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Everything posted by psycho3a

  1. I understand promotion don't call it off but they advise travelling supporters of the weather situation.. Never did they tweet rain had got heavy and meeting was in doubt and inspection planned at 7
  2. MEETING OFF| Tonight's referee has called off the meeting v Rye House. Apologies for any inconvenience folks. We are as disappointed as you. That's a poor shout by the promotion in the earlier tweet.. Glad I didn't risk the 80 mile round trip.. They need to be honest
  3. Fingers crossed you get a meeting, we abandoned it as rain is now hard and I'm not convinced Rye will be competitive.. Hopefully more luck with weather and we will go Scunthorpe
  4. It's now coming hard at junction 28 of m1 , any updates appreciated
  5. Whats weather doing ?? its just started very light rain in Derbyshire
  6. Spread for round 2 Warsaw Saturday 14th May start time 6pm UK time NKI 8 - 10 - £20 More Pawlicki 5 - 7 - £30 More
  7. My Kids a hassling me to take them to speedway but at age 6 and 3 night meetings are out of the question so i thought how about Buxton, Fairly close etc... But then checked the prices... although the website is showing 2015 admission surely thats not correct £12 adults seems steep but then £3.50 per child !! thats more expensive than going to EL Or PL speedway.... or have i missed something ?
  8. Having missed the first round last year and unable to play I'm Back Hancock 12- 14 - Under 15 Zagar 9 - 11 - Over 10 Jonsson 6 - 8 Over 15
  9. New Management structure announced tomorrow... Maybe some involvement for Garry Stead, Andre Compton & Ashley Birks Joint Team managers, commercial managers been mentioned
  10. Jack Holder was a 7.00 assesed last year so surely Jake Allen will be the same ?
  11. I would gamble on Proctor, If you had Steady,Jason Ty and Josh i believe you would hit a minimum of 40 points without TR's on any tracks so would be a play off team minimum.. Luke Bowen anyone ??
  12. The way they have built the team so far i would not be surprised to see 2 English lads... I wouldnt actually be suprised though if they did wait a while and take a gamble on Ty Proctor getting a visa but that would mean a long tail and a very big gamble on ANO or Richard Hall having a very good season
  13. Richard Hall will only be as good around sheffield as his equipment... If he has the same bike and engine as last year he will struggle... He came to Sheffield on a number of occasions last year and beat castanga and sissis so lets not get excited...he was riding a big fast track at Berwick last year and how did he perform ?? You obtain and average for a reason, How many teams has Richard had in the last few years since leaving Sheffield ? why did he leave Sheffield ? Answer he is an under performing and is average is lowering not improving. If he was to start the season on Steadys bike and engine i may be a little bit more positive but still... Even when he had good equipment years ago could not ride away tracks !!
  14. Were do you get BT sport at £9.99 ?? I can only see stand alone for Sky Subscribers without broadband ot tv its £19.99 or £23.99 for HD ? http://www.productsandservices.bt.com/products/bt-sport-on-sky-packages?s_intcid=con_sportoverview_to_skyonly Am i missing a deal ??
  15. Im sure the below tells me differently !! http://www.thestar.co.uk/sport/other-sports/speedway/sheffield-speedway-star-wants-to-return-1-7511962 Tigers will host their end of season party at Hillsborough’s 1867 suite on Friday (7.30) with a big turnout expected to wrap up an eventful year. Sissis will be there before going home to Australia Im sure even if they go with draft riders and a reduced points limit Arthur is worth a gamble
  16. My Money is on Arthur, As he is flying back to Oz shortly they will want him tied up..
  17. I think Simon will return as the New promotion seem a very loyal bunch and Simon was a big help with Josh towards the end of the season. I personally think we can build a stronger team without Steady as you are freeing up 2 points. Kurtz ( B ) 8.73 Garrity 8.46 Proctor 6.68 or Kurtz (T) 6.79 Poole 6.05 or Klindt 5.89 Bates 5.58 Sissis 3.71 Wajknecht 3.00 or Castagna 3.33 42.21 42.49 A good few permutations with Visa's etc if you go with Stead, Garrity, Bates and Sissis (28.16) which i think is pretty much nailed on then you are only left with 14.34 for 3 riders, options then become limited
  18. Will it ? http://www.sheffieldspeedway.co/news.php?extend.1949 Won't it ? http://www.peterboroughpanthers.co/news.php?extend.2630.2
  19. No not confused for Sheffield to be premier league champions they will have 3 away meetings
  20. Neither Brady or Craig are losing out as they couldn't guest after the 31st August .. Good move to have a balance , hopefully they can have 3 consistent away meeting after scunthorpe as they will be fine at owlerton , premier league champions if they perform away
  21. http://www.lynnnews.co.uk/sport/speedway/king-s-lynn-stars-heat-leader-lambert-back-for-robins-clash-1-6922307? Fit just before the signing cut off
  22. When do the Play Offs start ?? I see a lot of teams will conclude there main season in August but a few fixtures in September look as though they will have an impact on the final league table. Cheers
  23. Its says Paco rides for Sheffield, Isnt he in the World under 21's on Saturday ?
  24. For those who park down Sedgley road between the Crown pub and the Church... BEWARE as last week they gave out parking tickets.... Never seen this before but i would imagine it could be a regular cash collector for someone now ... https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.405673,-1.495304,3a,75y,120.77h,74.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_hKC_fioXMcs1lfwcFY5sQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Now then were do i park ??
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