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False dawn

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Everything posted by False dawn

  1. Look like the same averages as we already have i.e. still contain the Eastbourne numbers
  2. It seems to me that there are two, not necessarily linked, issues with regard to the Eastbourne fixtures. 1. The Eastbourne match results are logically removed from the league tables, no argument. 2. The points scored by riders in the Eastbourne fixtures should, in my opinion, stand for the purposes of calculating averages. Those rides were seriously contested at that time and represent the ability of those riders at that moment. Therefore they should contribute to averages going forward. For sure, it would make the calculation of all riders averages a damn sight simpler.
  3. It was a play on words. But it's not funny if you have to explain it, I guess
  4. I'd have thought that mentioning Poole and Cheetahs in the same sentence, is inviting some interesting comments!
  5. I think it's more a case of not giving us a second thought rather than secrecy as such. I wish, for once, someone up there would give some recognition to the paying public and treat us with a little respect. What could be more interesting just now, than knowing or speculating who will be riding for your club next year? Give us the numbers and we can construct all sorts of fantasy sides.
  6. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a list of riders and their official, team building average? I've looked on the speedwaygb website but I can't seem to find it. I assume the team declaration figures include the Eastbourne numbers and people have suggested they need to removed. Is that right?
  7. Scott is worth 2 points more than his average for his work with the riders in the pits. I'd have him back at Leicester in a heartbeat.
  8. "The club have informed Hans Andersen, Zaine Kennedy and Ryan Douglas that they are not part of next year’s plans." I guess Dougie is moving onwards and upwards. Hans may have been too expensive and Zaine may just not fit with Connor Mountain already having been signed and the twins almost certainly remaining. I thought Zaine did a good job especially joining mid season when expectations were high. Hans was solid. The biggest disappointment is Dougie. He could be a bit and down, but was exciting to watch. I, for one, will miss him.
  9. Two laser beams. One at the back of the bikes to prevent backing off.
  10. Is the database available to view?
  11. Thank you. I did just find the relevant information on the Glasgow website....... TEST MATCH – FAQS October 19, 2021 Tomorrow sees us host one of the biggest ties to ever take place in Glasgow and we can’t wait to welcome you all to Ashfield for what is sure to be an incredible night! Naturally, we have been inundated with messages and questions and whilst we are trying our best to answer them all, we thought we’d provide this article to cover the most popular questions we’ve had. This is also a page you can send to anyone who you know who is looking for clarity on any of the points below. How can I buy tickets? Will they be available on the gate? Ticket sales have been incredible so far and you can buy tickets online here. The seated section of the stadium has already sold out but there are still some general admission (standing) tickets available online. If there are any remaining tickets left over, then tickets will be sold on the gate. We would advise to avoid disappointment, booking online. Is there a stream? Yes! We didn’t post any news about the stream as we were exploring a few options but we are delighted to confirm that the match will be streamed live via TigersTV. It will be available in both English and Polish. The English stream will feature Nigel Pearson, Stephen Craigan and Michael Max. The Polish stream will be covered by Tomasz Lorek. I want to watch the stream but can’t watch it live, can I watch on catch-up? Yes you can. The match will be available from an hour or so after the match has finished to watch on catch-up and can be watched until Monday 25th at 9AM.
  12. Does anyone know if the stream is only shown live, or can you watch a replay tomorrow, say?
  13. That's a pretty good assessment. There were silly points dropped on the road early on. But when Hans was brought in and Zaine started scoring some points it looked like a winning team. But the team never quite gelled somehow. Its hard to be critical about what was going on as we don't know any details. Stuart Dickson looks like a very capable manager and Kyle Howarth always speaks well in his role as captain. I wonder if Scott had not moved, the end result might have been different?
  14. Well I know it's not good form to quote yourself, but if I was slightly upset by this clash before tonight, think how I feel now we're going to beat Poole on aggregate? I guess the only consolation is a final to look forward to..... Not another trip north of the border! 4 times in one season is bit much.
  15. Actually, he's guesting for the Cubs next week, so he's trying for an "Ellis Perks".
  16. Some of us are less than thrilled by the clash of fixtures on Saturday. We've had SON tickets for nearly two years and now we can't keep our 100% record at Beaumont Leys. Even an 11 a.m. kick off would be cutting it fine to get to BV in time.
  17. Whereas now, we southerners have to take the whole day off and possibly the next morning
  18. It's kind of o0dd isn't it. You could almost imagine that the Glasgow faithful will boycott this one because Craig isn't in the team. Meanwhile, the rest of the British fan base (with the exception of Edinburgh) won't travel north of the Arctic circle.
  19. I do hope so, if we get Glasgow in the final.
  20. Good idea. But it had been there 4 hours and got clamped.
  21. I'm sure we've had conversations on here in the past describing how riders have put the clutch lever on the right i.e. on the same side as the throttle. I've always had some difficulty imaging how this can work but apparently it is possible.
  22. For me, that makes sense if the latter stages of the GP qualification system took place after the GP series had finished. How about this. The primary qualification could take place alongside the GP series with no current GP riders involved. This could result in the top 9 going through to be joined by the bottom 7 from the current series after the last GP. These 16 would then compete in the GP Challenge (what a meeting!). The top 6 from this go through to be joined by 1 wildcard. You can argue about the numbers but the philosophy of how riders would qualify, for me, would be very fair. The also rans from this year get a last chance and a significant number of new riders get an opportunity as well. And as a real bonus you don't get any current GP riders, qualifying for next year half way through this year's series (with the possible exception of the SEC champion).
  23. You've got to feel for Dominik Kubera. 3 GPs, 3 semis, 2 finals and 2 podiums. At the same rate of scoring over 11 GPs he would have finished with 161 points placing him 3rd ahead of Emil in the overall standings. I know statistics can be misleading but if it had been me, I'd have lost my birth certificate
  24. Considering their record against Leicester this year, I would think they might choose them (assuming Scunthorpe don't pull off the unthinkable of course).
  25. Having been there in 1973 when Ivan lay in the dirt as Jerzy Szczakiel completed 4 laps to become the World Champion, I'm tempted to say that it ain't the stats that live on, it's the name on the trophy. It shouldn't be so, but that's the way it is.
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