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Everything posted by Najjer

  1. Ah that's good then, it won't effect any speedway meetings in this country.
  2. A highly uninspiring option too. Every attempt should be made to accommodate Bellego in my opinion.
  3. My mistake - I had his figure from his Ipswich matches! Would require one more change to make Bellego fit then.
  4. Not sure why Aspgren never came back, as he was quality. Presumably as you say flights and costs etc. What about Bellego? Absolute mustard at the OTA, there is few better!
  5. No idea on averages and if he even fits, but I thought he was fairly settled with a Polish team too? Again my knowledge isn’t what it once was with who rides where and when. A real shame there is no BWD as he was the one of the few glimmers of light in this team and will put a huge dampener for many Somerset fans. Hopefully they manage to find someone suitable and not a duffer. I could see Stoneman being bombed out also for a couple of second strings.
  6. I didn’t go all of last season and unlikely to go this year.
  7. Who said anything about it being ground breaking? I merely suggested it was a good idea and teams that haven’t done should follow suit with the same idea.
  8. What a great idea with the racesuits. Forever and beyond promotors have whinged and said how much they cost (as proven before, isn't a great sum of money), well this is a great way of involving fans and sponsors whilst covering the costs too. I see no reason now why other teams don't follow this idea up now and launch a similar campaign themselves.
  9. I wonder why this has only been brought in for the Premiership and not the Championship?
  10. Good signing in Ellis - but the rest of the team seems underwhelming to me. King and Worrall are good performers at this level but they are still just abit mehhh.
  11. Championship should take priority on good Friday as it’s outside of the chosen race nights for the Premiership.
  12. 100% spot on. As a matter of fact, I started attending speedway when Somerset were in that bottom tier all those years ago.
  13. That is exactly right, I don’t anymore and that is why I didn’t attend all of last season - as I felt I no longer got value for money. Years ago I used to follow Somerset home and away, travelled to places ranging from the IOW to Edinburgh. I actually think the Somerset promotion is one of the best in the country, but that also underlined how bad some of the others are. This is not just Somerset related but a generic comment, what are promotions doing to encourage people to attend other than relying on force of habit?
  14. Lose what - I’m now in the ever growing group that has already lost it. I loved speedway and still enjoy it but stopped attending when we dropped down a league and I felt I was no longer getting value for money. I’m one of many - forget use it or lose it, what has been done to entice me back and spend £20 every week at speedway and not somewhere else?
  15. This “use it or lose it” saying that I keep reading on here and other speedway circles is a very dangerous game. How about making it more appealing for fans to attend instead of threatening closure if you don’t?
  16. The Oak Tree Arena is a different company to Somerset Speedway, which takes all of the revenue from food and drink sales.
  17. I don’t think there is some big master plan for averages to drop and then someone else has already been lined up. I just think that Somerset have been the financial decision to not spend anymore than X amount and therefore the team isn’t anywhere near the standard you would come to expect a few seasons ago. If that is what they have to do to keep the team afloat, then that is what they have to do. The biggest mistake was not signing Wilson-Dean last season. Why that didn’t happen, I don’t know. He’s now come in on an inflated average that he won’t achieve just to compound the mistake further.
  18. Admittedly only over 4 meetings but he didn't even manage to average 6.00 during that time for Berwick. He's signed on nearly a 7 point average. No value in that for me as his best days are way behind him. I would be amazed if he finishes the season with Birmingham. He will either get injured or just stop fancying it.
  19. Are you? I’d sooner Ellis over Harris and Jonasson is a duff signing.
  20. Great news for Newcastle Speedway! I look forward to hearing what the new ideas are the promotion are thinking of introducing. Hopefully if successful other promotions from around the country sit up and take note too.
  21. Some what embarressing that comment now you're in Division 2
  22. ....or Harris, although that has become the norm for him to club hop constantly chasing the biggest pay cheque on offer to him.
  23. Riders aren't on inflated averages, they are now on their correct average for the standard of the league. Riders averages would of increased even if they stayed at the same level because it would of been impossible for every team to end the season all under 38.00. That is the reason why it changed mid season to be able to allow changes up to a raised total points limit. If you think that was the reason why, then it failed massively. All it resulted in was 2 point riders in teams who shouldn't of been anywhere near them to make the numbers up. I couldn't agree anymore on your last point though.
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