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Everything posted by Steve0

  1. Your pub analogy is fundamentally flawed because one pub does not depend on the existence or otherwise of another. - whereas a speedway club does depend on other clubs. No point in being well supported if you have no one to race against. Also, a lot of people tend to pick and choose meetings they attend depending on who they are racing against and what competition it is for e.g. the KO Cup fails to attract the same level of support as league racing and some people do not bother going to see some of the weaker teams either. The business model for speedway is a precarious one in the current climate which is why there won’t be a big queue of interested parties IMHO.
  2. That’s not fair on Lambert - he has many years ahead of him
  3. Ford said last night it was available for anyone to make him an offer. In the current economic climate, there won’t be a queue of people looking to take it off his hands. Speedway as a sport in the UK is on its knees - anyone would be mad to invest in a speedway club - unless they had very deep pockets and were prepared to lose money!
  4. What are those two muppets on about - he was on the white line not over it!!
  5. I see that Nick Morris is still in the Poole team - cheating scumbags! There is no rule that allows this. There is still time for them to sort it out!
  6. You are condoning a blatant breaking of the rules - and you call me a prat?
  7. Good luck to both teams tonight - I just hope that common sense prevails and Poole use a legal guest or RR and I will be one if the first to congratulate them if they get the aggregate win - not with an illegal team though
  8. The rule wasn’t changed - show us the new rule that makes Morris legal to ride at KL!
  9. No - what you have written is fine. However, the thing that is wrong is the use of Nick Morris at KL - surely you see that?
  10. Of course it’s illegal! There is a rule which prohibits this and there can be no justification for ignoring this just because it suits - it totally devalues the result if Poole win! Would you rather not win fairly with a legal team?
  11. If Nick Morris rides for Brady Kurtz tomorrow night then Poole WILL have done something wrong - very wrong - illegal!
  12. ^^^ Just the reaction I expected from SS. I don’t know what there is to laugh about - it’s actually very sad (if it happens)
  13. If Nick Morris rides for Poole tomorrow in place of Brady Kurtz then they will be fielding an illegal team on the basis that a fundamental rule concerning averages is being flouted - irrespective of who has agreed that they can! If they go on to win on aggregate with an illegal team, it will be a tainted victory and Poole will have earned the title “Cheating scumbags” rather than champions! I do hope they see sense and use RR instead or a legal replacement - with a 16 point lead, they don’t need to cheat either!
  14. Ref definitely rooting for the Pirates! Harris touched tapes too and looked to be the same time
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