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Everything posted by rusky

  1. I hear what you are saying, I just believe (As did several people stood near us) that the crowd was not good, and could of been better. Another quick question, are there normally rubbish bins at the EOES ? There seemed to be a major lack along the back straight. Funniest moment of the day....The announcement for the BSPA members to go and get their (free ?) buffet, and the announcement for the owner of a Subaru registration TO 06 OOD to move it else it would be towed away - would that be Mr Toogood ?
  2. Well we did go to this meeting, and I have to say that there was some good racing when we could actually see. The dust was absolutely appalling and the track certainly could of done with more preparation in that department. I for one thought that he crowd was dire given the status of the meeting, and the weather. I couldn't believe how few cars were in the car park at 13:45, and by the look of it only 2 coaches. The stand was at most only 2/3 full and the back straight had acres of space. I guess the promoters will be disappointed with the crowd, and would of expected more
  3. If you were a King's Lynn fan in the late 70's early 80's you would not agree with this statement. Being a Saturday night track, top line riders were quite often missing at Saddlebow road. If it wasn't a world championship qualifying round, World Team Cup round, Longtrack Championship round, lucrative Continental grasstrack, lucrative Continental Longtrack depriving the King's Lynn crowd, it was a very unusual Saturday. It was pretty much the same as today in that there were riders who would turn up regardless, and those who you knew would not
  4. Notice that Henka & Simon are 6&7 for Kumla so will be riding as a pair. This will make Henka very happy I'm sure, I remember him telling me a few years ago that he would continue riding until he had spent some time riding with Simon.....I'm not suggesting that he will retire in anyway, just a passing comment he made
  5. The bottom end is all wrong for a Bellini, that was what was confusing me at the time. Flemming has been doing engines for Rune Holta for many years now so it would be logical that he is using one. Flemming has a wealth of experience on the mechanical front and would I would suggest make a good job of any engine that he designs. It certainly looked quick enough last night !!
  6. That will explain it then.....I couldn't work out what Motor Rune Holta was riding in last nights European GP. You have to say that was a pretty good debut for a new engine....well done Flemming
  7. Not sure Jason was the first, maybe the first for that particular brand ? I'm sure that Tony Rickardsson had been using similar devices by one of his sponsors, Ohlins for sevaral years now. Whether they were as complex as Jason's I'm not sure
  8. Thats right Elisabeth was sister to Anders. If I remember she had a florists in Stockholm. They both had some practice rides at King's Lynn in the late seventies, when there always used to be pre season training at Saddlebow for Swedish teams. I remember it quite well as it was the first time I had seen female riders, and Rickard Hellsen & Tommy Nilsson were talking to me about them at the session. I'm not 100% on Marie Wall. She was the only female name that I can remember from the time apart from one of Ove Fundins daughters who rode. I can't remember her name and I'm sure its not her, as she had quite long curly hair, and looked thinner in the face.
  9. One particular picture Bernt Persson, dont know the name of the girls - can anyone help? Think the one on the left could be Elizabeth Michanek, and the one on the right Rosemary Wall
  10. spanner47, you will not be dissapointed. It really is a scenic little island. It really is very different, and its easy to forget that you are 'half way to Russia'.Whilst you are on the ferry, try talking to the Destination Gotland crew about speedway. Many of them are big Bysarna fans, and are regular visitors to the track, when time permits. I'm sure you will enjoy your visit
  11. Sorry Searley, but most people would not agree with you that he would have reached the final. As far as reserves go, thats exactly how Mr Kennett managed to get to the semi, as he was drafted into the 1/4 final when the Russian couldn't get a visa, and did well enough from that meeting to qualify. However he didn't do enough from the UK qualifying round to reach the 1/4 final.
  12. This is at best, laughable Chris, we are comparing Leigh Lanham who apparently only ride one track (at the highest level in the UK, by the way), to Edward Kenett, who apparently can ride more than 1 track ( not at the highest level in the UK). There can be no doubt, that if he wanted it, Leigh Lanham should have been given this chance, as he fully deserved it by finishing in a higher position in the qualifying meeting.
  13. Excellent coverage Anders, and with the updates on speedway.nu, just what we have come to expect from Sweden. Your work is much appreciated by those of us in the UK with an interest in the Swedish Leagues. Thank You
  14. At the end of the day, the promoters cannot make any desicion on a meeting once it has started. Discussions to abandon should be between the Riders / ref & C of C. The situation of promoters getting involved will always cloud the issue, with undue pressure being applied for financial reasons.
  15. Sorry Steve, we are going to have to disagree on this one. From where I was sitting, the track did not look at all good, and the way the riders were 'spinning up' in the turns, suggested that it had been made with a very hard base so that the water couldn't soak in, and any water applied (naturally or otherwise) just sat on the top, and effectively turned to ice, as commernted on by numerous riders in the interviews.
