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False dawn

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Everything posted by False dawn

  1. Not when I drove past there about 5 weeks ago. Bit small for a new track though I think.
  2. I'm reminded of these astronomical projects that get people to use their home PCs / laptops to search through vast amounts of data. Couldn't we distribute the scanning activity? Get 100 fans to do a bit each and we'll reading about Peter Collins winning the WC before you know it. I know there is the logistical problem of getting the copies to people to do the scanning (especially in the C-19 times) but there must be a solution to create this perpetual archive, surely?
  3. I do have tickets and had already reached the conclusion that the finals would almost certainly be postponed / cancelled. But am I the only one that finds it a bit odd that this latest development has not been reported on the BSPA website?
  4. I've seen that a couple have recently Crowd Funded £38,000 (Kickstarter actually) to visit every railway station in the UK. A fun project, no doubt. Even one that I would like to do (especially at someone else's expense). But a touch trivial in the grand scheme, I would suggest. If British Speedway is at risk because of this "business interruption", could we not Crowd Fund it's future? The issues are as I see them are: 1. Can we raise enough money? Answer: No question. We have the doh. We were going to spend it anyway, weren't we? 2. Who do we give it to? Answer: A complex question. There is much suspicion of the sport's governess. I think that both sides should recognise this lack of trust and see the need for "An impartial third party". Maybe the SCB can finally step up, and be that impartial governing body? 3. Is our sport , in the UK really in peril? I leave that one to yourselves.
  5. I'm impressed. Truly. That piece was well thought through and so very caring of the Bears fans. You're obviously a club that is considerate on both sides. A feature that you should cherish.
  6. There's always two ways of looking at things eh? After the era you describe, Greg, at he age of 40, completely reinvents himself and goes on to win the WC, three more times. Not a bad comeback from total obscurity, one might say.
  7. I've had a reply from the supporters club..... Thanks for your message with regards to away travel to Leicester speedway matches, we have a group set up on Facebook called LSSC travel group which will have all coach travel on there and also will enable people to post for lifts etc for away matches. Hopefully you can join this group and join us on coaches to away matches. ......you can also see me on race nights at the LSSC 50/50 table and we can try and sort lifts out for you. Many thanks Dan Archer
  8. Not sure whether you're offering a lift or asking for one? Either way, what a good idea i.e. sharing car space. Not a new idea I know but we could use a space where offers and requests could be posted. I've suggest this to the Leicester supporters club via their website (http://www.leicester-speedway-supporters-club.co.uk) where we could have a page for fans to exchange offers of lifts.
  9. This is an intriguing comment. The restriction seems a bit over the top. And is especially ironic given that Chris Holder, who can't get a visa to race here in any league (I believe?) can ride in this meeting. Am I the only one who is confused?
  10. I got it. But mine was a serious question. If the authorities are considering school closures and banning large meetings of people at sporting events, the SON at BV must be under threat. GPs elsewhere could be also be affected.
  11. The fact that Emil Grondal is riding in the 50th anniversary meeting might be significant.
  12. For sure, we all have a responsibility for the things we say and write. Surely, recent events in many areas of life, speak to this very graphically.
  13. I hope no one is suggesting that Greg accepted his wildcard and at the same time had no intention of taking up the place. He was invited into the championship for many reasons, not just his record. He would have surely added to the series and could well have qualified for the 2021 series by right (I have/had a bet on him making the top 3 this year; 22 to 1 will do that to a man).
  14. If you want the advice of a Bees fan, you'll wait till half way through the season before bringing him in like we did at Brandon. Then you'll win the league.
  15. My Peterborough team sheet has been complete for a while Rohan Tungate 6.59 Michael Palm Toft 6.30 Mikkel Bech Jensen 6.26 Chris Harris 6.16 Hans Andersen 5.79 Scott Nicholls 5.50 Bradley Wilson-Dean 5.47
  16. A rare occurrence in my experience. There was an individual meeting at Wolverhampton fogged once. Actually, curtailed. They got to heat 12 or thereabouts. The winner was declared but he had to get down from the podium and walk across the track so the crowd could see the trophy. And to prove I'm not shy about my age. The winning rider was Johnny Boulger
  17. Careful. You do that sort of thing and you'll get called a nerd. I know.
  18. I don't know the truth. My only comment would be that hiding behind such a name does nothing to enhance your credibility. And before you say it, I chose my forum name on the basis of the fact that everyone picked a name of some significance to themselves (can you walk on water btw?). Back in the day, I took every opportunity to make it clear who I am. In case you weren't born then, I'm David Williams, former grasstrack, speedway and road racing sidecar passenger. Oh, and I've been a Bees supporter for 50 years. Who are you?
  19. I think, like me, the speedway world is stunned at this news. We all want to know how, why, how could this happen? But out of respect we'll refrain from asking those questions just now, won't we? Danny was a racer, an entertainer and someone the fans took to their hearts. Keep that in your thoughts and let us try and to understand how his nearest and dearest must be feeling. Personally, I can't begin to imagine. Having just read Rob Godfrey''s words on the speedwaygb website (click here), I have to say what a moving tribute that was. Rest easy Danny.
  20. You clearly have an accurate profile of the greyhound "industry". I use the word advisedly. I own a grey. Actually he isn't 100% thoroughbred and he wasn't a racer (no tattoos). Probably a traveller owned hare coarser. The point is, that I have become acutely aware of the darker side of the racing world. Of course there are good trainers and many of them see their responsibility extending beyond the dog's useful racing life. But the significant minority that treat their dogs as commodities, to be discarded when they are no longer fast enough, cannot be ignored. Greyhounds that escape the racing world alive, are often timid in the extreme. I know, I've met many. Given a caring environment, many come round and demonstrate their true nature. And, at the risk of repeating myself, you will not meet a kinder, more gentle, more loving creature on God's good Earth.
  21. Are Eurosport taking over from The Guardian when it comes to typos? "Michelsen wins final head-to-head against Lagunta to become champion"
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