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False dawn

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Everything posted by False dawn

  1. No. But this year it was because it was applied to riders of equal standing in a differing ways. It's easy. Apply the bloody rule or not. But do it to everyone.
  2. Easy mistake, it's actually Greg McHancock who is riding in the Scottish 2nd division.
  3. A Good analysis Steve Roberts from speedway's point of view. The reason Sky put speedway on TV was for none of the reasons you put forward of course. They wanted more people to sign up for their subscription services and increase their income. But would any of us have refused to have speedway on TV though? But did we make the most of putting our league sport in the shop window alongside the GPs and SWC? It has taken us many seasons to realise that it's important to have a good crowd at televised meetings and take actions to make this happen. Of course, this season we have a much bigger problem. With fixed racing nights, any televised meetings are inevitably competing with other live meetings impacting the attendance of several meetings not just one. Another need for fixture planning (err, what's that)?
  4. You're right. In fact only 3 inches needs attention. The top 3 inches.
  5. No, that's a draw. It's rare indeed. I think I've seen 2 in 48 years! By comparison, I've seen 1 race where all 4 riders were excluded. And I believe deadheats are not "allowed" under FIM rules i.e. GPs, SWC, U21 etc. The referee has to declare a result even if the riders cross the line together.
  6. I'd refer you to Bryan Seery but he is, sadly, no longer with us. Older fans will remember eh? You seem to think riders can only score whole numbers of points. Not so. For example if two riders tie for first place they both score 2.5 points. The total points are therefore, the same i.e. 5 points for the first two places.
  7. Oh come on Norbold. We all know you were there.
  8. Seems sensible. Does that mean it won't happen?
  9. Ah but, the smell isn't nearly as good!
  10. And the whole of Coventry, speedway fans or not, had heard of Nigel Boocock. 18 years in the same team will do that for you.
  11. You didn't say where the finish line would be. I think Plough Lane is the only circuit where the start and finish didn't coincide (Fd stands by to be hit with a barrage of other examples!). More than once riders shut off as they passed the start line after 4 laps only to find their opponents whizzing by to the finish line further down the straight.
  12. Something so remarkable, almost unbelievable that we're still talking about it nearly 50 years on. He was good wasn't he?
  13. I never got round to watching this film till now. Quite entertaining but best of all..... Through exhausts. Hmmmmm
  14. You waited till later in life. You joined the forum and started p!ssing over us all. No offence Steve, the thought occurred and I couldn't resist it! (he'll get me back)
  15. This is included in the price. You don't expect any meat in the pies surely? Just kidding Scunthorpe. This evening is a great idea and wish I had something similar to go to. Good luck with this venture and I hope it gets the support it (and the riders) deserves.
  16. Surely Tony should be viewed as an "expert witness" in this discussion. Most, if not all, of the other councillors will have no knowledge of the speedway tradition at Brandon first hand. He can declare a vested interest and provide input to the discussion on that basis.
  17. The council meeting to discuss this bid is Tuesday, 13th Feb. I have written to the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Sport, Rois Ali (rois.ali@coventry.gov.uk) asking him to lend his support to our desire to keep Brandon open. I acknowledged the fact that the stadium is in the Rugby Borough Council area but set against this the fact that "We don't look good applying to be the City of Sport and at the same time allowing a 90 year old sporting tradition to die [for the sake of 130 houses]."
  18. Coventry may look to add to City of Culture title Just a couple of months after being named UK City of Culture for 2021, Coventry is lining up another title - European City of Sport in 2019. The City Council's cabinet votes on whether to submit a bid when it meets next week next week and the recommendation in a report from council officers is that they enter the race. They are going to look good should Brandon continue to be closed and subsequent demolished aren't they?
  19. You have a clear choice this year: 1. Go to Leicester and support the Bees NL team. 2. Stay home. Some of implications of each.... 1. You are supporting 7 riders trying to make their way in the sport. Some of your entrance fee will go into Mr Horton's pocket. However, this is not really relevant to the future of Brandon Stadium. Regardless of the outcome of the Leicester venture, Mr Horton has no intention of bringing speedway back to Brandon. The Leicester venture is a financial success. This at least means the Bees have one more year as a successful speedway club. You are giving your support to the view expressed by BE in their planning application in section 6.36 stating that Leicester is a more suitable (permanent) home for Coventry Speedway. This and several other statements in the said document are intended to influence the planning authorities in their favour. 2. 7 riders will suffer (assuming there aren't enough funds to pay them regardless of our attendance). You can feel good about spiting Mr Horton. The Leicester venture flops, maybe even before the season is out and the Bees team disappears from the calendar altogether, at least for the next couple of years. The fact of the failure can be seen as justification for the planning application since it proves that Coventry people are no longer interested in speedway. I suggest people make it clear to the planning authority why they are not going an extra 27 miles to watch NL racing. We must all decide on the balance of probabilities which option helps BE the most in their desire to demolish Brandon Stadium. For me, I believe I can make a case as to why I want Coventry Speedway in Coventry and why the Leicester venture can only represent a very temporary stopgap. I believe also why I can justify not going to Leicester without invoking any of the anti Horton clauses. Go down that route and the authorities will not listen. Don't get nasty (I know you want to, so do I) be polite and focus on the community/family/historical aspects of this heritage facility.
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