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False dawn

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Everything posted by False dawn

  1. I was a sidecar passenger. One who started racing at the age of 48. There were many who said I was nuts. Well maybe. But Bryn wasn't one of them. When he commentated at meetings I took part in, he always gave me a cheery introduction and made me feel like a world champion. Thanks Bryn. For that and your incisive debate on our shared love, you'll be missed. Rest in peace, my friend.
  2. A consumate professional commentator at many speedway venues. Bryn has been my friend and fellow sports fan for many years. His commentary at many sidecar meetings I was priviledged to participate in, is something I hold dear. Get well soon, matey. The sport is richer for your participation.
  3. Why confuse everyone anyway especially as we had the Premier League and we now have the Premiership which to the uninitiated must be the same league? Division 1, 2 and 3. Simple.
  4. Can I be boring? (why change the habit of a lifetime, I hear you say).To get back to the original thought, I think you missed out a classification. What about BSF members who've raced there? Not mentioning any names of course.
  5. We can debate the rights and wrongs of the current situation surrounding Coventry Speedway. We can blame or support the key players (not Michael Stokes; he's a hero, no argument). At the end of the day, we just want every club to open their doors next March.
  6. Then they hardly qualify to comment, do they?But then, I do, ultimately subscribe to Voltaire's view that I might disagree with what you say, but I defend to the death, your right to say it. Even if you're wrong 😇
  7. Let's just forget all the problems at Brandon for a moment (I know, I wish I could too). And let us forget all the problems at Belle Vue. Well if you've got past that prerequisite you're a better man (or woman) than me. But just supposing everything with the senior sides at both clubs was sorted. Could either community expect to run a NL team in 2017? The Storm weren't exactly well supported at home last year and I, for one, thought that there was no chance they would be there in 2017. That was of some regret to me because I liked going to the NL matches. Well out of all this adversity the two promotions have come up with a compromise. And for their efforts they get nothing but scorn and critisism.
  8. Good point. Think of it as a team of riders doubling up between The Belle Vue Colts and The Coventry Storm. Not so different really
  9. Not the quite the same, I know, but who would want to watch a homeless Cradley team? Quite a few people it seems.The potential NL audience need some education. Go to a meeting, as a neutral and assess, honestly, what you see. I see youngsters trying their hearts out. Oh I know we get the odd "old crock". But hopefully they are bringing something to the youth that they need in their formative years. If you can't get behind a hybrid team, pick a rider or two. The occasional cheer from the crowd, a flag, a "say hello and well done" in the car park after a meeting means a lot to these lads starting out on a long hard road. Get back to basics and support the grass roots of our sport. Speedway, in Britain at least, has huge problems. But without a home grown source of talent, it's going nowhere.
  10. This is a kind of job sharing. Neither club clearly thought they could justify / support a full home programme so they take half of the "home" fixtures each. Once you get passed what we call the team it makes sense. Fans who are already supporting a Premier League club (we can hope) can support their junior side without going to 2 matches a week, every week.
  11. So let me see if I've got this right.... Brandon Estates own the Stadium. Avtar Sandhu owns Coventry Stox and wants/has a lease from Brandon Estates to run Stox next year and the two years after. Mick Horton owns the speedway rights and wants/has a lease from Brandon Estates to run speedway next year and the two years after. The ownership of the fixture and fittings is in dispute. Avtar Sandhu says they are his and has taken them away. Brandon Estates say they are theirs and have been removed illegally. Given the above, if Brandon Estates begin legal procedings against Avtar Sandhu, I can't see the fixtures and fittings being reinstated anytime soon. I wanted to take an optimistic view of matters after Michael Stokes brokered the latest deal. But this doesn't look good.
