualify for a work permit for the first time the overseas rider must be: USA The top rider excluding those already in the UK. Australia The top three riders excluding those already in the UK. New Zealand The top rider excluding those already in the UK. Czech Republic The top two riders excluding those already in the UK. Poland The top two riders excluding those already in the UK. Others The National Champion of their country. RENEWAL APPLICATIONS Riders returning to the UK for a second season All new riders will be expected to have gained an average of five (Elite League) and six and-a half (Premier league) in their first year. BSPA will supply OLS* with a list each year detailing each players averages. Subsequent applications Where a rider is returning for a subsequent season (third season onwards), the rider, will be expected to have gained an average of five (Elite League) and eight (Premier League) points per meet in the previous season should they wish to gain further permits. * OLS was the Overseas Labour Service.
  3. Maybe because it's not in Eastbourne?
  4. He's one of the few unsigned Rye House connected riders so it would be nice if it was.
  5. Kyo Burn, Causey Burn, Beamish Burn, River Team
  6. It was the result of consultation between Work Permits (UK), the forerunner of UKBA and now UKVI, the BSPA and the SCB in January 2006. In previous years the SRA were also involved.
  7. You don't need to replace Douglas. Davies is a victim of his own mistake with last year's visa application and then not qualifying through the state championship this year. I give a hoot about the good Aussies, now we just need to solve the problem of the makeweight EU riders.
  8. Good question. I'd ask a promoter if I were you. Hmm, let me think. Holder or Campton? That's a tricky one. If they're good enough they'll get in. I'm a speedway fan & I'm happy. The speedway establishment have got so used to playing fast and loose with their own regulations over the years that they seem to have taken it for granted that the laws of the land are fair game for them to ignore. I'm sorry for the riders that will end up without visas, not because they won't get in, but because they've been strung along by people they thought they could trust. I haven't got a clue what you're on about, but it's great news about Earl Bamber & Nick Tandy isn't it? True it is ridiculous & laughable but once it's sorted the lunatics can get back to running their own tiny asylum in their own unique style and hopefully they'll get the serious stuff right in future.
  9. No need, there's been nothing interesting happening at Rye House in the last month or so.
  10. Sounds more like keeping well in with the paymaster of illegal Aussies.
  11. That wouldn't be an increase though, would it?
  12. After last season I'll take reliable rather than stocking up on air fence panels.
  13. No, because the ones being refused aren't talented enough to be given preference over British/EU riders.
  14. Looking on the bright side, we've replaced 2 loose cannons with reliable riders, so it's all good.
  15. Under 21s don't count & 2013 doesn't count, unless the criteria have been relaxed some.
  16. http://www.fim-live.com/fileadmin/user_upload/documents/CMI/FIM_ANTI-DOPING_CODE__updated_as_from_July_2014_.pdf
  17. It would be ridiculous in the extreme, even for the BSPA, to agree with UKVI the use of averages with BP when they aren't included in the official GSAs. As Najjer points out, it's academic in Douglas' case anyway as he was 4th in Queensland.
  18. Nope. Too long ago, has to be the immediately previous season.
  19. Ive got copies of the relevant Work Permits (UK) pages in front of me now & from 2001-5 it was 5 EL/8 PL which changed to 4.5 EL/7 PL for '06.
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