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Everything posted by BobC

  1. Well,I hadnt intended going to Brighton this year. Might just go now! Good luck to all concerned,but especially George Piper,and my own personal favourite Brendan Johnson. Having gone all the way to Buxton to support them in the Cup Final,Brighton will be a doddle!!
  2. Rider No4..............Brian Havelock,Havvy's Dad
  3. I remember waiting outside the plush Dudley Wood Stadium ,to watch Cradley v Poole on the 70's,when all hell was let loose with Police outriders and sirens blazing away.Cars and people going in all directions. It turned out to be none other than the colourful in the extreme John Langfield,who had lost his way to the stadium and had orchestrated his entrance with the police!! A grander entrance I have yet to witness.Poole lost heavily,but that kept us all laughing for months! ................................................................................ ....................................... The night that Kelvin Mullarkey and Mike Sampson had a coming together at Weymouth.They clashed coming off the 3rd turn,and Sampson didnt like it and pulled on to the centre green.With that,Sampson waited for Mullarkey to come round on the next lap,and proceeded to run out in front of him and quite literally pull him from his machine.Unfortunately,Kelvin damaged his ankle.Samspon was just shaken,and all he got was a warning from the referee!I maintain to this day,he should have been banned for life.Idiot. ................................................................................ ....................................... It had been raining heavily in Weymouth for days,but to get the meeting on,the promoters decided to use sand to help soak up the water.Too much ruddy sand though! When Pete Jarman and fellow Eastbourne riders saw it,they all stopped on the then 1st turn,and proceeded to make sandcastles!This was very quickly followed by protests,and Eastbourne hammering a very poor Weymouth by 23-55(I think)
  4. I think its time to scrap the whole of the tactical thing altogether. Im fed up with sub standard performances being rewarded for failureThats all speedway is doing at the moment.If you are losing,you get the reward of being allowed subs to get back in the meeting.Where is the justice in that?The team that does well,has to look over their shoulder all the time,and and try and second guess the results of the next heat or so.Like it or not,riders and managements manipulate certain heats to try and help their own cause.Rightly so I suppose. Build a team that is likely to be competitive in every heat.By doing this,the teams will have to get rid of the customary 3 point rider.It will take away the 'top heavy' look to the teams,and create a more balanced looking lineups.This in turn allows teams to sign riders with the awkward 5-7 points average.Therefore making the teams exactly that.....TEAMS.Not 3-4 good uns,and pray. Just a thought...............
  5. Sad to say,Danny Kennedy,who left Bristol to join Poole,died a few years ago,(brain tumor,I believe). Ed Stangeland recently flew over from Ireland to attend the Farewell to the County Ground at Exeter.
  6. I dont agree with the selections. Youve heard of the expression...'Money talks' Well in this case,the moneys not talking,it SHOUTING! There is no other logical explantation for it. Devaluing the competition,yet again. Im all for anyone who holds a valid racing licence being given the chance to become World Champion. That means localised qualifiers,just as it used to be.
  7. Get well soon Sam. Very unlucky to be in the wrong place at the wrong time,not once,but twice! First time he and Joe Reynolds clashed.Short delay while he got up and dusted himself down.Then in the rerun,James Humby gated ahead of him,and appeared to lock up,leaving him little room to manouvre.Ending up ramming the fence on turn 2.Both incidents were 1st bend bunching. Looking at the state of Sams bike,its no wonder he is injured.Doubt there is much left to rescue. Having seen some photos taken by JulesM of the incident,it was a very nasty moment. Full Scorers: Buffalo.....32 1.Lewis Bridger....2.5+1,3,3=8.5+1 2.Joe Reynolds...2.5+1,2+1,1+1,2=7.5+3 3.George Piper....2,2,2+1,1+1=7+2 4.Brendan Johnson...1+1,3,3,=7+1 5.Ben Reade....1,1=2 Bulls.....15 1.Sam Hurst....f/inj=0 2.James Humby....f/inj=0 3.Joe Haines....3,2,3,3=11 4.James Sealey....0,fx,0,0=0 5.Scott Meakins....0,0,2=2 6.Richard Franklin....1,1,0=2 Strange decision from referee Tony Steele.After stopping Ht1,he then awarded the race as a dead heat.In the actual race,Lewis was wll clear when it was stopped. Not too sure how the bonus point works for a dead heat,so I have given them both one! Help Bryn? Bridgers winning time of 55 seconds in ht6,was in fact the fastest winning time for the whole of the 2005 season at Buxton! To Ian,Director of the Anglo Polish Agency,Acadamy Final Sponsors,a big thank you for taking JulesM and myself up there.A very enjoyable day,tinged with regret over Sams unfortunate crash. This was my first ever visit to the Buxton circuit,and what a throughly enjoyable and friendly experience.All tracks could learn a lot from the Moss family,who made us all very,very welcome.Thank you,and all the best for the future.
  8. Get well soon Dan. You made a huge impression at Poole earlier this year. Ive eagerly looked for your results since. Been great to watch you develop. Good luck young man.
  9. Let this be a lesson to all the riders there on Saturday. Judging by the photos,this meeting should not have even started.After they had all taken a ride each,why didnt they stick together,and force a meeting with the referee?Fair play to Lindback for expressing his views (as has been mentioned elswhere on this thread).Why were the others not there supporting him? The riders are the ones who have to put their necks on the line,not the FIM or referee.Utter lunacy in my book to continue.I dont care what pressure you are put under,YOUR LIFE has to be your number one concern. If they had ALL stuck together,this meeting would not have reached the point of no return.(See SCB reply).The whole meeting being rerun,although inconvenient to most people and riders,was the only sensible solution. It does appear that the referee followed the rule book to determine the the Rostrum placings etc. However,he didnt appear to follow the most important rule of all....COMMON SENSE.
  10. Irrespective of what we all think,its the FIM who have made an almighty balls up of this. I will be delighted to welcome KK back to Poole as World U21 Champion. I have been a big fan since his 1st appearance for us in 2003,and very unhappy that he didnt ride for us at the start of 2004.Since returning 'home' midway last season,he has shown tremendous improvement. This win is thoroughly deserved,albeit in bizarre circumstances. Mr Bee,I agree with Robyn1972.It does appear that you are trying to bait us Poole supporters,not having much success though are you? True,he has done it for himself,but I can assure you that he will be very pleased to bring the Title back to Poole.Just like most of the Poole fans.He loves it here,as much as we love having him here. The whole town of Poole will recognise his efforts.
  11. What a complete farce! While I am a big fan of KK,and expected him to win,to win like this is utter madness. Suchanek beat him in their race.Using the tried and tested formula,of who beat who and heat wins etc,then surely he should automatically be declared the winner? This meeting is too important be shunted aside like this.The whole meeting should be re run at another time. Well done to KK,but it seems like a very hollow victory to me.Through no fault of his,he will always now be know as a 'lucky' winner.Neither he or the event deserves this. Just as I thought it was only British speedway that could contrive such rubbish. Seems like the FIM are just as bad.
  12. Many happy returns George. Go get 'em tonite. I'll be there with Koz and family.
  13. Still nowhere near as blatant as Pedersens move on Ferjan the other week.Lindback rightly excluded.
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