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Everything posted by Alan_Jones

  1. RT @RaceOfChampions: Retweet this to have a chance to win 2 tickets to #ROCLondon. Only 5 weeks until we unleash the stars on London! http:…

  2. It was, think it's just NL again now. Edit: Having just read the Roger Cearns article in Speedway Star it seems that not only were Lakeside not the only EL team looking into moving to Kent but there are other prospective EL promoters, so ignore my previous comment!
  3. Lower compression, all part of giving new riders a 'softer' engine.
  4. But obviously not enough or you wouldn't have kept getting the name wrong.
  5. This was the first fully competitive event held on the 173m training track, so a new track record was set in 5 of the heats and the final. Leon Flint 3 2 3 3 = 11 Champion Jason Edwards 3 3 2 3 = 11 2nd Sam Stead 2 3 2 2 = 9 3rd Jordan Palin 1 2 1 1 = 5 4th Nathan Ablitt 0 R F 2 = 2 James Laker X 0 1 1 = 2 Jacob Clayton 0 0 1 0 = 1 Ht 1: Edwards, Stead, Palin, Ablitt 61.35 Ht 2: Flint, Palin, Ablitt®, Laker(FX) 61.74 Ht 3: Stead, Flint, Palin, Clayton 58.89 Ht 4: Edwards, Stead, Palin, Laker 58.36 Ht 5: Flint, Edwards, Laker, Clayton 57.99 Ht 6: Edwards, Stead, Clayton, Ablitt(FX) Awarded Ht 7: Flint, Ablitt, Laker, Clayton 57.27 Final: Flint, Edwards, Stead, Palin 56.64
  6. That's right, it looked no different to the previous 13 heats.
  7. Sam was a bit more lucid today and, from the sound of it, it's intended to be like the 150cc youth box class, with no tuning allowed & serviced with only standard parts to give young riders an easier ride when they switch to senior classes. Price is intended to be under £2.5k. He also said he'd like to run the odd meeting with top riders all on equal equipment but I can't see many buying into that. 7 of the main meeting riders had two heats & a final with times within a couple of seconds slower.
  8. Everyone was being cagey this week but last week the story was if Swindon pull out of the EL, or anyone else for that matter, it'll be EL & NL, otherwise it's PL only.
  9. The last few hours at the Abbey... http://t.co/agRqgdQHvB

  10. The annual Race of Champions event is being staged there over 2 days in November. They lay a fairly elaborate figure of 8 tarmac track with a crossover bridge and run pairs of cars against each from opposite sides, pursuit style. The last time they ran it in this country was at Wembley about 7/8 years ago.
  11. If that article was in English we might have found out but Google Translate can't handle Ermolenkese.
  12. They've been having preparatory meetings for weeks. They already know what they'll be voting on, although not necessarily how the voting will go.
  13. "@SpeedwayGB: POSTPONED: TUESDAY OCTOBER 6RECYCLED AGGREGATE SERVICES OLYMPIQUE" That's 2 train tickets not getting used then...

  14. That was 6 man teams with a 7 man heat format. Now they've shown that they're not shy of messing with the heat format they could possibly come up with something more practical.
  15. Friday was a 'nothing' filler meeting. Was there actually a trophy?
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