  12. Whoops. Apologies to anyone who has attempted to send an email unsuccessfully.michael.stokes@rugby.gov.uk
  13. We're all worried. Half of me thinks I've already seen my last race at Brandon. Nearly half of me thinks I'll never see the Bees ride again.But now is the time to look forward with some optimism. We have a lease for next year. We have a team and not a bad one in my opinion. Yes we need some promised work to our beloved stadium. But we have a couple of things on our side. We have a promise of a restored facility. I will not debate the honesty or motivation of those involved. I will accept the veracity and efforts demonstrated by my candidate for man of the speedway year, Mr Michael Stokes. He holds considerable power but wields it with a gentle hand behind the scenes. We already owe him a massive debt of thanks for getting us this far and we still have some hope for the future. Please do one small thing. You all love the sport and I know none of you, Bees fans or not, want to see the end of Coventry Speedway. Write a 3 line email to Mr Stokes expressing your thanks for his efforts thus far. It will help michael.stokes@rugby.gov.uk
  14. Three times British Champion and now he drinks a lot of beer and has his own intro music. Sorry people. It was off topic but it was meant to amuse you. On topic, I read the Coventry Telegraph article about the search for a new site with interest. The search seems to be progressing in earnest and Mr Sandhu says he's committed to building a new stadium. I know what most of you are thinking but maybe we have to put that on one side and get behind those who are researching the possible new venues. Come the day we may be able to help lay the foundation (literally). Let's stand up and be counted right now. It won't cost you anything to change the tide of opinion. It might cost you dearly if we don't
  15. Some intelligent debate. Good on yer. What a splendid idea regarding season ticket holders. Not only would it encourage fans to other enues, it would increase the number of home fans buying season tickets. At Brandon it has been a mrginal decision whether to buy a season ticket for some time. Miss a few meetings and you would be out of pocket. But if buying one meant that I could get significant discount elsewhere, I would buy one and I would travel more. The sport gets more of my hard earned and I see more speedway. Win, win!
  16. The hint of back biting started on page 2 of this thread. I didn't read much more because, frankly, I couldn't be bothered. What I am bothered about is joining threads that look interesting and adding my own contribution. Could you who want to slag each other off, unrelated to the topic, start your own threads with a suitable title? Meanwhile we'll debate whether Somerset should sign Chris or if British speedway has turned it's back on such talent.
  17. Hey, I came on here to read about Noddy and his future career. Instead I encounter invective and insults being thrown about. In defense of our good friend Lioness, I happen to know that she lives north of the Arctic circle (near one of those Scottish clubs ) and probably, has only a passing interest in King's Lynn.
  18. Having been a sidecar passenger for 8 years (speedway, grasstrack and a short spell on road racing) I have to say that sidecar speedway could be a great success in this country if properly promoted. It provides exciting racing, generally more overtaking than the solos. What has been lacking in the past was any kind of identity with which fans could associare themselves. Team racing with our favourite individuals has always been the bread and butter of 2 wheel racing so why not sidecar teams as a second half attraction? Oh well, I can dream. I might even come out of retirement if they'd let me double up. lolAs to it only working on the bigger tracks. We used to race regularly at Plymouth. Assuming you can get 4 outfits on the start line you can race anywhere.
  19. That won't stop people making it up though, will it? We have to lick road clen wi' our tongues. Luxury
  20. Joonas Cup of Coffee or if you're slighty more up market Timo Lahti Announcer Larry Huffman (Costa Mesa) nicknamed him Bruce (The Fox) Penhall and "Juicy Brucey." Or the greatest miracle worker, of course, "Mirac" Ronnie Moore
  21. Consider this. In 2020 we have a new stadium. Throughout the previous two years, we the fans, have been formed into work groups in order to get us to position where racing can take place. What would you accept as the minimum standard of facilities? A track. A safety fence. An air fence. An enclosed space i.e. fencing Floodlights. Well maybe not in the first instance. We could run on a Sunday afternoon for example. Toilets A PA system (despite not having one worth it's name for some years). A stand. Can we really go that far on day one? Seats. Well now you're really expecting too much. You might see where I'm going with this...
  22. Well let's not look a gift horse in the mouth. If I trust anyone in this equation it's Michael Stokes. He has intervened (again) and has brokered a deal. He believes this is real and I believe him. For sure a lot has to happen before the tapes can rise on another season but let's take this at face value and get behind those that will bring us racing in 2017 (and hopefully beyond). This means setting aside your doubts and preconceptions. Put away your suspicions. We have a chance to see the Bees at Brandon for three years. We have a chance of a new stadium to see us for the future. Stop the backbiting. Mick Horton is not an option, he is the only game in town. Mr Sandhu may have his own agenda, so what? If he is part of Brandon Estates he would appear to have made an astute financial deal. Yes, there is our sporting legacy at stack here but get real. We're talking millions of pounds. This is not a game. So let's work to get speedway and (the even more profitable) stockcars on track in the short term and then work with anyone who will put up the money for a new stadium. To be honest, I believe I might just get 50 years of support for my beloved Bees in 2019. Beyond that looks less certain. But let's be half full people. Faith is a powerful tool.
  23. I have information that the lease starts on January 1st, not tomorrow.
  24. I will say one thing. If you think this is the end of Bees fandom, then think again. Easy words? Yes. But we are already sponsoring one of next year's team. I hate to think he'll be riding elsewhere, but our support continues regardless. If you think can kill us Mr Sandhu, Mr Horton or whoever is responsible, you have another think coming.
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