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Everything posted by dave69

  1. Phil I reckon someone like Leigh Adams should have a word.A great guy, Aus legend. Something along the lines of things can happen to any of us, but there's a greater chance if you're off your ** on booze or monged up on drugs.get a grip if you want to be World Champion or you'll just be remembered as a knob.
  2. I'm back after a hard day in work.Has our favourite convict been up to any more jolly japes today ?
  3. I agree. The quote should be "He's a knobhead and he's up the road."
  4. Anyway, as a replacement for Dopey Darcy there is a top rider who at one point even had his own Pirates suit. I give you Nick Mallett. Link ?
  5. You'll have to excuse me, I'm pissing myself laughing.
  6. I was in town earlier and there was a gent with a can of Special Brew and a crap dog.I asked him for a copy of the Speedway Star and got told to eff off. Have I got the wrong end of the stick ?
  7. Dave Mullet was a bloody nuisance at Newport, he was too good.
  8. ,Anders could dish it out at times... I recall one meeting when he was on the gate next to Les Collins. The tapes went up and in a second Anders had come come across Les and delivered a cracking elbow to his head.How Les stayed on his bike I don't know.
  9. SS Big Issue ? Is it going to be sold by people with scruffy mongrels on a bit of rope ?
  10. Every PL match is available by stream in the UK as are most Championship ones too.
  11. Yur yoo go http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/sport-obituaries/9827849/Freddie-Williams.html
  12. I hear Nick Mallett has said in the Star he`s making a speedway comeback. The speedway world will be a better place for it I`m sure.
  13. I also think if it went to Court it would be deemed illegal as restraint of trade.
  14. Anyone in Cardiff sees our former co-promoter Nick,don`t forget to say "Hello" and thank him for all his family have done for us in Newport.
  15. Good link here http://mypremium.tv/stream/?id=277&1334738422
  16. Gollob off the pace,wonder if he`s been using dodgy silencers too ?
  17. Definately on according to Lawrence. I`m not risking a rain off mind. Staying at home with a beer.
  18. People can`t really air their thoughts on an official forum as the promotion might have a paddy,so they don`t go on there.
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