  16. Quite right Lupus, If the track had been in a good ( Not Slick, not over watered) condition at 15:29 then the situation would have been recoverable to a satisfactory degree, and the ELRC would have stood a chance. If there was a heavy duty grader available, why wasn't it used ? Maybe there was a Grader, but no new shale to put down ?
  17. I have to say that I agree with you 100% on that one HenryW. If the levels of rain had been as described, and if there had been no watering past 15:30, the ONLY explanation was that once again we were going to be presented with an Ole Olsen track. The equipment on display whilst they were trying to repair the damage to the track, suggested that available equipment was basic in the extreme - not really a good reflection on Poole/BSPA (delete as appropriate). As far as blaming the riders, I think that is plain daft. The discussions between the riders/ Clerk of the Course / Referee on SKY showed quite clearly that the riders were coming out to race (not ride) on the proviso that it didn't start raining again. We all saw what happened, and I can't believe that the riders can be held responsible for the meeting being abandoned. The clerk of the course intimated that everything possible (with limited resources ?) had been done on the track. (By the way, I am intrigued what H&S would make of the guy's tryong to manhandle the bag of sawdust - a definite lack of appropriate equipmet, and hence a risk assessment) IF blame has to be aportioned to what was yet another fiasco really, then I would say it should be Weather 20%, Riders 20%, organisers 60%. Does anybody think that we should have another topic entitled ' An open letter to the organisers of the 2006 ELRC' ?
  18. Absolutley sure that we are all awaiting the verdict from all the Poole fans on the lack of aptitude for track preperation for todays ELRC. Have a look at post #23 on this thread, for the alternative (and many would say more realistic) thoughts on Pooles track preperation. Match Report
  19. Have spoken to Niklas last week, and he has indeed signed for Brokstedt, and is looking forward to riding for them in the bundesliga. At this time he wasn't sure which meetings he was going to ride in. As an side, if you have Microsoft Map Point 2004 (or maybe Autoroute), and do a 'find' for Neuenknick one of the options it will come up with is Speedway-Club Neuenknick, complete with all details including phone number. Its the only speedway track that I have found on Map Point, so I say well done to the club.
  20. The only other option would be Bent Rasmussen, but the rider in question looks 'too tall', and I don't remember him having a dark Bell Moto helmet, but he did have a white one.......Doesn't look like his bike either Does that make me 'anorak of the day' ?
  21. 206 John Smith in Baseball cap, John Eglese in the White jumper, ?? 210 Billy Sanders, John Louis (?), Lance King, Alan Grahame 213 Rickard Hellsen in White (on somebody elses bike, but I don't know whose), ??
  22. 133 Phil Collins, Steve Regling , Kevin Jolly 134 John Louis, Eric Monaghan 135 Jan Andersson 136 Jeremy Doncaster, Andy Grahame, Kenny Carter (or maybe Kelvin Tatum ?)
  23. This is not something that will be unique to the UK. The various FMN's and their tecchnical teams having been talking about this for some time now, and it is an ongoing scenario. There are ongoing tests of these machines by the FNM's and their technical members. There are very real concerns, from various FMN's that 2 stroke engines may well be banned soon on environmental grounds, and that something had to be done - the 250 was the most appropriate solution. Obviously there had been concerns about potential accidents, and the possible ramifications of that, for juniors on 500's. As I understand it, this class is being taken up by the FIM, and my guess is that there will be a 250 championship of some description in the future. As for expensive rule changes at short (if any) notice, welcome to the world of speedway from the other side of the fence. As you are no doubt aware, there has been major issues regading carburation regulations, which would have made over 80% of the carburettors in use in the GP series illegal, at a moments notice. You may have noticed that the results of the recent ice semi final in Inzell were not made official for several days, for this very reason.
  24. Another one from the seventies......King's Lynn had Adi Funk, Austrian champion riding for them. He had been having a rough time machinery wise, and his riding partner, Michael Lee lent him a bike for a meeting. The stars had recorded a 5-1 with Adi being superbly team riden by Michael. After the race Michael did a practice start on the back straight - just as Adi was turning round. End result was a big crash, and 2 completely totalled Weslake machines, and lots of shiny blue fibreglass all over the place....Shortly after this, I think Michael started to use the plastic Preston Petty mudguards that were to be come a bit of a trademark for him
  25. I put it at 82 -83, but couldn't just remember which.......I can't remember where else we went, other than Lynn, but the Newcastle match was the one that stood out for me. There was also Tommy Nilssons immaculate Bertil Andersson tuned Twin Cam Jawa. He used to pull 'silly' gears compared to everybody else, but boy, did it go, and it sounded so good, especially on a big track like Lynn
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