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Everything posted by rusky

  1. I wouldn't be shouting about that......Only kidding Clive.. :wink:
  2. Courtesy of Graham Brodie comes news that the FIM have released an Android / Apple App for the Ice Gladiator series More details at: http://www.fim-live.com/en/fim/the-federation/isg-app/
  3. Completely agree with SCB. The concept of the site is very good, but the performance is appalling, and on many occasions is downright unusable. If you can sort these issues it will be a useful resource.
  4. For what its worth, I firmly believe that speedway in the UK desperately needs to get back to having a high number of Friday > Sunday tracks. There is a desperate need to get youngsters interested in watching live speedway. My daughter loves speedway but hardly ever gets to see it live, as being 12 years old she can't go to speedway on a school night. The local track to where she lives only operates on a Wednesday night, and annoyingly there are never local Bank Holiday meetings nowadays either so we really are limited to school holiday times, or indeed Cardiff for the GP
  5. Have to agree with you there Tony. It was a pleasure to have known Vi over the years. Thoughts are with all members of the Littlechild family at this time...
  6. Kurt Petersen ? Danish tuner who was about in those times ?
  7. And of course its once a fortnight ( but regular), so over a season becomes cheaper still
  8. Only on some Rob. And those ones were restricted view this year too.
  9. Olsen didn't do the Prague track - Tomas Topinka is your man there
  10. A very specialised Motor Insurer (especially kit cars & modifieds), and a reasonably large employer in West Norfolk http://www.adrianflux.co.uk/
  11. But it is doable HA with a bit of planning. Went over with Tomas Topinka to Vojens for the Gold Bar back in 1996. We left straight after the meeting, went to King's Lynn to drop off the dirty bike and get a clean one, and then straight up to Bradford where we were there by 5PM for the Bradford Vs King's Lynn meeting.
  12. But the Fizzy was a lay down Grachan - bending the rules again....lol
  13. They were a lot more consistent, and didn't need anywhere the constant adjustments of a cable based system. They were also far more resilient in the unfortunate case of an accident. Both Dennis & Henka also liked the feel of them compared to the cable systems, and over a lifetime would possibly of been a cheaper option than cable systems
  14. Henka Gustafsson was using them back around 1989..... With the hydraulic clutch he was dynamite out of the start, and at the time he was developing them with Mikael Blixt, and he made every gate in the 2 or so meetings before they were banned, At the time he and Dennis Lofqvist were the only riders to have them. There were lots of riders who wanted them at the time, but they weren't readily available.
  15. Growing up watching the King's Lynn Stars on a Saturday night at Saddlebow Road, there were riders who never seemed to turn up. Maybe my memory was playing tricks, but there were 2 who never seemed to come, namely Barry Briggs & Ivan Mauger, yet they always seemed to make an appearance in Germany on the Sunday afternoon. There were also a significant number who did not take part in the second half on the flimsiest of excuses.
  16. Standard practise, in the event of a failure another test is run - a B sample if you will, and the lower reading is taken as the accepted reading. I'm sure that this will be what happened in this case, especially given that everybody else tests passed
  17. Problem comes that numerous other people, riders & officials, all passed the test that was administered by the same official with the same equipment whereas Darcy failed on multiple occassions
  18. There has been speedway in this stadium before (1991 if memory serves me right), when Graham Drury & Ian Thomas took a number of riders there. These riders were there as part of the opening celebrations for that stadium. There was a good crowd there for an evening of mixed events. The track was small, and built on clay so was quite difficult to ride, but there was some reasonable racing. As I remember it was a reasonable distance out of Barelona centre.
  19. Think you mean 'Clearly having a whole day to re-hydrate is more than enough for all riders, except one when the meeting is rearranged for the afternoon when the testing is done earlier, ' given that other riders and meeting officials all passed the test
  20. The irony is that the reason for closure is the cost of refurbishment. If that stadium needs refurbishment they probably better hadn't look too hard at any of the stadiums here in the UK....
  21. I too am a little confused by the use of Go-Pro camera's and the like. A few years ago there was the rage of putting Shark fins onto helmets, and I'm fairly sure they were banned on safety grounds. I would of thought that cameras were similar in context to the shark fins. You would definitely think that the camera mount could be considered as altering the structure of the helmet....
  22. HA, I can assure you that if being Race Director was a few days, every 2 weeks, for half a year Tony would not be stepping down !!! To do this Job to the level that Tony has committed to is pretty much full time from early March to late October, the bit between, could realistically be considered as few days work, every 2 weeks (definition of a few, probably 7 or 8 days). The amount of documentation that surrounds these events is phenomenal, and is extremely time consuming on its own. Whoever follows Tony has a hard time in store for them - it is certainly not the easy ride that many think. Ghostwalker, Do really believe that the track racing clubs will break away ? This rumour has been doing the rounds as long as I can remember (measured in 10's of years). I really don't think that the riders in particular would want the international isolation that would most likely come with that, if it did come together. I for one have my doubts - as do many others.
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