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British Speedway Forum

False dawn

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False dawn last won the day on January 7 2020

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About False dawn

  • Birthday March 8

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    An utterly insignificant blue/green planet, orbiting a small, unregarded sun
  • Interests
    Speedway obviously.
    Sidecar Racing.
  • Team
    Leicester (temporarily until the Bees return)

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  1. I guess it's the right time of year for old chestnuts. And that has to be the oldest.
  2. "pay off" sounds bad. I assume this was a typo for "play off" 😱
  3. I am downsizing and won't have the space for my 2-3000 speedway programmes. The collection is primarily from the 70's, 80's and 90's. Nearly all Coventry home and away, a lot with local press reports. There are other world championship meetings etc. and a small number of older Coventry programmes. I don't want anything for this cherished collection. I just want it to go to a good home rather than a skip. If the possible owner wanted to make a donation to NSSC (in support of youth speedway riders) that would be a bonus.
  4. I've just read on the FIM website that Bartosz Zmarzlik had made the GP semis 52 times straight. A run that was ended at Cardiff. Well I thought it was pretty astounding.
  5. Boy. No one can say this is an easy route to the GP series.
  6. I'm sorry, but a professional commentator has a duty to study the prevailing rules. This is useful for the casual viewing and getting it wrong just makes you look foolish to the "expert" viewer. I had to laugh when KT said Mark Lemon may consider sending Jake Mulford off 15m after his two minute infringement in heat 2.
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