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False dawn

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Everything posted by False dawn

  1. I can't remember seeing a field like this where there are either heroes or donkeys. Oh, I know there is a occasional exception, but it is rare. Seeing the likes of KK and MJJ struggling the way they are is a mystery. Seeing Leon Madsen or Bartosz Zmarzlik make the final is no surprise. But the occassional race from riders with a proven history is surely to be expected?
  2. Well good old GL came through for me again, just. His gating was rubbish. David Bellego was a good call by Mark and kept it interesting right through to the end.
  3. Like all things we do in life, you have to weigh up the risks. Driving a car or crossing the street has a level of risk. If BMX (or motorcross or whatever) has a proven level of risk that is higher than say, working out in the gym or running, you have to accept that you're risking your income from your chosen profession. I want the lad to succeed. But putting yourself on the sideleines, when you're already under threat of being dropped seems to be a risk too far.
  4. Speedway in UK allowed in the UK in October (?) SON at the National Speedway Stadium in October (?) Hope you've got your tickets
  5. What's the news about the 4 affected riders? Do they not have to self isolate for 14 days?
  6. Well Andy Warhol said we all get 15 minutes of fame. Mine's going to last a week. And in case you think I'm bragging, I ain't, I promise. My record in these competitions is not good. To make it to round 3 is an achievement in itself. To be top of the charts is unbelievable. Sorry to those who have dropped out and good luck to the survivors (as long as you stay behind me ). I must say that it does add an interesting dimension to the watching experience. Pity it's not real money.
  7. What an insult. I remember every post I've made since....... Err...... Sorry, what was the question again?
  8. Thanks KSF. Your @ at me resulted in an email, which reminded me to make my bet.
  9. The statistics suggest that Torun can sometimes produce a fair circuit and at other times not. Seeing riders last night, running a bad last from gate 4 only to come out in their next outing and winning easily from gate 1 is bad. Not only was gate 1 a big advantage, overtaking was difficult in the extreme. Fortunately there were a few exceptions, but not many. The track was slick and required watering because it was dusty. The result was inevitable.
  10. This, of course, reopens the whole starting procedure debate. I'm sure I'm not the only one to have recently watched some quite old matches. Seeing riders charging the tapes, rolling back and forth, lead to some awful starts, uneven and even unfair. The overall rules governing starts in Poland and Britain are the same. But it is quite clear watching Polish meetings that the rules are more stingently applied in Poland. And guess what? Riders sit still, in a straight line and starts are rarely unsatisfactory. It's only human nature. Riders will muck about and push the envelope if there is a chance of getting away with it. Reduce that chance and you seeing better behaviour at the tapes. Not perfect, but better. The increase in power given to the starting marshall is also to be applauded. How many times have you watched meetings over here where the starting marshall might as well not be there? The riders ignore him where they can. Give him some real teeth, as they appear to have in Poland, and all of sudden the riders do as they are told. (the exception is when riders are called to the tapes - even in Poland, they come forwaard when they are good and ready). And even the flying starts seem to be reduced. Again not eliminated but reduced. Could it be that riders are conscious that they can be given a warning even after the race have an effect? I know the "Free for all" side of this argument won't agree, but I think we can learn from watching the experience in Poland.
  11. [Not directed at Dave Goddard....] Premier Sports aren't doing themselves any favours are they? I have become a regular fan of Polish speedway for the first time (along with many from the discussions on here). This is likely to continue (this year, next year) when British speedway resumes, for me at least. So there is a window of oportunity for any TV sports provider to capture a new fan base (albeit a niche one). Premier Sports have a first class commentator who seems to command a good deal of respect. They could easily become the go to place for at least some of the speedway on air. But to change the schedule on a delayed transmission in the middle of the night is not the way to do it.
  12. Fair comment. But that doesn't change the fact that gate 3 was a bit of a graveyard.
  13. And 12 last places for Wroclaw will bring defeat pretty much any day. And while we're on the subject of stats (I didn't start it). 7 wins from gate 1 and zero from gate 3. Can nothing be done to remove such a diaparity, even during a meeting. Men with rakes?
  14. We used to say that we had to drop everything at 5.00 to tune into Greg
  15. Ah but, you could argue that Nicki would have shoved Dudek wide to give Grudziadz a 5-1. Ah, the if's and but's eh. If my auntie had b**lls she'd me my uncle.
  16. Ignore me. The information was faulty. It's a rerun of the Lezno vs Wroclaw meeting
  17. Have I got this wrong. This meeting is scheduled to be shown on Free Sports from 2:30 p.m. ???
  18. I didn't realise I'd managed to capture this image, but I did. I don't think Freddie will be using this frame again.....
  19. Cheers cityrebel. It is an old joke, I know. But I was spring cleaning some old family bric-a-brac and came across a postcard I wrote from holiday some 50 odd years ago. It had my usual parting shot at the bottom, "excuse grammar, she's in hospital". It's a bit like flairs. If you keep them long enough, they'll come back into fashion.
  20. Surely half of oldies care for grammar? And the other half care for granddad! I'll get my coat.
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