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Everything posted by Steve0

  1. Turn 2 at the Abbey has always been tricky - I have seen many an incident on that bend and hope Drodz is ok. A good start to the season but it was only a warm-up for both teams so best not read too much into the result. Davey has started well and Morris has only won one race. This new rule about gardening astride their steed is totally ill conceived and will catch riders out all season - old habits and all that. Out of the many stupid rules over the years, the BSPA have excelled themselves with this one! Well done to both teams
  2. Definitely looks like I misjudged Davey. He really is up for this challenge in the top league - hope he maintains this form! He could turn out to be a very shrewd signing rather than the cannon fodder I expected him to be. Glad to be proved wrong!
  3. Not really bothered by the result of this early season opener. The aim of tonight is for the riders to get match fit, get more time on track for their setups and to clear away the winter cobwebs. I didn't think it would be close at BV and that's how it turned out. The same could happen tonight! Swindon's 1-5 are fine and should outscore the opposition - just need the reserves to have a confidence building good meeting. The important goal is to be ready for their first league meeting!
  4. Regarding the bibs, I watched the video of the riders coming down the stairs with Middlo and Ford before sitting at the tables in front of the fans - they looked like a collection of riders and certainly didn't look like a team - very poor indeed from Poole (and Somerset)
  5. I have to agree - I had written him off before a wheel had turned. One swallow does not make a summer but if he can keep it up - he may not be replaced early doors
  6. You’ve got to feel sorry for Tungate who has no chance of gardening astride his bike
  7. The result doesn’t matter - it’s the first meeting of the season to blow the cobwebs away and for the riders to get match fit for the league campaign
  8. They can do it - and have done it with the agreement of Matt Ford - so what’s your point?
  9. Hahaha - they are not identical at all! And much more professional than bibs!
  10. I see (from Twitter) that Darcy is disappointed that Poole won't have team race suits this season.
  11. The Glasgow meeting had great crowds when it was on tv and created a fantastic atmosphere and was an excellent advert for the sport
  12. I can't imagine anyone being against team race suits. Can you imagine putting out a football team with players wearing different strips? When they were first introduced I thought finally the sport was being taken seriously by promoters and to not have them now is a backward step IMHO.
  13. It used to be that you couldn't have a facility for someone who hasn't actually ridden in the team yet - is that still the case?
  14. The only surprise for me is if Davey lasts past the first set of team averages! Happy to be proved wrong but in all the years he has been here - he hasn't improved to hold down a PL place (or even a CL place)
  15. So why not release attendance figures? Something to hide? Creative accounting?
  16. Are you suggesting that Speedway promoters are breaking the law by not paying the required amount of tax?
  17. I didn’t say it was unfair - I said Kurtz was sh!te that night.
  18. I seem to remember Kurtz being poor when riding there for Swindon last season and handed Belle Vue the KO Cup!
  19. Speedway used to be after football as most supported sport in this country - it was certainly in the top 3! Where is it now? What steps are being taken to stop its decline and dropping crowds? Speedway is dying a slow, painful death in this country and without positive steps being implemented, it's decline will continue with only the few diehards left to support it. Unfortunately, the BSPAs solutions have been less than positive : annual dilution of the product, increase in prices, poor schedule planning leaving big gaps between meetings and then many meetings in the same week, too many "guest" riders, long drawn out meetings, too many race restarts and less value for money. The product is great but not enough "bigger picture" long term solutions and too much short term "fixes" as a result of self interest within the BSPA.
  20. Absolutely brilliant - made me laugh
  21. Crump vs Adams - both were terrific riders. Both were good team men and Jason was more successful at individual level and there can be no dispute there IMHO. Who was the better rider? If just looking at WC's won then obviously Jason but it's not that simple. I would have either in my team as number 1 but would go with Adams if I had to choose.
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