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Everything posted by Steve0

  1. Serious question - what top league title has Rob Lyon actually won?
  2. There are 6 teams in the League - you have listed 3(50%) so the other 3 will most likely make up the remaining 50% of matches to be televised - doh!
  3. Good result for the panthers and could even have won it.
  4. Really sad to read about another club closing. It’s not the first and won’t be the last
  5. No they’re not. Eurosport tweeted that the next Speedway will be 7 June on Eurosport 2
  6. Glasgow are streaming their meetings - I believe it is £11.95
  7. Very sad news indeed. 55 is too young. Condolences to his family and friends RIP Jon
  8. Sheffield (or Swinfield ) to win it - in their first season in the top flight
  9. With the year we have just had, can we not just leave the petty squabbles and attempted point scoring for now - NNH!! (No Numpties Here). Just focus on the speedway and be glad that you have a speedway team to support this year!
  10. Speedway would not survive without fans - so unless matches are streamed - it would be financial suicide.
  11. It seems that people rate both riders as much the same or preferring Kemp, How come Kemp is a level 3 then while Rowe is a level 4? Probably fits a team better that way!
  12. Are they having playoffs or using league positions for champions? Playoffs in a 6 team league just sounds wrong.
  13. I suspect air travel won’t be so cheap as it was for a while - as airlines have been haemorrhaging money.
  14. Individual meetings do not count towards averages so 2ndbendbeernut is not wrong - you are just not understanding what he is saying.
  15. Wow - last time we saw him on these shores he was like a mobile obstruction - being overtaken all over the place. COVID-19 has had a big impact if bringing him back
  16. Given that promoters had no income last year with probable costs, I wouldn’t be surprised if they raise the admission to £20!
  17. How do you maintain balanced strength in depth sides? Jettison those at the top and bottom? What incentive would riders have to improve? Even with well balanced teams, some will score more and some less which then means you no longer have a balanced team. If they are watering down the league so that there are less at the top and being replaced with “rising stars” then I wouldn’t expect to fork out the same admission as previously either! I.e. if I pay to see a premier team, I expect to see premier riders.
  18. Q.E.D. I wouldn’t part with the best part of £20 to see them!
  19. You need to get them there in the first place. As an example (and no disrespect to anyone) imagine that you are used to watching Jason Doyle, Troy Batchelor and Rasmus Jensen and then your top 3 riders become Chris Harris, Scott Nicholls and Edward Kennet and you have to pay the same admission. Apart from the die hards, how do you get fans to attend? Remember - value for money.
  20. And that is where speedway has been going wrong for years - people want value for money and if not Speedway, they will get it elsewhere.
  21. I get that he isn’t a popular rider and is a bit like marmite. As for not being much good - that is funny. He is probably one of the best riders in the league now
  22. New school near the Abbey stadium given approval https://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/19011431.new-school-near-speedway-stadium-given-green-light/
  23. Or to put it another way... I doubt Batch would want to ride for Buster at Kings Lynn
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