after reading these posts thank god fans don't run speedway , seems some think when his parents emigrated to oz he should have told them I want to go back to the uk at the age of 3 !, some gonna boo him at the Cardiff GP even though he's this countries only chance of having a speedway world champion for the foreseeable future , best British rider but shouldn't be in our World Cup squad because he isn't riding in the British final ! Don't see the moto GP boys or Wsb boys riding in the BSB , don't think the get booed at the British rounds . If British riders were as good as Woofy then they would probably be making the same decisions as him , fact is he's light years apart from them . We should celebrate we have a British multi world champion and the fact that he is a multi world champion gives the sport a higher profile than riding in the British final does in fact him not being in the British final has raised the profile more of our sport than him being in it would