Beercellar,or infact anyone,can you give me some advice please......With there being no Racers next year i've decided to spend all the money i would spend over the season in one go and i'm going to take the wife to Prague for the speedway and hopefully a dirty weekend I've found this web-site called My Prague .net and i can book flights and a hotel for less than 400 quid.The hotel i looked at was called the Marketa which as that's the name of the stadium i thought it would be quite close to it,anybody got any idea if it is close or not!!!!!!!!!!
Is it worth booking now or waiting till closer the time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a total virgin at this so any help would be much appericated.
Any good advice will be noted and if that person goes to Prague i will meet up with them and buy them a beer or three.................
Cheer's guys in advance