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Everything posted by Steve0

  1. Yes but they were all riding for KL!
  2. What average would Sedgmen be (he has signed for Edinburgh)?
  3. I don’t think anyone is obsessed - but he is popular with the fans and can easily improve his average. The core of the team should be the same as the last two seasons as they were successful and Rosco needs to understand why the team didn’t turn up for the second half of the season. We also need 7 riders who can score points consistently- as we were a 6 man team all of last season.
  4. Why would we want to buy Batch? You can have him next season and we’ll keep Nick!
  5. Can I just point out that a few seasons ago Swindon wanted to use Adrian Medzienski but he decided to go to Poole. Swindon said he was only available if purchased and not loaned and arbitration decided he could be loaned. So the precedence has been set!
  6. Well he shouldn’t be without Wolves giving permission!
  7. Swindon would be mad to let Morris go anywhere on his bargain average. Given his history with Rosco, I’d like to think he would stay. Swindon will have a new track so hopefully that will be a catalyst for an improved season for him rather than a year away and then saddled with a big average again!
  8. That’s because you are a Poole supporter and rules are there to be broken, bent or twisted - apparently!
  9. The rules strictly forbid any “tapping up” of another team’s assets!
  10. Delaying the inevitable - or prolonging the agony!
  11. That’s why Buster investing in three clubs is total madness - 3x the losses and can only end in disaster!
  12. That’s because he is gash. If you can’t get signed up in either of your home leagues - that speaks volumes (although probably wants too much dosh for his current abilities!
  13. He had the cheek to ride for Swindon again - all water under the bridge and different players now. He isn’t perfect but he did a good job at Swindon last season.
  14. Ok thanks to you and Orlov for clarifying
  15. If they are giving reductions for coming through the NL then Nick Morris would be eligible - wouldn’t he?
  16. I read that he wasn’t returning to Reszsow as he is owed £28K - Swindon Advertiser
  17. Swindon really need to have 2 decent reserves - as last season showed. Zach and Stefan should be the starting point for the team and build from there
  18. Can’t understand why any sane person would want to own and run 3 clubs. He must have very deep pockets - hope he is prepared for the losses! If he does have money troubles along the way then that's 3 clubs at risk! it doesn’t make any sense!
  19. They need to learn that the customer is king and not their current attitude of “use it or lose it”. Listen to your customers, work out how to get there and develop a plan to take the sport forward and look at the value for money. Currently with the promoters it is a bit like Nero fiddling while Rome burns and that is driving more and more people away from the sport - they really need to take what customers they have left seriously to keep them and encourage new supporters!
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