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Parsloes 1928 nearly

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Everything posted by Parsloes 1928 nearly

  1. Has Lambert got his correct average yet or is he still on assessed '3.00'? If the latter then as a reserve no R/R would be permissible... If he has now got an avewage would love to know how high it is!!
  2. DOH! Sorry - i didn't realise it was a second lreg of a KOC match!! Makes perfect sense now!! Me stupid!!!
  3. Am sure you're right that one win from the two fixtures a pretty good return from the unusual arrangement of two away matches in one day but surprised at your 'choice'... I'd have thought in the scheme of things a win at Buxton was at least as important as at Stoke if not more...
  4. Seriously you REALLY should've gone to Specsavers!! Well, as you're the man on the 'Streatham omnibus' I can well imagine that you were dancing in the aisles of the Elephant & Castle Hippodrome to that ditty!!
  5. I have literally no idea why 'gustix' thinks this meeting has been 'shrouded in secrecy' - it absolutely has NOT been!!! Like most clubs we issue news via our official website and on there is where you'll find the full team (the Dons team that is...) announced over this weekend I believe. FIVE out of the 7 rode either for the 2002-'05 Dons or were second halfers at Ploiugh Lane during that period.
  6. Might be someone else then - coz the person lived in Stepney & rode for west ham..
  7. Tbh I don't actually understand the question..? You may as well ask, what is the reason for Speedway at all..?
  8. There are three riders confirmed in the team who rode for Wimbledon in the CL days. Andre who rode for the Dons 2002-'04; Chris Mills, in the Trophy team in '02 and Chris Schramm in the CT side in '03. Despite closing as relatively recently as '05, you will actually find it's extremely difficult to find many active riders who rode for the Dons. The likes of Lee Strudwick, Robert Smith, Danny Betson, Grant MacDonald, Scott James and Matthew Wright - all from the most recent Dons league team - are all, surprisingly really, no longer riding. Nor are the likes of Daniel Giffard, Barrie Evans not to mention the older riders like Chris Hunt, Buzz Burrows, Wayne Barrett, Jason Prynne who've all retired from Speedway. So if you think you can do better in putting together a side of current riders who actually appeared for Wimbledon (in the CL days or even previously) then it would be interesting to hear! Your comments about this match being thrown together for 'no reason' are way off the mark and are unnnecessarily insulting to all involved in planning this meeting; and as far as I can tell not viewpoints shared by anyone else!
  9. We've been over this a number of times now! If you honestly can't see the difference between Wimbledon, a club which raced in the CL from 2002 to 2005 and which remains a club with a very large number of dedicated fans and where there's still very active campaigns to get the team back to Plough Lane and Stamford Bridge and Walthamstow which last staged the sport in the early 1930s and early 1950s respectively then tbh I despair entirely!!
  10. Thanks. The gentleman who's my friend's now elderly Dad has lived his whole life in Stepney and Derek Cattle he knows from the estate where they both lived. I've seen the stuff about Derek's Cycle Speedway career but seems that the old Dad believes Derek also rode for West Ham Hammers Speedway club... Did he? Or perhaps he's got a bit confused and it was the pedal-powered version only of the sport that Cattle was the leader of the herd at!
  11. I'm at a loss why you keep questioning that this fixture is on. Let me spell it out..: IT IS ON...! On the 12th. August! It's gonna be Glorious!!!
  12. Look, a meeting has to be arranged some time... Before it is arranged, er, it hasn't been...! So I'm somewhat at a loss as to how to respond to the criticism that one day it wasn't arranged and then next it was, without any "build-up"... I'm going for a lie down in a darkened room!!!!
  13. One thing I know for certain Shrammy never rode a HOME meeting for the Dons... Maybe on the occasion you mention he was due to!!
  14. Thanks for the helpful background about Mr. Taggart's work and standing in the Republic. You are though completely out about Ian. Ian and the fans-run 'Wimbledon Speedway plc' who ran the Speedway from early on in the 2002 season through to the end of 2005 had a perfectly good relationship with the BSPA - there were and are no such problems. You may well be thinking of the less than good relationship (for reasons frankly I can never fathom) between the BSPA and Steve Ribbons - but Steve, though indstrunmental in getting Speedway back at Plough Lane in 2002, had no involvement with Ian or the 'plc' from mid-2002 onwards and wouldn't be involved now either I'd assume.
  15. Chris Schramm's 2003 appearances for the Wimbledon Dons. I thought Schrammy rode a challenge match early in 2002 for the Dons too - but I may have imagined that possibly...?
  16. Important update from Ian Perkin: I have been given a leaflet by Paschal Taggart's legal advisor Diane McLean,which gives all the information about who to contact to help with the campaign to redevelop Wimbledon Stadium as a greyhound venue. Again Diane has indicated that if the plans are approved they hope to discuss with us the possibility of reintroducing speedway to the stadium. She has also asked that she is copied in to any e-mails that are sent in support of the campaign so that they can gauge the level of support for the proposals. I should be grateful if I could also be copied into any e-mails that are being sent (ianperkin@wimbledonspeedway.co.uk) so that I can similarly gauge the level of support coming from speedway fans which will be useful in any future negotiations should the stadium plans get that far. It is still clearly a long shot that speedway will ever return to Plough Lane, but there is no other course available that offers any kind of realistic prospect of a return other than that being put forward by Mr Taggart, so anything that speedway fans across the country can do has to be worth the effort.
  17. A friend of mine's father has been telling her about a Speedway rider from Stepney in the East End of London called Derek Cattle. The only trace I can find is of this person in Cycle Speedway but overall it's a new name on me.. Did he ride motor cycle Speedway - perhaps for West Ham?
  18. And even worse you're calling him Andy when his name's Adam!!
  19. Well yes, I actually noticed the other day that often that site ignores third tier records for riders. No idea why. As for Justin - well I've nothing against the lad but it is foolishness as Speedyguy and now (by a strange co-incidence...?!) gustix claim that he was some kind of a success when at both Wimbledon & Weymouth in the end he HAD to be dropped from the team because not only did he not finish a race he never even left the starting area for several meetings in a row..! Funny you should use the word 'retirement' in association with Justin coz that was the word most commonly associated with his career! And yes, i do remember when he once scored an 18 points maximum for the Dons and beat Eddie Kennett to win the Bronze Helmet!!!
  20. Great news mate! You'll be glad to hear PA probs sorted now so you'll be able to hear my dulcet tones!!!
  21. So will the British 125cc champs meant to be the second half of that BHM meeting now still be on but pushed back to later or rearranged..?
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