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Everything posted by Diamond-dog

  1. Having the the Elite league grafted onto some European super league won't work on a practical level, we have the best Speedway league right here it's just needs a little fine tuning to get it right, I mean just look at the state of the countrys national sport "Football" there is the premiership sapping the life blood from the game when lesser clubs struggle to stay in operation all because the money stays with the top teams, you have to make sure all clubs are well catered for from all monies received whether it's GP or League it has to be spread out among all clubs. Having a EU super league sounds great, who will travel to away games to Poland and Sweden, a small elite click hardly enough to fill a mini bus and how many of thier fans will fill your stadia for the return legs?? zero!! Wow!! we're already in debt and we ain't got another home meeting for another week or two will be the cry, it will be the final nail into the EL coffin.
  2. At this moment in time the team sport in which I have watched since the day's of Mauger, Briggs, ect is sadly fading as the GP seems to be the main focus of the media, it is also time for a big shake up at the BSPA, how many more teams will the Elite league lose before the sport becomes a joke at the highest level this should be the biggest league not the PL. This inward looking group of people with only there self interest will do speedway no good it will take drastic action and hard work, and sack that £500 a day PR guy he ain't worth 2p, time to consider one league for senior racing and raising the points limit to 50, restrict teams to one GP qualified rider, dumping the golden double, bring back the golden Helmet challenge, Speedway needs the equivlent to the FA Cup and League cup in place of the present BLT which has done more harm than good,and stop the conference from having former riders in there sides this is a league for "New" blood not a retirement division. Try to minimise the number of guest riders I know this will be difficult as only a squad system can eradicate this but I would rather see a R/R rule applied where all riders can have a R/R ride for the missing rider than see a guest who may or may not "Do his bit" it will also bring the "Team" element of the sport a greater understanding to "new" supporters. Stop the elimination of riders for tape touching and 2 minutes penilise yes by putting the offending rider on the 15mtre mark,exclude riders for dangerous riding in a sin bin by missing there next programmed outing, a much more understandable punishment than currant R/X rules. Referees in any sport get a raw deal and speedway is no exception but many tracks have live video feed being used so why can't the ref have access to playback on a decision that he has to call on, it can only make the sport more professional. And last but not least thanks to Sky for taking up speedway it found the sport floundering and has giving it a window in which to display itself only the sport and it's ruling body seems to be a little bit subdued with this emense opportunity to show what a great entertaining sport speedway is but it's time to rewrite the rule book to take the team sport forward from here.
  3. Aww!! come on give credit where credits due, Crumpy took Holtas leg no question he came in hard because he found himself in third spot after missing the gate he was on his way home then, so he blasted through to take second which I commend him for but instead of riding sensibly he went for broke and it cost him, Pederson got to Crump after winning his eliminator heat after faining injury Cheeky but the mind games worked,Nicki will be a fine World Champion and so will Crumpy when he gets his head together. ;-)
  4. yeah but Newcastle made him the rider he became - its a city that makes heros Yeah JJ totaly aggree on that one, Brough seems to create future stars and we know of another in Bjerre and hopefull a future British talent in William Lawson, did anyone see the strong Brough connection in the Norway GP there was Nicki of course and Bjarne but also with Lee Richardson son of former Diamond Colin and then the race Director himself Ole Olsen,how one track has influenced the highest levels of the sport in a single meeting was quite evident.
  5. Well done and congratulations to Niki Pederson, I knew from the early days when he first rode at Newcastle that one day he would lift the world crown, and also well done to our Bjarne another future world champion in the making, Brough Park must have some kind of magic to have been influential in these riders careers. ;-)
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