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False dawn

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Everything posted by False dawn

  1. New rule. If you score 60 away from home you get 5 league points.
  2. Now there's an idea. Maybe I could crowdfund my admission fee for Meltdown Thursday.
  3. He took the "easy" route to qualification that year eh?
  4. He misses his 2nd GP in 22 years. Who thinks there is any current rider that will ever match that record? Oh and I think he's qualified every year, no wildcards. (2001 into 2002?)
  5. Sorry, but I can't let that go without putting my side in context.I went to Peterborough expecting to see every club put out their best team to contest a recognised National event. Not every club did and to be told that's alright because someone stumped up some money left me feeling short changed. Did I go home feeling cheated? No, of course not. I count myself as a genuine fan (for nearly 50 years as it happens) and what I witnessed, in the final especially, was speedway out the top drawer. So all is well. Peterborugh won, despite not having Jack in their team. We all got 32 heats for a sensible entrance fee and even the weather stayed nice. Well no. All is not well. A very bad precedent was set. Will it be okay if 3 clubs or 5, do the same next year? Because if that's okay I don't think there will a Fours 3 or 4 years from now. There has to be some integrety in the way we conduct ourselves, whether it be in our personal lives or in business. A principle is at stake here and it doesn't just cover riders being released to ride elsewhere. We now have others threatening to not do the Fours because of the money. What next? I don't like that track? To be fair, there were riders there that demonstrated their pride in their clubs and rode as hard as they could. That, I applaud.
  6. A well thought out analysis Gw and I agree with much of what you say. But at the risk of repeating myself, the constant, "He wasn't doing very well before Cardiff" doesn't make it true. He was 7th in the standings. Indeed, after two poor rounds at Warsaw and Daugavpils he upped his game and top scored in Prague. He is still 8th in the standings now after effectively missing a round. There would many would GP stars that would give their right arms for such a season (although that might affect their future performance ). Such a record would encourage me to carry on if my health permitted. We can only hope that Greg ends his career on his terms not because of an injury (especially one incurred off track).
  7. Not just WC. Before Cardiff (despite "He struggled so far this season") he was 7th in the standings i.e in an automatic qualification position for next year.
  8. Taken care of. The averages are worked out for home meetings and away meetings separately and then added together. For example Wolverhampton has scored 522 points from 10 meetings at home; equivalent to 52 points per meeting. They have 356 points from 8 meetings away; equivalent to 45 points per meeting. Therefore 97 over two legs, home and away on average. By the way, I left Mensa because it was boring.
  9. Hey, I don't single out Chris Holder for what he did, or Jack, or Roo Boy for what he said, or Troy Batchelor for what he did. Oo er. I'd better stop now before I'm accused of Aussie bashing.
  10. Simple averages based on points scored divided by number of meetings (home and away). Like all stats, these can only be treated as a guide. But mathematics is a powerful tool. Buck it at your peril.
  11. All true speedway fans, read every statement above and reflect. Absolutely spot on post.
  12. No end gaming, I promise. I suspect I can't beat the record total from previous winners (by a mile) but I want enough for a round of drinks at Peterborough Speedway. So bring it on. Last minute wildcards and all. P.S. I note that the GP version of this competition only accepts bets on the final round by PM. But we're nicer than that, aren't we? But watch out for my last minute edits!
  13. The key point, for me, is the home and away potential of the likely players. (Nerd alert) On average, the current top 4 can expect to score the following over 2 legs: Belle Vue 94 Swindon 95 Wolverhampton 97 Poole 91 But then, there are damn lies!
  14. It's very understandable for Peterborough to "agree" for Jack to ride in Poland. That doesn't make it right.
  15. 1. Good answer 2. I've been around enough not to make sweeping predictions with more than a third of the season to go (whisper that one to Ged). But it's fun to try, eh? No offence
  16. Good call. Put your money where your mouth is!
  17. Well last time I looked, Peterborough race in the Championship. And Sunday is not Poland's race day, it's the day after Saturday and the day before Monday. Poland has no special rights. I have no trouble with Jack riding for Torun. But I think I would adopt the "Polish Principle". That is, if you ride for us it comes with rules. Rules that will restrict your ability to ride elsewhere (x2 divisions this year, x1 next year if you sign a Polish contract). If you think that's the way forward you're from a different planet. Contracts are set up to demand a certain standard of behaviour on both sides. A standard that is reasonable (not what is meant in normal conversation, but in legal terms). You can't have it one way today, and some other way tomorrow because it suits you. You make an agreement and stick to it. We, the paying public, were cheated. I'm a neutral and I went to Peterborough yesterday expecting to see the Championship best racing for a major trophy. At the very least, I thought the home side would put out their best. Shame on you Peterborough.
  18. I quite like this idea. At least if one of your riders is missing you don't have to watch riders from an opposing club riding for you as a guest.
  19. Hey, I've just realised. My 15 minutes of fame lasts till September 16th (at least). After hanging in there by the skin of my teeth in the R2, this was a bit more like it. Oh, I could moan about Leon Madsen pinching £300 off me with a win from nowhere in his last ride, but that would be churlish given the overall result. Anyway enough of that. Bad luck to ShrewsburyWolf for dropping out at this late stage. It's tempting fate I know, but you have to wonder out of the 4 of us, who won't be on the rostrum? That's me 4th then.
  20. I'm not sure what to think. I know Ivan has not been in the best of health of late. I hope this sale is not because his family need the funds to support him. Ivan's collection of memorabilia is, I suspect, one of the best ever assembled. I note that the gold bike is not amongst the sale items. Heaven knows what that might be worth and is certainly unique Worldwide. The hope is that items up for sale go to speedway fans with a love for the sport. Better still, people that might make these items accessible to speedway fans everywhere.
  21. Andreas Jonsson £100 more Andzejs Lebedevs £100 more Leon Madsen £100 less Don't let me down AJ
  22. I wasn't the pillock, but it was a humorous tweet. Good luck to you PK. He hasn't come out of retirement and wobbled around at the back. He's scored well at reserve and is now in the top 5. I know I'm an old fogey but I'm enjoying seeing an "old favourite" competing in a league where we're seeing Magic, Emil, Tai and half the GP circus competing. And he's holding his own. Good on yer Peter. Long may you continue (Wolverhampton next year?))
  23. Can we have a straw poll please? Who was there that night? I was and therefore feel entitled to my opinion as to the track conditions. There are many facts available as to the track condition that night. If you fall into the "Don't bother me with the facts, my mind is made up" category, own up so we can consider your comments accordingly
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