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About Butch

  • Birthday 05/22/1969

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    Civil Servant

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    Cradley speedway, drinking, music, drinking, football, drinking, women, drinking

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  1. Manchesterpaul.. please don't think i'm having a pop at you! but when have speedway promoters or governing bodys ever given a flying proverbial about the fans? The track may be sorted out, if it is then backs will be patted and hands shaken, if it isn't no one will ever take the blame, it will be no ones fault, but who pays.... we do! speedway has always taken from the fans and never given back!
  2. I am disgusted that Odsalboy feels the need to apologise, nothing malicious was said, we have freedom of speech in this country, it's the law, if Sheffield speedway don't like it, they should go and do one!!!
  3. Just read the comments by Odsalboy, nothing wrong there, just read he's been slated "publicly" at Sheffield ... Very bad move by the person concerned, legal implications! When are people going to learn we all have opinions and we are allowed to voice them?
  4. Me talk crap? I'm trying to make the point that too many experts, who stand on the terracing are making comments about a dangerous sport on a dangerous track, when they have no idea what it's like to ride one of these machines in any conditions!
  5. Your such an expert, how many times have you raced at Kirky lane? I've asked twice now!
  6. When did you last race competitively at Kirky lane?
  7. I' m not having a pop about the curfew I didn't know what it was. Your right about safety but surely common sense has to be a part of the decision.
  8. If it's 10:30 fine, but it's a bit strange how tracks who have houses further away than bv are set at 10pm! Despite the curfew the ref has obviously never been on a bike, they were falling like dominos and that's the main issue, rider safety wasn't taken into account for ALL riders!
  9. The curfew is a bi-law, the referee or the promotion of belle vue could possibly be fined or charged with breaking the law!
  10. Having read various comments about the state of the track, the number of accidents and the curfew being broken, the ref seems to have overstepped their authority on safety and the local law! Curfews are put in place by local councils and they are a planning condition, this has been abused and can potetionaly revoke the stadium licence. The scb need to make refs accountable for their over inflated opinions of themselves and what is right in law and not in their god like hands!!!!
  11. Having read various comments about the state of the track, the number of accidents and the curfew being broken, the ref seems to have overstepped their authority on safety and the local law! Curfews are put in place by local councils and they are a planning condition, this has been abused and can potetionaly revoke the stadium licence. The scb need to make refs accountable for their over inflated opinions of themselves and what is right in law and not in their god like hands!!!!
  12. Sorry!!! for a moment there i thought that maybe the BSPA, BSI or FIM were thinking of actually entertaining the paying public for the large amouts of cash that they make out of us each meeting!
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