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False dawn

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Everything posted by False dawn

  1. The Barry Briggs patented "Double Action Flicker" no less!
  2. Hey, I'm from Mars, same as you Bob! P.S. Silly me, I now see to what you were referring. For the record, it's a quote from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy that I "borrowed".
  3. I did used to like the mechanics bringing the bikes onto the track prior to each race and seeing the riders walk out from the pits. It always had the sense of gladiators coming out to do battle.
  4. How I wish I hadn't! I've now got over 30 years worth of Bees programmes (home and away) plus other major meetings. They're all nicely boxed and happily sitting in my loft. What the devil do I do with them when I move house???
  5. You'll have to be quick. My source of the astonishing aroma is the world of grasstrack and our season finishes this weekend. We all go into hibernation then, till the beginning of March, to avoid the withdrawal symptoms. Footnote: It's the smell of burned methanol that's so appealing. Be careful of the unburned stuff; it causes stinging, runny eyes and nasty feelings in the throat. Not nice I assure you.
  6. If you wanted a close up sniff of that unbeatable smell, I could arrange it. Keep posting choccy and watch out for hustlers on Wordscraper
  7. Funny that. On Friday at Brandon, I was thinking about the Golden Sash competition that used to be run during the second half at Coventry. It was always a chance for the top boys to gain some revenge for defeats during the main meeting and ensured that the crowd stayed until the end of the meeting. The good old days eh? As to the TR/TS debate; it does seem to be rather strange to any outsiders that a rider can be awarded double points just because his team are not doing very well. And to catch up 7 points in a single heat is surely bonkers. The old TS rule seems to me much more defendable.
  8. I was a bit busy and didn't watch all the racing. But it did seem to be a bit bonkers when you had all four on handicaps. Wouldn't it have been sensible to move them all forward so that there was at least one rider at the gate? For the record, I was lined up for my first race of the day (sidecars) and this woman kept waving in my direction. Honestly, I was looking over my shoulder to see who she was waving at (they always go for the younger guys). When I'd eliminated every other possible I assumed she'd mistaken me for someone else so I went over. She took off her sun glasses and I still didn't get it. Then she spoke and the dulcet tones gave her away. If we'd been in the street I'd have walked right past you Krissie, you're looking terrific. Aging in reverse suits you.
  9. Glad you got some pictures Steve, thanks. Martin, who I'd never ridden with before, struggled to find a set up that worked. If you look carefully at the pictures you'll see that the bike wasn't breaking into a slide at all most of the time. Rather it was pushing on making it very difficult to ride. We did manage to change the set up a bit in the later races and found that the very slick inside line lead to too much overslide. Talk about frustrating. But it was good to rub shoulders with the great and the good (including Barry Briggs). Did have a long chat with Sean Wilson and he did confirm that this was his last meeting. He's off to become a full time engine tuner. He admited he's going to keep his bikes and may be seen at Scunthorpe, testing, but his competitive race days are over. So there. If you'd told me 5 years ago that I'd be racing in Ryen Sullivan's testimonial, I'd have said you were out of your tiny. You never know.
  10. Love him or hate him, you can't argue with real class. Trick is the best and he will carry on winning unless the others raise their game. How often does he cruise through the early heats apparently not working that hard? But when it comes to the crunch, having done the work, there's only one race worth winning. If you weren't sure that Tony was working to this principle last night, watch again that first bend in the final. Full out commitment and real joy in victory. He hasn't lost his appetite for winning; some others need to go back to the drawing board. And don't get upset with TR, it ain't his fault he knows how to win. It's like Ole used to say in times past, "The more I win, the more they'll boo me". Of course, Ole had the answer, "The louder you boo, the faster I'll go".
  11. One £32 ticket for sale. 3rd bend. Good company and might even arrange transport if you live in a convenient location (I'm driving there and back on the day from Coventry).
  12. I figure that to leave it a decent period before posting all the incriminating evidence might be appropriate. Besides, I am a touch busy this weekend. As you will know (if you've read the grasstrack section, hint, hint) amoungst other things, I'm trying to get throught the British Masters Qualifier at Ugley on Sunday. So I won't have time until Monday (when I have a whole day to play on here) to load all those lovely pictures someone took with my camera in Cardiff. I still don't remember even being there. But the camera never lies (apart from in my fantasy album) and I'm in some of the pictures. Mind you. At least I had the decency to keep my shirt on. Who would ever pull a stunt like that? Frightening the children indeed.
  13. After landing mine with a bill for over £600, twice in the past 2 years, I nearly didn't have one either. In fact, two years ago, due to a mix up by the ticket agent, I had Barclaycard ring me up to see if there had been fraudulent use of my card! P.S. Thank you all for your appreciation of my efforts. Despite my comments, I was more than pleased to do it. Especially when I saw all of us "playing together" at Sam's Bar.
  14. Let me just be clear. 1. I ain't upset with anyone. My decision to not organise next year's block booking (if there is one) is born out of fatigue (mine and my credit card's) not out of spite. 2. I would be as upset as anyone if this block booking idea dies a death. But I ain't doing it again, sorry. But I will tell whoever what's involved. 3. If we're all sleeping in one room Addy, can I book the side of the (big) bed near the loo?
  15. Did you misspell "message" or did I really miss out?
  16. There's something wrong there Steve. From what I've heard Lt don't need 90 minutes. It's more like France. Score twice in extra time!!!!
  17. I didn't stay, honest. Now my memory of this year's visit is a touch hazy in places. Oh alright, I'm still not sure if I did actually go to Cardiff. But last year is as clear as a bell (funny, I don't remember being this absent minded). So if we're talking about how long the Lt taxi spent at this particular hotel I will need to rerun that night's events. Now let me see.......
  18. Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I have barely got over Saturday let alone organising next year's block booking. Let me tell you honestly. I have done the block booking for the last two years and like Bruce Penhall in 1982, I'm going to quit whilst I'm ahead. No offence, but I ain't doing it for 2005. Maybe it was the way I did it, but it's been a nightmare from beginning (October 2003) to end (1:00 p.m. last Saturday). I'll happily give someone else the benefit of my experience, but it is someone else's turn. I hope you understand guys and galls
  19. Liontamer is a star. He drives me to and from Cardiff (2 years running), doesn't complain and even manages to leave out the bits of the story best left out. [sorry, but you'll have to buy a copy of my autobiography to get the whole story]. Attention Steve Turner, Fd Jr (and Phil but for one less year). I don't think we can impose on Lt's generous nature for a 3rd year running. Next year we'll take him, okay?
  20. Well it's a bl**dy good job it wasn't really me then, but my less handsome, grumpy body double, isn't it? Sorry Krissie, that really wasn't me in Cardiff. Rearrange these words to form a well known phrase or saying: "tree my was of out I"
  21. HER! This is definitely a case for 99's at dawn, with double flakes
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