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False dawn

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Everything posted by False dawn

  1. Oh my goodness Air fence is right. I still like the aggregate point. Certainly means teams keep going to the end of a meeting
  2. Gate 3 - 6 points from 9 heats! Only criticism of a superb race track.
  3. Don't you speak Swedish? You could look up the rules! Gate 3 is a graveyard
  4. The racing is unbelievable You know the 4 Russian league sides but not this. You let me down
  5. You know, I've faithfully followed "my team" for going on half a century (by gum, where did those years go?). Mine, like yours, is an honourable estate for whom many great riders have ridden. Oh there has been the odd maverick; who can forget Gary Middleton? But there has always been pride on the side of the club, the fans and the riders. You put on our race jacket and you join an historic group. Wear it well and never forget that it's a privilege. Many greats have worn it before you and many unsung heroes too. World Champion or struggling reserve, they've share a common purpose. To make our team the best, honourably. But maybe I'm just old fashioned.
  6. Crikey. Where did you come from? You sound sensible with some reasonable ideas. I think you're on the wrong forum. Seriously, this is one of the best posts that I've read in a long time,
  7. I'm a bit old fashioned. There is a saying that goes something like, "Be true to your own self". Buster may well have assembled a team that hasn't much hope of making the play-offs, but at least he is his own man. There may be problems with the track, but the way to fix them is not to abandon the cause and forget all about the paying faithful. No one, or two riders are bigger than the sport.
  8. Not claiming any kind of exclusivity on the prediction business (on here, you've got to joking). But I did post (on the Wolves vs Somerset thread) that this meeting had been rained off and achieved a personal best in the process. You and 9 others liked my post and I got one of these as a result : POPULAR Never seen that before, or have I just not been very observant?
  9. So let's see. Each semi final is over 10 heats i.e. 40 rides. Each semi contains 5 teams. So each team gets 8 rides. Assuming each team is 4 riders (plus maybe a reserve) then each rider gets 2 rides. Now all we have to do is work out a fair race formula. Maybe that's what took all night. P.S. my email to no.idea@bspa.co.uk bounced!
  10. My goodness. Those of us who remember, surely didn't realise Split was still in there kicking. Good on yer. Now I think about it, Poole have persuaded Tony Rickardsson and Mark Loram to come out if retirement for their 70th. What about Split doing a couple of laps? Nothing ambitious, no leg trailing or anything. Oh well, maybe not. But he could be a guest of honour eh?
  11. Nerd alert.... For the record. Wins by gate: (1-4) 4 3 4 4 Points scored by gate (1-4) 21 23 23 23 No excuses then eh Poole? (sorry but I am a Bees fan)
  12. Love the the facilities, hate the track, but I'll be there
  13. But you're forgetting the Master Mathematician, Matt Ford. He was working on Fermat's Last Theorem, but someone beat him to it. So he decided to tackle the SCB Average Conundrum instead. He thought he had a solution until Nicolai got injured.
  14. I was there on "Meltdown Thursday". I saw riders racing hard and posting times not seen in many a year (within half a second of Nicki Pedersen's 15 year old track record) before the redial work between heats 8 and 9. The fans I spoke to all had the same opinion. We had seen much, much worse conditions before and the riders should get on with it. There wasn't a scant regard for safety, the track was safe and there to be ridden.
  15. This is "Like it is"? “After the events of a fortnight ago and what happened with the riders I’m petrified about it happening again,” he said. “We had our biggest ever meeting sponsor lined up tonight with corporate entertaining and there’s no way I was going to risk riders arriving and not fancying the conditions again". Who is in charge? Well this quote seems to settle that argument. When did "Riders not fancying the conditions" determine if a meeting should be called off? If the KL promotion are that much under the will of certain riders, they had better pack it in. I despair.
  16. For the benefit of those who didn't see it, you missed a classic. P.S. Who's buying?
  17. Let's hope Peter Kildemand repeats heat 11 from Cardiff Tony Rickarsson and Mark Loram riding at Poole on March 23rd 2018 (70th Anniversary). Wooohoo The big TR. After checking the stats after Magic got 2 on the bounce at Cardiff, I found out that Tony is the only rider since 1995 to win 4 GP's in a row (2005). He actually won 6 out of 9 that year and posted 2 rostrum places in the other 3. Outstanding. Apologies to my forum friends. Don't do twitter and Dave Goddard is reporting my posts on Premier Sports as we speak (Swedish speedway) No wins from gate 1 But the most points scored (level with gate 3 that has provided the most race wins) Unbelievable racing. And that's just the Round 10 highlights shown in the interval. And I've raced at Plymouth! Team riding! I'd forgotten. Can Hampel win off gate 1? Cracking meeting MV off gate 1 Who'd be a ref? This is exciting! Happiness is 40-38 Don't put your best rider in gate 1. It still hasn't won a race How many meetings/circuits can you imagine, anywhere in the World where you can could run 14 races and gate 1 would provide 0 winners. Only one direction Emil was going, downwards! Fitting result is right Great racing, great meeting, great track and the commentary wasn't bad either
  18. You know, I think you're right. I noticed that. I think it's the "other" Chris Holder. Either that or it's slightly on the wrong side of the Trade's Description Act
  19. Is he a heat leader or second string?
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