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Parsloes 1928 nearly

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Everything posted by Parsloes 1928 nearly

  1. The earlier suggestion from someone 'in the know' at Lakeside (indeed in the know more or less everywhere!!! ) was as follows: Hmm, seems a less than practicable method of communication about why this meeting has been cancelled, to have anyone wondering why to have to 'phone up the GM and ask him..!! Methinx they're hoping that everyone's simply forgotten about it... They reckoned without our speedyguy!!!
  2. Ah yes, but Sean's postings have never, to date, invited Mayor Boris along to play!!!!
  3. i'll text you! If we share the info. on this public forum we may find loads of BSF-ites desecend on the Bethnal Green area intent on cadging a lift in my motor down to Poole!!!
  4. Good stuff! I'll let you know later in the week...: hopefully in person on Thursday...? How did the coat-buying tactic go..? I went with the 'put her on a plane to Spain' ruse this morning...: hence me being brave about Monday...!!!
  5. Perceptive on both counts... You're right I don't; and yes, ATM, I am...!!!!
  6. Any more confirmed starters for this (less than a week off..) yet..?!
  7. I didn't say YOU were one of those who've said it should be the 'best 16 in the world'..: I said plenty of (other) posters have... If you DON'T think Lee Richardson is capable of performing well at this level then I'm not sure why you suggest him as a GB 'pick'.. It's not as if in this case he needs the experience or is likely massively to improve...
  8. And Roger was, of course, most famous for being brother of Crayford's very own Alan....!! You KNEW I'd be posting that...!!!
  9. Helmet colours all cocked up...? Complete choas resulting from no-one in the crowd or in the pits knowing what colour head-gear any rider is due to wear..? If you want to have seen this in a truly comic masterpiece, it was the NL Pairs a couple of months or so back at the IoW you needed to be at..!!!
  10. Okay so we agree!!! Plenty of posters have banged on about it needing to be the 'best 16 in the world' but as you say and Steve has brilliantly clarified that's NEVER the case, as a breadth of different countries need to be represented. In GB I believe that should be two and so now it's back to the title of the thread..: who should the two be..
  11. An excellent point Steve.. The perfect example indeed and how, as you say, in fact ALL World Championships work...
  12. No - well not any of the times I've been there this year... As that notable scribe Mr. Scott felt worthy of putting into print (but then he does have a rather scatter-gun approach to facts.. ) I actually used to turn up just for the junior races when it was Mark, Aaron, Jerran, Marc etc.!!
  13. And even if they had, they SAID they were staging it in 2009..: and, er; didn't...!! :blink:
  14. Hmm, never before seen the 'Updates' describe riders by their age rather than a club or whatever. Taylor is of course VERY good..: but he ain't 15, folks. Born in August 1991, he's 18 years of age!!!
  15. But in their day the qualifying rounds didn't just see three riders through did they..?!! Er, and by your logic Richardson ALSO hasn't qualified, so where are you coming from with that.!! At the end of the day, I stand by what I said - you lot (ie you and Blazeaway and fellow travellers) just want the comfort blanket of the same dull old faces in your beloved GPs. None of you believed Emil would score a point: he's a shoo-in for a rostrum position; and none of you think Tai will avoid last place. Can I point this out again when you're eating humble pie when Tai becomes the next Brit also to finish in a WC top three. Something we shall NOT be seeing Messrs Harris, Nicholls and Richardson ever doing!!
  16. Hmm, whereas in the alternative universe you live in, apparently Lee Richardson IS a world beater!!!!
  17. Well you for one CERTAINLY didn't think he was gonna do as well.. And you've been disparaging about what Emil has achieved.. I don't know, you lot are so set in your ways... You seem to only want the same old faces in this daft series all the time... If you'd had your way in the past, Peter Collins and Mike Lee would never have even ridden in a World Final - their places would have been taken by Fundin and Knutsson!!!!
  18. Alright, alright...: I meant, "Carry On, Follow That Camel"..!! I'm not as old as you two old geezers!!! And Mike, it'll do your blood pressure no good to be thinking of Beyonce removing her red knickers to flag down that runaway train. Sharon of course doesn't wear any!!!!
  19. Ah, there: message to Iris123..: are you still laughing or is the fact that someone else mentions Lewis as a future GP rider enuff to make you revise your typically jaundiced opinion..?? Still haven't heard YOUR view on which Brit or Brits should be included..!!
  20. As you say, a very early finish of the season.. When they were going on about the Rye House match on the 16th. it was 'doubling'as their Presentation Evening which itself had been cancelled.. Wonder what's afoot at Arena..? And with actually THREE 'spare' Fridays in October why no thought about staging this London Riders Championship on one of these..??
  21. TBH, though I'd always prefer a one-off World Final (it was such an exciting event - by far the most exciting sporting even I've ever attended... ), a multi-round GP would be okay provided there's a fairer system of qualifying... Only way to do this IMHO, is to start in early March (actually earlier with the Anzac rounds...) with qualifying in all of the countries, leading to meetings in April and May (along the lines of the old European Final, Intercontinental etc.). These bigger international eliminators would obviously take the place of the early GP Rounds. Then from June through to October (even later if there are indoor venues where the organisers can insure they're not 'rained off'... ) the multi-round GP series can run. To me it's imperative that we start each year with a 'clean slate', so if one is a newer rider at the top of your game you have the chance to progress THAT year. Examples from the past are John Louis..: turns to Speedway from motocriss and within a year is in a World Final or Michael Lee, teenager in the second division, within two seasons in a World Final. This CAN'T happen today and that's not good for the sport nor does it encourage the ambitious and talented to take up the sport... Venues who 'miss out' on GPs one year (though the qualifiers would be excellent meetings...) get a GP the next year and vice versa...
  22. Actually for many years the British Rounds were also contested by the 'Commonwealth' riders and bearing in mind that in those days we had the likes of Ronnie Moore and Briggo, later joined by Ivan Mauger plus Aussies like Jim Airey..: by no means were British born riders given a clear route to the Final.. Surely the way to look at those 'rounds' both in those earlier days and later when - in any case - England had numerous world-class riders, was that these were part of an overall meritocratic way of determining who qualified for the World Final.. Only when Wembley hosted the Final (or later Odsal..) did the Brits get a fast-tracked means to the Final (though the British Final then became a hugely competitive event when that was the case..). To have ever considered replacing such a tried and trusted and exciting means of determining qualification for the final stages of the World Champiionmship, with a system where people sit around a room behind closed doors and merely DECIDE who should be in it was (and remains..) a act of utter madness...
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