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False dawn

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Everything posted by False dawn

  1. Just to reassure people that I'm on the case. I have been complaining to Wayahead about the lack of tickets as they were promised and didn't arrive. In the end I contacted Benfield and a very helpful young lady, Nic, sorted it out for me. I've now been assured by Wayahead that our tickets will be printed and sent to me within the next few days. Thank you Nic.
  2. Thanks to all those who have sent ticket money, my credit card has come out of treatment now and has stopped hiding in darken corners. As to the tickets themselves, they haven't yet arrived. The publicity at the announcement said they would be available immediately but the agent said they would be sent out sometime during this week. Watch this space....
  3. We're on our way folks. The tickets have been ordered and will be sent out to me next week. We have a block of 28 tickets (2x14) in 2 adjacent rows in N3. For those concerned I'll be in touch with the details by e-mail.
  4. I got your reply Shazzy thanks. Despite our quiet retiring nature, we'll try and make enough noise at the pub so that you'll be able to find us. There is still no word from Robbo or britneyspears about their tickets. If anyone can get in touch with them PDQ, can they do so please?
  5. Apologies. It seems that the e-mail settings from the old forum weren't carried over to this one. Hopefully you can now write to me if I've changed my profile settings correctly.
  6. And before we forget why this thread was started.... I've delayed making the block booking due to the problems with the forum. However, the area we're going into is filling up already. So, can the following people please confirm (by e-mail) their ticket numbers by Monday luchtime. britneyspears Robbo I'll be in touch with everyone concerned as soon as the booking is made. I'm lead to believe we'll get the tickets straight away this year rather than waiting months for them to arrive.
  7. Can I repeat my request to please e-mail your ticket orders to me as well as posting them on here? E-mail confirmations received: Gemini Joanne born_2b_mad diamonds_are_forever Full Throttle Steve Turner Jotrez Addy Norbold Sorry to be picky, but at the very least I need your e-maill address to keep in touch. Besides, several people have posted tentative orders. I obviously need to be sure before making the booking. And to answer a number of postings, as far as I'm concerned you can bring who you want to. The more the merrier.
  8. I am rapidly getting towards the 20 (or more) we need to obtain the 10% discount. I would prefer to book the block as early as possible in order to get the location we want. At the moment it's looking like I'll be ready by the middle of next week at the latest.
  9. I'd be the first to volunteer LW. Trouble is, I have a junior of my own. Seriously, I am aware that there may be a conflict between the block booking discount and the money that can be saved by purchasing family tickets. Be assured that I'll get the best deal possible.
  10. After the successful "school outing" to Cardiff this year, I been asked to organise a similar block booking of tickets for the 2004 event. I'm happy to do it, however can I ask for your help so that this doesn't turn into an organisational (and financial) nightmare for me. 1. Please use this thread only for matters relating to the block booking. There are already other threads running to discuss tickets and the GP in general. 2. Only say you want tickets if you're certain you really want them. I have to buy all the tickets in one go and then recover the money from each of you in turn. I have looked at the details that were published this morning and I would suggest a change from what we did this year. The block we purchased was in M1 overlooking the pits and the first bend. They were £35 (face value) and next year have gone up to £45 with no reduction for children or senior citizens. If we sit slightly further round the first bend we can have tickets priced at £25 or £10 for children and senior citizens. Click here As you'll see from the picture, I propose to aim for N4 as our first choice with N3 next and so on. We need a group of 20 or more to get a discount and the sooner we book up the more chance we have of getting the tickets we want. Post your tickets orders below but also confirm your booking in an e-mail to me please.
  11. Does anyone actually know which ticket agent is selling the tickets? I've tried ticketmaster and wayahead and neither site seems to have any details.
  12. Can I post this, so that you don't get the last word Sir L.? :evil: Seriously, there was quite a good discussion a few pages back about how the sport might take something positive out of a very unpleasant crash. I hope Sky don't exploit the rubber neck idea and used it their credits etc. But the fact that there is video footage from several angles should be exploited by the authorities to understand what happened, why and how to prevent similar crashes in the future.
  13. For my part, I'll say that we're ALL good speedway fans on here. As such no one takes any pleasure or delight in seeing racers get hurt. As to the safety aspects, I have said some things about the airfence design elsewhere. But I will say this. I know accidents are not rare, but such an incidence as this should prompt some kind of official investigation. If it's obvious to us that there may be implications on the way tracks are set up, the design of the fence, the conduct and management of meetings etc. it should be obvious to those with the power to improve those facets of our sport. Was Lukas reckless? Did Greg Squeeze him unfairly? Did the fence play a major part in the outcome? I believe we can only answer yes to one of these questions.
  14. The chances of a "real" deadheat in a GP are quite small of course. Remember that most deadheats, which are rare anyway, are declared based on seeing it happen once. In a GP, the ref can review the video evidence and hopefully split the two riders. Against this, of course, is Sky's silly habit of NOT having a camera in line with the finish line and then trying to simulate a line on the screen. Why do they do that?
  15. A dead heat in a GP.... Is that like a warm day in Cardiff?
  16. Oh I think all the girls in the pictures are attractive. Which website were you looking at Philip?
  17. Can you bring the matchsticks please, Sean?
  18. http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forum/view...2462&highlight=
  19. I know, cos I was there. But we've analysed this to death and still I don't know how to pronounce his name. Is it Evan? or Ivan? Just kidding, Ivy, if you're reading. You are the best ever. This Swedish upstart is still thinking about driving touring cars because he's worried about the opposition. Sorry Tony. You know I think you're the best ever. (I hope Ivan's not really reading this). Time for bed, said Zebede.
  20. Well, I and 19 forum friends (sorry, dear friends) are in M1 hopefully waving a forum banner between rows 12 and 14, If there is a row 13, heaven help them. We are going to be a bit of a nuisance. Sky, please note. We're busting a gut, so give us some air time.
  21. And me [hic! - I'm not driving on Saturday... OR SUNDAY]
  22. Sam's Bar from 2:00pm and then the Prince Of Wales from 4:00pm. Personally, as long as they serve beer, I don't give a chuff.
  23. Well I offered, but they haven't rung yet. 8)
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