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Parsloes 1928 nearly

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Everything posted by Parsloes 1928 nearly

  1. Has the Elite League finally been abolished!!!!
  2. "big men with money"..?? In Speedway..?? Shorely shome mistook..!!??
  3. In case you were wondering where I disappeared to, Arnie - got a call from an anxious work colleague concerned that a riot was about to happen on the mean streets of Bow... As you've read nothing about it in the papers you can tell that my reassuring presence hot-foot from dusty Hoddesdon brought peace and good-will! Glad to hear the heats I missed were equally as eventful as the first half of the meeting; and well to the Hitmen for keeping it so close!!
  4. I believe Buzz may actually not be island-hopping in any case... And sadly, as you infer, work is going to prevent me getting to the ferry in time... Which is 'ferry annoying'...!!!
  5. There really is some nonsense being spoken here. It's mere semantics, all this National Development League talk. The third division is NOT called the NDL it's called the NL. Sure the spurious word 'Development' IS in the Rule Book but I recall that last year more than one Club Chairman commenting that there had been NO discussion about using this word 'Development' when the name change and re-styling from CL to National League was discussed. No published League table or fixture or on the SGB/BSPA website calls it the NDL. You can argue 'til you're blue in the face that it's called the NDL based on this one (quite possibly incorrect...) reference to the expression in the Rule book; but to do so is to argue mere semantics; and it doesn't mean that it is called the NDL, coz it ain't!!! And it is important (and in the past Malcolm would've agreed with this...), as the NL is a PROPER third division...: not a 'reserve' league, not a 'development' league: a fully-fledged third division is what it is...! TBH, only those with an agenda which hinges on attacking certain aspects of the NL make this daft point about it really being the NDL.. When Scunthorpe were sweeping all before them, winning the Conference League two years running did Scunny fans argue that actually this is just an unimportant division, here only for development of young riders and not to be regarded as a competition in its own right..? Of course they didn't; and I'm disappointed that some people can't think back to that and show more respect to clubs (and remember, important clubs like Mildenhall and the Isle of Wight are NL stand-alone clubs now, along with clubs who to date have only been at this level but which have always done it proud, like Buxton and Plymouth... ) giving their all at third division level. A division which to me is, without question, the most exciting, entertaining and most worthwhile to follow in British Speedway. So no more of the 'D' word please!!!
  6. Hmm, not really. This title is hardly ever used and I recall you yourself saying previously that when the 'D' word appeared in the rule book it was as much as a surprise to you as anyone... It's a proper third division and it's the National League and IMHO there ain't much wrong with it...
  7. There's going to be some Under 15s racing in the second half of this Sunday's Mildenhall vs. Bournemouth match. Many thanx to Neil V. for organising and great that Mildenhall have joined a number of other clubs in accommodating the U-15 lads on their 'between rounds' tour..! The riders appearing (with a programmed three races in each class) are: 500cc No. 1 Adam Portwood No 3 Cameron Hoskins No 4 Brandon Freemantle No 18 Adam Kirby 125cc and lower (ie 110cc/85cc) class No 2 Lewis Whitmore No 8 Aston Blackmore No 21 William O"Keefe No 25 Joe Lawlor These will be in the second half so I suppose if the little matter of the England/Germany World Cup game means you arrive a little late at West Row, you'll defo have the Under 15s later to help you get yer money's worth!!!
  8. Hmm, which is why I said "not from the UK"... I think we can say as they've lived in Australia prior to coming over here to ride (and very welcome they are IMHO...) they were not "from the UK"... I never said (as I couldn't possibly know!) what style of passport they carried!! Jayne: in case you've not noticed I'm on your side in this 'debate'!!
  9. "multi national"..? How many teams in the NL have more than one rider not from the UK in their side..? Surely it's only Buxton isn't it..? And "multi national" implies also loads of other countries are allowed riders in this division - they're not... With the demise of the UK-based Kiwis, am I not right in thinking that all "foreign" riders this year are Aussies except for that former long-time Scunny rider (now at Weymouth..) who's South African. The debate about Aussie riders riding in the NL is a bit smoke and mirrors to me...
  10. My understanding was - and it's in Ray's promoters' notes for the last meeting (the Fours..) - that the stadium and the stadium bar will be open early enuff for people who choose to, to get there and watch the game before the meeting. I guess one fly in the ointment is the possibility of extra time, taking the finish up to gone 5pm and if there were penalties to way past half five... I feel for the promtion though...: England were in their easiest WC qualifying group EVER - they surely HAD to finish top in which case their game would've been Saturday night... It's very bad luck on Mildenhall that this unexpected clash has now happened...
