44 riders, 44 heats + 4 finals at the halfway point in the series.
No extra rules are needed, they are already there. Add whatever checks and balances you like, but if someone in a position to influence the situation completely ignores them, it's a lost cause.
The NL allows a facility for any reason. One rider missing it's R/R, 2 or more missing and it's R/R and guests. Like it or not, both decisions are correct.
In the NL you can have a facility for any reason. At the end of last season we had a guest (or may have been R/R) for, funnily enough, Luke Chessell and he was in the pits supporting the Raiders.
I'm not sure, haven't seen it posted anywhere. George looked fit enough lapping after last week's meeting, even though he was still limping beforehand. He's his own worst enemy and wants to get back on a bike before he's fully fit more often than not, like a lot of riders.
Jayne posted on one of the other threads that he wasn't interested in riding for Buxton and they couldn't fit him in anyway. He isn't being stopped from riding in the NL but has been saddled with a ridiculous average in contravention of the regulations. Presumably it was known that he was only interested in riding for Birmingham and this was contrived to keep him out.