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False dawn

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Everything posted by False dawn

  1. Does this discount apply throughout the season for redeclarations etc. or is it just applicable for initial team building?
  2. Not now Ty Proctor has been signed Seriously, looking at your team, I am slightly surprised that Josh Bates, Ellis Perks and Connor Mountain have not been signed up already though. And I think it could be odds on that both Thompsons are destined to be in the reserve berths. Might be a early for them to step up and we have the problem that they are not 16 till 22nd April. But the signs are they'll be promoted as soon as possible.
  3. Interesting that he hasn't been named in the Leicester side despite the fact that 2 other riders have.
  4. Ty Proctor back http://www.leicesterspeedway.com/news.php?extend.31573
  5. 4 times World Champion in a glittering career. Might be worth doing some reading...... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_Briggs
  6. His career isn't over yet. I look forward to his return visits to Beaumont Park with his new club next season. In fact, there are several top Championship riders who are starting to show a liking for the track. Notable performances by Bomber and Eddie Kennett spring to mind this season.
  7. A service that many of us have come to take for granted. Which is all wrong, of course. We have to remember the time, effort and cost of bringing us heat by heat results of virtually every meeting held. Forget the pale imitations on Twitter etc. This is the most comprehensive results service anywhere. Keep up the good work and thank you.
  8. There is an inverse correlation between the number of wildcards and the integrity of the WC system. The more wildcards, the less credible the system. And am I the only one that thinks it's a bit odd that one rider can qualify three ways, all at the same time, before the end of the current GP series? And they say being the top scorer in a GP and not winning the meeting is an anomaly.
  9. An interesting debate. A couple of us were having a similar discussion about the Thompsons recently. The defining argument was that they would probably be racing against the same riders next years as this. We all know that "going up" a year (or 2) early is worse than staying down a year too long. But these kids are ambitious and we should do everything to make their progress possible. I'll tell you this. Seeing Jordan and the Thompsons racing at Leicester on 23rd October certainly made me think they were all the real deal.
  10. You are 100% right. The GP series, when it was introduced, had one feature which countered the "how can a rider who has one good meeting, be considered WC?" effect. Well, what better way to prove that the WC is the most consistent rider across the season that to make every race and every point count? A 3rd in your opening ride should not be considered a bit of a slip, to be caught up later. It's 2 lost points, lost for good. And what about "I've qualified for the semis, so why try hard to win further races" under the new system? We want riders making every race meaningful don't we? Pushing for every point, not making judgements about their likelihood about their qualification for the later stages of the meeting. This is a fundamental mistake and ignores simple psychology. Think on. At Torun this year, we were following the destiny of the championship from race 1 and throughout the meeting race by race.
  11. Just noticed that the page on the Poole website announcing this has strangely disappeared.
  12. It was nice last night. A bit cold, I grant you, but jolly good racing.
  13. No doubt accompanied by Status Quo singing "Blue for you". I couldn't resist it. I'll get my coat.
  14. Jolly fine idea. And what about maintaining such a reduction throughout the year should they stay with their starting team? I think many fans build a sense of attachment to riders over time. The constant chopping and changing will tend to push them away. The feeling that there are riders hiding in a cupboard to be wheeled out when a team isn't winning every week is a bit of a mystery. But then I disregard the "win at all costs" mentality don't I?
  15. I guess we have to say what we what to achieve? If we want to continue on from where we've finished this season, then the points limit for next year should be the average of the closing team averages. That number is 41.26 btw. So 41 would be the status quo. If you want to go "Down, down, deeper and down", then abandon the Status Quo and set a lower points limit.
  16. Amen to Manchester and amen to the avoidance of the daft situation we had this year (apologies for my minor edit of your post).
  17. Kent in the Championship and the National Development League is a very welcome announcement. I look forward to a visit (or three) next year.
  18. Fair point. Maybe I'm getting too old to offer advice?
  19. Now let's have it right... śrubokręt The Dude would be proud of me!
  20. Nah. We must be at cross purposes. Must be Philipski
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