  11. Cheers! You know I'm in my 50s now, so the simplest of tasks are a challenge!!! Do you hapen to know how far Natschbach (this is a Pairs event, yes..? )is from Innsbruck? Oh and how far it might be from Natschbach to Heidenreichstein, where that sport which shall not be mentioned (!) stages an event the following day (Sept. 5th.)?
  12. Hmm, don't wish to be picky but the sub-heading of this thread says the meeting is on 9 June - as opposed to 9 July!!
  13. All I get is a blank page on this link!! Surely things aren't THAT bad!!!!
  14. I hate that smug Christine Bleakley even more than ever now!!!
  15. Might be able to blag meself a trip out to Innsbruck later in the year... Can anyone help out with any details on any tracks in Austria and any possible dates of meetings to be held in 2010? Googling just now, I came across that in the first year of the SGP, there was actually one held in Austria..! Blimey I'd completely forgotten that!!
  16. Indeed, rather harsh words from this first-time visitor... I can't say I've ever been struck with how poor the facilities are at Radipole Lane. Like all new(er) tracks operating in this tier I'm always instead struck by the endeavour and still the excitement, that there are folk out there opening tracks and keeping them going in modest circumstances and with minimal resources... For such people and places we should be grateful. Also 90 minutes for 11 heats...?: ain't the worst I've heard of by a long stretch.. (but then people will remember where I used to be announcer!!! )
  17. Mr. Morrish has said they'll be no decision until discussed at next league chairmen's meeting - can't say I know when that is... Reading between the lines I'd say the two most likely scenarios now are either that the whole semis & Finals are re-run (maybe at Mildenhall but quite possibly elsewhere..) or that the event's scrapped for 2010. The earlier siggestion that the top four at the point this meeting was called off re-convene to race a final only seems now highly unlikely I'd say...
  18. I say let's be more relaxed about this. The relationship of Anzac riders to British Speedway has always bveen different to "foreign" riders. Moore, Briggs, Mauger, Airey - for example - representing GB in the WTC... I can't see what kind of a major problem there is with one or sometimes two Aussies and/or Kiwis appearing for an NL club side.. Is this really holding back the development of British younsters..? Not at all IMHO... What holds back British Speedway is the crazy attitude of PL clubs in particular but also EL ones, in favouring any sort of foreign (often Polish...) riders over Brits... I can't think that the appearance of very young Anzacs (and in the cases discussed, they are VERY young...) in the NL is in any way significant enough to warrant being a subject described as controversial...
  19. Tai was BORN in England of English parents - sure he had the choice of representing Australia but it was entirely correct that he chose GB. These other two lads were born in Australia and I'd be astonished if they opted ever to represent GB. Which is also entirely correct..
  20. Well I know what you mean. All that travelling for just two rides (as is certain for 16 out of the 32 riders) must be mighty frustrating... But this has long been the format for this kind of multi-4TTs... If there werte twelve clubs in the division, the best format would be three groups of four divided as regionally as possible, a qualifier at each track with the winners going through joined by the highest scoring runners-up... That way everyone in the division gets a 4TT meeting at their home track (and I personally think a proper 4TT makes for - usually - a very good meeting...);and, as you, say then there's a proper 16 heat final too with all riders getting four rides each time for their troubles... Just need that 12th. side or even better, 12th., 13th, 14th., 15th. and 16th. new side(s) in the NL for 2011!!
  21. Oh and James Birkinshaw rode for Mildenhall last season didn't he...!
  22. This was how arch-compiler chunky left this last time we visited this theme.. (at least I think this was the last updated list..: certainly in terms of those with 15 and above...) Since then my old sparring partner lucifer sam came up with the fact that Buzz had appeared in four matches for Oxford; and since this last posting Mr. Burrows has had a spell with Weymouth and is now at track 18 with the Scunthorpe Saints. And before people question that, this Scunny is a completely different club from the one he started his career at, including different name and of course, track. Also if you're still not convinced, as this is the NL version of the club it is, of course, in keeping with the way these lists have been put together, 'Scunthorpe II' So adding these in Buzz's record-equalling ( ) 18 clubs reads: 18 - MARK BURROWS (Belle Vue, Buxton, Cleveland (Boro II), Cleveland (Redcar II), Coventry, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Hull, Long Eaton, Middlesbrough, Oxford, Scunthorpe, Scunthorpe II, Sheffield, Stoke, Stoke Spitfires, Weymouth, Wimbledon)
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