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False dawn

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Everything posted by False dawn

  1. I apologise for my earlier outburst. We are clearly alike in the length and depth of our support. This would have been my 50th year at Brandon. And I saw the Bees being run in the NDL out of Leicester for allegedly questionable motives. However, from your much wider and deeper experience of actually doing something about reviving teams, you speak with far greater authority than I. Can I believe that there are folks in our sport that do things for less than the most laudable reasons? Life teaches me the answer to that one. So my comments were from the heart and arguably a bit naive. Would I change, even if I could?
  2. I have no real opinion about Ulrich, but to say he is a trier could mean anything from Lee Adams to Eddie the Eagle Don't mind me, I'm in a funny mood I'll get my coat.
  3. That is interesting. To a nerd like me at least, who seems to be a part of a dying breed interested in track records etc. A technical question. Can you reliably time races on a DVD playback? Are there reasons why the recording or the playback may not be strictly in real time?
  4. No offense meant but this has got me riled...... I cannot imagine anyone ever has or could ever make any worthwhile money from such a venture. So, in answer to your second point, what's wrong with putting out a team with "an old name" as an enthusiast's dream? Besides, whatever happened to having teams competing in a development league to provide opportunities for new and upcoming riders that the public want to see and are willing to pay to do so?
  5. But apart from that it's brilliant eh? Seriously. As a Championship fan who has never been to the Kent track, I did think that I might just make the trip this year. Should I abandon my plans?
  6. Sorry to bang on about this but I've been discussing this with my other half. The more we talked, the less I can understand the thinking that went into this policy. Despite the many and various bad opinions of the ruling body, often voiced at length on here, I do try, at least, to have some empathy for it's position. But sorry, on this occasion, I have not the first idea of the logic behind this crazy stance by those in charge. If the promoters, collectively, are trying to destroy racing in the third tier, this is a good first step.
  7. You don't need to book. Just mention Agincourt.
  8. Sorry to quote my own post, but there are two threads discussing this.
  9. I am going to Cardiff. I love the fours. I'm fairly local to Leicester. But this decision seems to make very little sense to me. Running the fours anywhere on the Cardiff Sunday, with the possible exception of Somerset, seems slightly odd to me. Logistically, for the fans, how does this make sense.? Is the supporters coach from say Eastbourne, going to return home a day late, via Leicester? Why destroy the concept of the "fours weekend" by combining it with the GP weekend. And the hosting track. So Peterborough is not available (?). But even though it's convenient for me, Leicester would seem to have some severe limitations. Car parking for the fans is an issue. I got caught out at the Ben meeting last year. The supermarket parking we use every week has a strict 4 hour limit. And let''s not have any more discussion about the legality of the imposition of fines. If you get a parking fine, do you really want to challenge it or risk ignoring it? The car park is "policed" by comparing video images of you entering and leaving. If you can't leave because everyone else is at the same time, that's cuts no ice. I know. So you can't park there for the fours. You will not get out of the car park within the four hour limit unless you leave the meeting early. I don't know much about the accommodation of riders vans and pit space but I suspect that they will both be tight. And despite my misgivings, should this meeting be heavily supported, will the stadium house that many supporters comfortably?
  10. I'm just having a bit of fun. Don't you start misinterpreting people posts!
  11. But what if he really HAS SIGNED? Egg, face?
  12. Reading your post makes me feel very sad indeed. The loss of iconic names like The Reading Racers, The Cradley Heathens and many others from our sport along with their loyal supporters is be regretted in the extreme. Shame on you BSPA.
  13. I would have thought that a league with the word development in it's title, would welcome any opportunity for more youngsters to enter the sport. And retaining a homeless fan base, albeit a small one, is surely desirable.
  14. I do. My comments were directed at a slightly bigger problem than what Speedway Star wrap their copies in.
  15. Not earth shattering but did I miss an announcement? The NDL team are listed on the BSPA site as the Kent Kestrels. http://www.speedwaygb.co.uk/kentkestrels20
  16. Had a bit of trouble finding this.... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Motorcycle-Cotton-J-A-P-Engine-500cc-Single-KOZ-R44448/254471959116?hash=item3b3fb5f24c:g:tf0AAOSwXHReEOVf 1936 vintage and it looks like 4 people are interested in it . Up to £82 already. Nice to have something on here older than me!
  17. If you include Aussies within your definition of British [I know that is a bit of a stretch] I think it is very possible that the near future could see almost no foreigners in a British semi professional league.
  18. You're making me feel old. I can remember when Ipswich had a proud record of having a wholly British team.
  19. You are correct in your analysis of the current situation. It's a buggers muddle. I'm not an environmental nut but I try to do my bit and recycle as much of my rubbish as possible. I guess one of the frustrations is the apparent overuse of single use plastics. I hear what you said about polywrap being easily recycled but the reality is that most of it is not, for whatever reason. I would say, and this is not aimed at any user, be it the Speedway Star or any other, may be the way forward lies with technology. Surely we can develop biodegradable film plastics? Their use, such as delivering magazines, has a very, very limited life requirement, so they could be developed to start breaking down in a matter of weeks, or less.
  20. I guess as it's new year, us Bees fans are allowed a small tear remembering the way all the staff and St John Ambulance folk, used to march smartly into the stadium to the sound of Imperial Echoes. Please spare a moment to wish those good folks running the Save Coventry Speedway and Stox campaign, a successful year in bringing back speedway to Brandon.
  21. Hang on. I think this sounds sensible. As a lifelong speedway fan in Britain, I'm a bit unsure what to say.
  22. Thank you for that. Just to be clear, "The final Green Sheets for 2019 on the BSPA site" that you mention, are these the "2019 Team Declarations and Green Sheet Averages"? If so, Claus Vissing is clearly listed in the Swindon team at 4.43. But szkocjasid seems to think this won't apply going forward as he hasn't ridden enough meetings in the Premiership. So if a Premiership team manager today wanted to know his average for team building a 2020 team, would he have to calculate it from his old Championship average, ring up the BSPA or what?
  23. Interesting. I must admit, despite my love of numbers, my ability to unravel the rules on this point (pun intended) is not what it could be. I'm guessing there must be a definitive source to which teams have access, detailing riders' averages for team building purposes. Wouldn't it be nice for us, the paying public, to have access to this master list?
  24. The final team declarations show his average as 4.43 Still not interested?
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