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Everything posted by BobC

  1. He was very impressive at Poole last season,in our Young Guns meeting. Started slowly,but was flying once he sorted his gearing out. Definitely one to watch.
  2. An earlier post by SS,quoted the Poole website.Matt Ford was interviewed by our local rag,the Daily Echo.There is a page and quarter covering yesterday,but I think the last sentence is very important. The very last sentence of the Daily Echo report on page 42 clearly says..... 'But if you cant make the restaging date,bring your ticket to the speedway office and we will arrange a refund.' I dont know,but would imagine that if you are not local,you would be able to write in and make a claim that way.I know it was ok the last time (2004)that this meeting was rained off at Poole. The Echo's website does not carry the full reports of the hard copy though. The link is www.thisisbournemouth.co.uk Worth a phone call to at least try and get your money back,which by the,they do not have to do.Something I have only just noticed is that the tickets issued at the turnstiles were from Poole Speedway,and NOT special BSPA ones,as in the past.So I would imagine that Poole have made this gesture,not the BSPA Hope it helps.
  3. I was going to post almost the same thing. With you all the way Rabbit.Let them or anyone else have it.Theyre welcome. Thought your earlier post hit the nail on the head.Nice one.
  4. I dont know where they got their figures from,but it was certainly NOT what they quoted.There were considerably more people there on Good Friday. Re admission tickets are valid for the rerun of this meeting...AT A REDUCED RATE!(so came the message on the scoreboard).Maybe you could confirm this Rabbit? As I paid at the turnstile,Mike Golding asked what was happening out there regarding the weather,he then said that a 'light shower due at around 4pm'.Right on cue,it did.So they were aware of any weather patterns. The main protagonists for the call off were Crump and Nicki P.Thats from friends in the pits.Dont know what is showed on camera,but I can assure you they were the ringleaders. Must admit to being mystified at putting down sawdust while it was still raining.Then again,if that was a request from the referee,they had to do it.But when they did,they put it all down where the riders hadnt ridden. Maybe they should have waited a little,as has been suggested,as we were leaving the stadium,it was not raining,and still isnt!!I know the damage might have already been done,but maybe track prep would have helped. Basically,it came across to us in the stadium as Gp itis.Other matters contributed to a very poor advert for British Speedway.
  5. Beg to differ there Bazaar. It is a MAJOR meeting,and is regarded an important stepping stone. When it was held regularly at the dear departed Canterbury Speedway,it was a wonderful day out.Other than the World Final,it was always the meeting that I looked forward to most. I agree it seems to have lost some of its prestige lately,but I am sure that Kings Lynn will do their best to bring it back.
  6. Happy Easter! For those travelling.............its a beautiful morning down here.Almost cloudless sky Looking across at the stadium,I can see that staff are already busying themselves.Mind you,that could be the clearing up from last nights dog meeting! The Sky tv crew are certainly around and about. Safe journey to one and all.
  7. I have,and very useful to have,especially if you like Poole! The guy is a Poole fan,and there will something for everyone on there. Buy it,and find out!!
  8. Good Luck mate. Good Friday...Poole in the morning...Coventry in the evening......Berwick on Saturday! Thats dedication,and one of the reasons I am proud to sponsor him. If dedication wins rewards,I hope you reap them in big time.
  9. Until we go over to the squad system,I havent got time for this 'rider share' thing.Im pleased that Rickardssson has withdrawn.At least Oxford now have a fully contracted rider to race for them. Lets just hope that AJ does the decent thing and withdraws,and lets a true 2006 Arena rider represent their club.
  10. Good day out. Good bits. Some very entertaining racing.Never seen Iversen or Jensen so dominant before.From the gate or chase,they were both excellent value. Sean Wilson was superb.Come on someone,get this guy in your team. Good mix of entertainment.Stunt team were very good,including their unintentional comedy routines!Criss cross of quad,solo,quad,solo etc ending in the first effort,with a quad/bike crash!Several wheelie attempts ending in falls.All riders were ok. Rosco doing the roving mike kept the whole thing moving. Sophie making a blue set of overalls look damned sexy!Also for falling off her bike,without leaving the pits,and setting it alight as well!Boy,does she know how to grab the attention!!!! Not so good. Celebs were only interviewed outside the pit entrance. Paul Robinson,Tottenham and England Goalkeeper,not fully introduced.He stayed in the pits,so I couldnt be 100% sure it was him at all! Air fence.While waiting for the proceedings to get under way,we noticed how the air fence,entering turn3,was lifting occasionally in the strong wind.Very dangerous.Pits were told(not by me),but did nothing until late on when it did lift and,and went straight over the safety fence!Fortunately,they were not racing at the time. Overall. Very good sized crowd,envied by most Promoters. Good racing.The track must have been a nightmare to prep,with occasional rain and high winds.I think they should be congratulated for their efforts. Fastest rider of the day: Ryan Sullivan 57 mph Fastest celeb of the day: Sophie Blake 13 mph(they were riding Monkey bikes!) Thanks to PanthersChamps 2006.For saving our seats,having a brilliant time,and allowing me to borrow your access all areas pass!Enjoyed the tour of the pits. Kieran.As Pbro Team Manager,I think you should be sacked!Allowing your boys to drop 5 pts..........just where was your team motivation!!! Well done to one and all.A really enjoyable day out had by all.I hope all the effort put in by the Testimonial committee made for a really profitable day for Ryan. Nice one.
