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Parsloes 1928 nearly

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Everything posted by Parsloes 1928 nearly

  1. Everyone who emailed the club about this or any other meeting this season with any concern or complaint received a comprehensive personal response by return email dealing with the issues. This included a couple of customers who did the correct thing and emailed the club to enquire about the incorrect accusation made about the ambulance. That is the correct channel of communication, not on here. Those customers were all pleased and reassured to get the responses they did. The only reason I posted before on this thread is that your continual harping on about this (and I wasn't even aware of you mentioning this on your 'all that's wrong' thread) smacks of a vendetta and I think it's only right to point that out. 'All that's wrong with the sport..'? You cite Kent in that category..? I'd respectfully suggest that all the hundreds of fans who attend Central Park every week (including to a end of season challenge match in celebration of a great season: don't see too many other clubs doing that for their fans?) would disagree.
  2. You are being extremely tedious over this. How about changing the record? There have most certainly been longer meetings at Mildenhall and at many other venues too, yet for some reason you (and some other Fen Tigers' posters on here) bang on and on and on about this year's May Day Bank Holiday meeting. For your info. as we run meetings to an 8.30pm curfew every week, I doubt there's ANY club which consistently runs meetings more efficiently and quicker than at Central Park. On a Bank Holiday there's less need for such rigid discipline and I've only known - for some reason - Mildenhall fans complaining about this. With several more local sides available for 'derby' clashes on holiday Mondays in 2015, I think we can be confident that Mildenhall won't be filling a Bank Holiday afternoon slot then - so that should, I imagine, make you happy.
  3. Hi Arnie, The answer to, is it a noise nuisance isn't 'yes', it's 'no'. To be a noise nuisance the sound levels have to exceed certain agreed levels and they have NOT. The promotion's testing confirms this and you'll note (despite indeed the hostility by the Officers in the report - a hostility which is totally unprofessional, as I'm sure as a former Cllr you'll agree),the EHO does NOT disagree with these findings. From that one can deduce that the EH's sound tests also confirm no 'noise nuisance' is being caused. The lack of any empirical evidence of noise is why the report had to rely on the ludicrous statements of residents along the lines of "we can't hear each other talk in our living room when the racing is happening"... As for patronising local businesses, I call in at Bobbing MaccyDs every Monday!! Oh and more often than not buy diesel at a local petrol station!
  4. Full set of previews here: http://www.kentkings.co/news.php?extend.246.1 http://www.kentkings.co/news.php?extend.249.1 http://www.kentkings.co/news.php?extend.250.1 http://www.kentkings.co/news.php?extend.251.1
  5. MDL fans may be aware that Layne Cupitt is appearing in the Under 19s championship at Kent in just over a week's time. Can anyone help with info like his date & place of birth; his racing background etc. Need the info. to write a profile on Layne - so need to make sure I'm on the right road and not being led up the garden path. LOL! Thanks.
  6. MDL fans may be aware that Scooter Webster is appearing in the Under 19s championship at Kent in just over a week's time. Would be grateful for any profile info. on the imaginatively named Scooter. Date & place of birth; his racing background etc. Thanks.
  7. And at a mind-blowing total of 142-38 it MUST surely be an all time aggregate score for two league matches in any season in any division ever..!
  8. Hmm, now don't get me wrong I quite like Boris (as I'm sure most people do) so I'm certainly not slagging hinm off over this - but it does intrigue me how a Londoner of such prominence as he is claims to know nothing about Speedway.. Surely anyone of his age with a personal and professional interest in London must be aware that a major sport in London in the post war era (and I mean post war up to the late '70s...) was stadium-based motorcycle racing: ie Speedway? Is Boris also going to claim he's not heard of Greyhound Racing either? The other week I was listening (as I do when I can most days) to Robert Elms' show on BBC Radio London. Now Robert is THE professional Londoner and his show is an amazing barrage of 'stuff' about London, day in day out: there's no other overarching subject: it's ABOUT London. Robert was talking about a place he went, he thought it was in Hackney Wick, when a youngster where some motor sport was going on... What was the sport; where was the stadium.? FFS - well, callers put him right (I got through but didn't get on air!) - that it was Speedway. And Robert then waxed lyrical on the general subject of not knowing much about Speedway..! Amazing how people seemed to have missed the influence of the sport in the capital city..! Like those people who tell the history of Wembley Stadium without mentioning what were, without question, the two sports which attracted the most spectators there over the years, in terms of total annual numbers, Speedway and the Dogs..!
