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Everything posted by lastword

  1. It's getting a bit gloomy out there..............for the cameras anyway.
  2. I almost already regret suggesting this, but was the EF of red in heat 17 useful to the leaders in preventing a joker by the blue team? Apologies to Ebsjerg if I'm wrong!!
  3. Who's arguing? Just saying that I'm as confused as anyone, so given up filling in the prog. (Sorry, Paul, thanks for your efforts as usual). PS: I really don't like 4 team events as a matter of policy!
  4. I've got wbyr for heat6, and rbyw for heat 9. That gives me 16 13 13 12. Different to graphics man as well as you lot, but I am trying to multitask!8bywr
  5. I know it was tongue in cheek, but after last night's events.................oh the irony!
  6. Yep, great commentary. Puts some of the more familiar commentators in their place.
  7. Well, my intro to speedwaytv.tv has proved to be a flop. Although I am getting the stream, half their 'screen' is obscured by other site graphics. tried it on two separate computers and get the same problem.. An email will be sent!
  8. Quick question about speedwaytv.tv I've paid for my sub like a good boy, and that was easy enough, but can anyone tell me whether they get a half obscured screen when they access their home page at the moment? Still 40 mins to kick-off I know, but just checking.......
  9. Hi, Dave, Re Tomas H. Jonasson, I think you will find that although he was announced as a double-up rider for Belle Vue in 2008, he never actually rode for the Aces.......................................( Don't bet the house on it, I could be wrong (it has happened )
  10. Two races on the trot that Matej has fallen foul of a ref. Heat 15 at KL last night and his first ride tonight.
  11. When you click on 'helle programmet' (full program) you get this, which is different to the home page listing............ Mandag d. 02/09 08:30 Speedway Liga: 2 DM Finale i Speedway, genudsendelse 12:00 1 X 2 - Alt på spil, premiere 13:00 SPORTEN KORT 14:55 Reserveliga: Brøndby IF - FC København, direkte 17:00 SPORTEN KORT 17:30 1 X 2 - Alt på spil 19:00 Speedway Liga: 2 DM Finale i Speedway, genudsendelse 21:30 3F Liga - Kvindefodbold 22:30 SPORTEN KORT
  12. Thought I saw a funny looking bloke outside the house today...... turned out to be selling double-glazing. (He said!!)
  13. I use Sopcast for football as well, and over the weekend have lost broadcasts too. Just switch to alternatives usually, though there tend to be far more than for speedway coverage.
  14. OK, get it now...........but no I still haven't got one and I am in the UK..........so go figure. Maybe Stockport is exempt!!
  15. I'm happy with that, especially on the small screen with SpotoweFakty in the background as my score-sheet (sorry, Paul)
  16. Any news of weather in Tarnow? Some weather forecasts seem a bit gloomy to say the least.
  17. In case there are any who were as puzzled by heat 13 as me, it seems that the race result was ignored and the score allocated 3-3. Sportowefakty has it like this: """" The leader of the guests was Nicki Pedersen , who won thirteen points. After eleven mesh obtained Nicolai Klindt and Patrick Hougaard . Unusual situation to have occurred in the last race of the day. The great battle for victory fought Pedersen and Kildemand, but the manager showed flag signaling the start run after the third lap. Due to the maturity of the darkness, running has not been played, and in accordance with the rules of league has been recognized as a tie.""""
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