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Everything posted by Steve0

  1. Then you would have had nothing to moan about with your righteous holier than thou attitude that Rick Frost can do no wrong
  2. Apparently so according to the website - 36 pages when all you need is a race card http://www.swindonrobins.co/news.php?extend.1908.1
  3. You not worked it out? IMHO - It was a test to see if Peterborough seriously wanted to use Hans or not and surprise, surprise - they didn't Less than a week to go for my first fix of Speedway 2013 - hope it warms up and stays dry!
  4. You need to remember as well that it was a very wet year last year (we had 21 postponements home and away) so that is bound to have had a major impact on cash flow - new sponsorship or not!
  5. You can believe whatever you want but it is a FACT that he signed on 1st March So you reference a non existent tweet and an MC decision that hasn't been made public - show me either/both and I bet I will get neither. Punished for what exactly? Signing a rider who wasn't already signed when there was no other team place available for him elsewhere - good luck with that one
  6. You can put forward whatever drivel you want but the fact is that Batch signed on 1st March !
  7. With no problems? Tell that to PUK, Hans and Batch Apologies to KL fans for further infecting their thread!
  8. Wooden spoon for your stirring skiddely?
  9. I made one comment about irony - I can't help it if panthers fans set off on one
  10. Selective memory again! It isn't the same situation at all - as has been posted many times already. Swindon wanted to use Batch the year you are referring to - so that is why Peterborough were made to buy him. This time round, Peterborough do NOT want to use him which is why he should be available on loan!
  11. And what has that to do with you? FYI I come from Glasgow too!
  12. Why would that be if any interest to you?
  13. Some people are hard to please! It is in black and white on the BSPA website and also under team declarations - what do you want? A personal letter to you from the BSPA? Swindon started negotiations on 1 March when clubs are free to sign on loan any rider not signed up - what are you planning on fining them for? Following the rules? Can you just point me in the direction of this MC ruling you keep referring to?
  14. Yes - great news ! Also details on BSPA website and on Swindon website at http://www.swindonrobins.co/news.php?extend.1901.1 Happy Days! Think you're wrong in your assumptions there skiddely (as now confirmed) although you are right about probably not heard the last of this saga!
  15. Why wouldn't they? If both clubs have agreed a loan deal and Batch fits the last piece of the jigsaw within the points limit - what's the problem now? You're a glass half empty type person aren't you?
  16. Latest Batch update http://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/sport/speedway/10262831.Batchelor_seals_Robins_return/ Lets hope everyone can move on
  17. How many loan riders are Peterborough using? Snap - it's 3!
  18. :rofl: Pirates versus Panthers? Now that has made me laugh
  19. Remind us all again - what did Peterborough win last year? A bit disrespectful referring to the reigning EL champions as you did - jealousy appears to be all consuming for you
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