  11. I dont know what you mean Phil..............................what raffle tickets?!!!! Ok PanthersChamps06.......before you start.........I know....I know......my wallet is ready to be fleeced tomorrow!
  12. What time does this meeting start? Speedway Star,and all publicity up to now,it has been 3pm. Now look at Phils other page relating to this event,and it now says 2.30pm!(including on the poster) I presume this means that the parade will start at 2.30pm,with racing getting under way at 3pm? Wont make any difference to me,as I will be leaving Poole early,at around 9am,allowing for plenty of time to get fed and watered! Lets all hope for good weather and a huge turn out. Good luck to everyone involved with the organisation of this event. Enjoy the day Ryan.
  13. Thanks to one and all for texts and phone calls. Like Rabbit said,it was manic in the car for a few moments with texts and calls in all directions. Whatever Ian Thomas may think about this forum,it works for the people who want it....US THE SUPPORTERS. Once again,thanks for everyones help in saving our time and money. See you all again next week!!!
  14. Sounds good to me! We will be leaving Poole at about 10am,so any futher info before that greatly appreciated. Im really looking forward to this meeting,as its a terrific field. To all who have printed their own programmes,PLEASE dont be selfish on this occasion,remember why you are there. Ive printed my own,but will DEFINITELY be buying several copies. Good Luck today Sean,and to all those freely giving their services. Bring it on!!!!
  15. Oi,watch it Mr C! Ive just got back from watching Somerset v Newport,bloody good it was too!The tea bar on the 1st turn ran out of hot water,not once but TWICE,it was that chilly! The wind was bitingly cold.I can only admire those guys for riding at all in this weather.Only just remembered Ive got toes! I was stood chatting with one of your young favourites,Brendan Johnson.Smashing lad,whos already looking forward to getting out on track again. I hope to bump into you on Sunday.
  16. Can we stop all this rain talk please? In the early 70's,when I was a mere boy,I finally got to see racing at Owlerton at the FIFTH attempt! Two were called off before we started our journey.One was called off after a few heats. The other two were called off while waiting on the coach in the car park!Indeed one of those,we had arrived in bright sunshine,only for a thunderstorm to flood the car park.Ruined our game of cricket too! I blame the rain for one more expensive hobby....following the fortunes(I think that should read MISfortunes) of Sheffield Wednesday! As its almost opposite Owlerton,we had to kill a couple of hours,for a driver stop.We wandered over to Hillsborough,and were made very welcome by the staff there.They gave us a guided tour of the place,and Ive been a fan ever since! I will look out for you this time F4E(sorry about Brighton),as I have a car full coming up.Joining me will be none other than BSF regulars RABBIT and JULESM,along with friend Chris. I simply hope that the weather wont spoil Seans Big Day.He deserves a good 'un.
  17. Well,I am DEFINITELY going up for this meeting. The guy deserves a big day. Good Luck to him.
  18. I remember going to Poland in the early 70's,to watch the World Team Cup Final. Ray 'World Cup Willy' Wilson was the star,with a maximum(I think!) Anyway,we arrived in Poland,and found ourselves being very hungry.No such 'luxuries' as BK or MacD's in those days! We met up with Ray at the practice and he introduced us to the latest flavour of baked beans........Methanol!!!!! Rather than eat them cold,he suggested we heat them with methanol.How? Easy,open the tin and poke the screwdriver(that had just been delving in and around the chain!),down the middle and pour in some methanol.Stand well back,and throw a match at it! After a couple minutes,we gingerly tried them,direct from the tin.Heaven!We were so hungry,almost anything would have tasted good. Not so sure I would try them again now,but at the time they were delicious! PLEASE DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! ps: not because of the above missive,but I still regard Ray as the best EVER Captain of GB/England
  19. Brendan,the explanation was that you caused the riders behind you to take evasive action,one of whom fell. He had already fallen by the time you did your donut. I had completed my programme,with you in 3rd,and had to change it once it was announced! One of many dodgy decisions by the referee on the day. Very impressed with you.Great day out. League and Cup winner in your 1st season. Well done.
  20. In 1987,I was staying in Edinburgh,and had arranged to travel on the Monarchs coach.They were riding at Workington(Glasgow in disguise),on the Friday,at Berwick on the Saturday,and at home to Workington on the Sunday. On the way to Workington,we had to stop and pick up someone.It turned out to be a Glasgow official,who had the flags and starting gate for that nights meeting!! We were running a bit late,and only arrived at the stadium at 7.15! The following night,we were almost at Berwick,when we heard it was rained off.One of the local hostelries made a coach load of fans extremley welcome. An easy home win on the Sunday (50pts plus,I think),where I won a prize in the Steve Lawson testimonial table raffle. I was made to feel very welcome by everyone,and have not drunk so much whiskey since!
  21. Number 15 is definitely Colin Gooddy. Still doing his best to drink the pubs dry!
  22. Number 13 is very definitely Tony Langdon.
  23. I agree with Steve Dixon. Look how many Stars struggle around this tiny bowl. As much as I like watching the kids go round,I do wonder at the wisdom of this. It's a shame to turn a Final into a lottery.
  24. Exeter's Colin Cook doing a practice start on the back straight at Poole,and looping it. Got back up and dusted himself down,and did it all over again,only this time exiting the 4th turn! Good to see him again at Exeter's final meeting.
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