  9. Part One does have a nice photo of the very handsome Dean Garrod on the cover though!!
  10. Not sure why people ask on here when the answers are always here: http://www.kentkings.co/news.php?extend.191
  11. Cheers mate - Stevie Wonder at Clapham Common today (well 'yester-me, yester-you, yesterday' now I guess but only just got home!). I shall be posting my list of gigs at the end of the year don't worry! How are you doing?
  12. Thanx but no it does not. The bullies who infest this Forum are unlikely to find enough mileage in a comment about Duane Eddy to latch onto in their hunting pack way, which drove me away from posting on here - so feeling fairly safe in that regard; and I couldn't resist giving a 'shout out' to one of my favourite pieces of music!
  13. Crayford had Duane Eddy's 'Because They're Young'; and we use this same piece of Twangy Guitar music at Kent Speedway!
  14. http://www.kentkings.co/news.php?extend.173
  15. I remember it was the day after my 16th. birthday and the same evening at Crayford the Kestrels had lost 38-40 in a last heat decider to Leicester in the Inter-league KOC. I ran into my mate Rowan when I got to school the next morningand he told me the news about Tommy. The shock each time something tereible like this happens is just crushing as others have said. I remember I was vwalking around the old Blackbird Rd. terracing in Leicester when they announced over the stadium PA that as well as Vic Harding losing his life the previous Friday (which of course I'd already heard about) Steve Weatherley, involved in the same horrific crash at Hackney, was paralysed. I'd followed Stevie's career from the beginning and the shock led me to actually crumple to the floor there and then. I remember it vividly to this day.
  16. Absolutely. A legend on the track and a gentleman off it - have had the pleasure of meeting him twice. Including at Kent's opening meeting last year when - though he was clearly unwell - he actually looked absolutely fantastic and made it onto the Centre Green to be introduced to the crowd as the greatest of our parade of Greats of Kent Speedway that afternoon. Best wishes to Malcolm and his family.
  17. Not the case. Any customer (and there's been a small number from both clubs...) who have emailed the club have had full and detailed replies promptly sent to them. I said that we will NOT discuss the club on the BSF not because any of the contributors to this particular debate aren't worthy of responses but because the BSF itself is an utterly bankrupt forum - one which condones bullying and has been abandoned by its so-called moderators.
  18. A landmark birthday for my good friend Buzz next month! we miss you out on track mate!
  19. No - because, in case you've not noticed, the club do not (and indeed didn't last year either) deal with the BSF. This Forum is an utterly unregulated website and I'd be surprised if any club had any truck with it - especially after some recent cases of quite disgraceful conduct, including bullying, going completely unchecked by the so-called 'moderators'. All Kent Kings news is on the official website; lively debate on any subject concerning the club and the sport is available and encouraged within rules of decent behaviour (as opposed to this site)on Facebook.
  20. The website has updated clearly that Ben is riding in this meeting, there's NEVER been any suggestion Simon wouldn't and the injuries to Benji & Brandon were reported as soon as they happened. The Kent Kings website is the place to find the news and please see on the following link regarding today: http://www.kentkings.co/news.php?extend.143
  21. No one said professional sport was always full time or could be the only source of income, Rob. Not everyone in professional sport gets paid what Wayne Rooney gets (he's a footballer, btw !)! But 'professional' in sport means that you get paid for it as opposed to amateur (which MANY other forms of motor sport are), where you don't and indeed often pay to compete. And you're right, £10 a point wouldn't even keep my household in wall tiles!!
  22. Speedway is a professional sport - and the National League IS a professional league; the riders get paid, which is the definition of 'professional' in terms of sport.
  23. Hmm, but still seems a difficult one to stand as the record in the circs... I wonder then if Simon's time recorded on Saturday is going to stand now as the new NL record?
  24. Hmm, an interesting item of conjecture so early in the season!! Simon has won a lot at third tier level (eg the Pairs three times) but he's NOT won the CLRC/NLRC so I'd imagine this year that title could well be up there on his agenda..? Benji is a former CLRC champ.
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