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Everything posted by lastword

  1. Apparently the winner of this competition gets a diamond worth ***?zlotys. Any bets on the chances of that actually happening? EDIT: Didn't this competition which was scheduled to be over five rounds only go to two? An example of local politician jumping on the speedway bandwagon in Poland and coming unstuck?
  2. Dream on. Really hope that Robins fans will have a team to support in 2019 but the way things are going it could be a Reading situation all over again.
  3. Hi, Mike, Question. In a sport that remains so secretive about attendance figures can you tell us where you obtain the figures in your post? Genuine question, not in any way a criticism. Cheers.
  4. Just to keep the record straight,the collection was in aid of the Speedway Riders Benevolent Fund not specifically for Dan. Although hopefully Dan's injuries may have swelled the coffers a bit more than normal.
  5. Regular speedway fans will recognise that the 'people queuing to get in' excuse is often used to disguise something else. It was obvious that the track had not been prepared to the liking of the home management because Mark Lemon was out on the track on his own at 7.20pm with a rake!! The usual interviews with the respective managers took a back seat. In the early exchanges the track provided sub 60 second times, but wasn't at its best in providing chances to pass. Constant 'tractor racing' all the way through gradually provided a surface that served up some of the amazing races normally associated with the NSS.
  6. Found it, thanks https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/historic-belle-vue-dog-track-14892590
  7. Could you give us a link to this news, please. Are you saying planning permission has been applied for, or that it has it been granted?
  8. Don't really understand how you can get the full experience of a speedway meeting without filling in a programme. Still, each to his own...... But if you want to try it without any cost go onto the Speedway Plus website (http://speedwayplus.com/) where you can create your own race card and it doesn't cost you anything. (League matches only)
  9. Impressive. Usual practice in Poland to publish these rounded up/down figures which have always seemed a bit suspect to me. I did notice that the Torun v.Leszno on May 18th attendance was given in the Star as 5000. If that is correct the management at Torun must be worried.
  10. Just seen on the Leicester website that they call today's condition 'a dusty track' OK, they want to look for excuses for such a dismal performance but it does Simon Stead (was it his quote I wonder?) no credit to suggest a dusty track was to blame. Fact: The track staff did a terrific performance to ensure that the track was NOT dusty. Sorry Simon you need to look elsewhere for your team's showing rather than criticise the Belle Vue track staff.
  11. If that is intended to be a dig I think such criticism from Buxton is laughable. (Get up to Buxton when I can but from what I have seen 2 hour plus meetings are a regular event there). Irony alert!! One of the breaks in racing today was a presentation to the track staff (from a referees poll?) that gave the tractor team a mark of 99.98% over the season!! Yes, it did go on for a time but on a scorching day there wasn't one heat that generated any dust to speak of. And the racing was out of this world!
  12. Can't really argue with that idea, but it should be noted that Belle Vue got in first as they named their 2017 end of season club awards as 'The Maugers'.
  13. Hi,Phil, As a regular at Aces meetings I agree that the attendance appears below expectations. But do you have access to attendance figures or are you just taking a guess?
  14. Has only had one ride (4 laps) in Poland over last 3 weeks. Was in Wroclaw declared team on two occasions but only given the one ride. (Polish rules allow this).
  15. I hope that was meant as a compliment to Dan's performance tonight rather than a dig at Cook. Dan is certainly a terrific talent and that heat 15 tonight just proved it. Amazing to watch his confidence on a bike! But I am sure his support team will keep his feet on the ground and let him progress at his own pace. As for Craig only time will tell. He has been around long enough to know you are only as good as your last meeting,especially in Poland. First outing for his Polish side resulted in a four point score from four rides so work to be done there.
  16. Looks like SPEEDWAYFORALL has been closed down. https://twitter.com/SPEEDWAYFORALL
  17. Absolutely agree! I find the coverage of the overseas scene first class. Thanks to the Star I can hold a half decent conversation about Finnish speedway! And for those few people who don't want the grasstrack news (I am not among them) you should be grateful that you aren't buying it back in the 50's when it included pages of ice hockey (!) news.
  18. Just seen that Drozdz is listed in the Wroclaw team that ride a match tomorrow.
  19. Starke signed on 28 day contract. I don't think that this means that Drozdz is necessarily expected to be out for that long.
  20. Just seen this debate for the first time so forgive me if this has already been stated, but on the plans it seems to indicate a speedway track of 320 metres.
  21. Wright makes it clear in an article in last weeks Star that he will be back at Somerset.
  22. Having read this post I now expect the matter to be covered with the same degree of condemnation in this week's Speedway Star, rather than be buried on this website.
  23. Looks like it may be KK for the Aces in 2018? Watch this space. (Cook evening at NSS ) (As for meeting Lemon.............isnt he still in Australia?)
  24. I think you are being a bit (?) harsh. OK it's easy to sit here with our great new stadium and especially the new track and dismiss all that went before as poor. Truth is that Kirky Lane saw some great racing at times. Those of us who saw virtually all the home meetings down the 27 years we were there will point to classic racing from the Morans, Jason Crump and lots more. Yes, the stadium did seem pretty basic at best towards the end of our tenancy there but those of us who were there at the start in 1988 can look back on some terrific racing at the place. It would be a shame to dismiss all those years as poor just because we have now got it so good.
  25. First of all let me say that I was/am one of PC's fans. Not just watching him race but for the great job he did keeping the club alive back in 1988. Without PC there would be no Belle Vue Speedway. Having said that I am disappointed with the article in the Star. Firstly that PC should effectively wash dirty linen in public, and with the Star for stooping to this level of journalism. This business regarding free passes to former riders reared its head some time ago I understand;but it remained in the background. How it resulted in a 2 page spread in the Star I have no idea. I must assume that it was at PC who approached them with the 'story'. Whatever the history, I have to say that it doesn't reflect well on PC himself. Whilst having some sympathy for his opinions on the matter it does him no credit for airing it in this way.
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