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Everything posted by BobC

  1. Apologies for missing you! I did get to congratulate Rich and James,but somehow missed both you Dads.Did get to chat with Phil Greenwood and Garry Hazelden and family. A good night all round.Never likely to be a classic,but the effort was there for all to see.
  2. To see how the local press reported this meeting,click on this link http://www.dorsetecho.co.uk/sport/speedway...essex_prize.php Decent photo of James Sarjeant too! Previously,I forgot to add praise for Montana Jowett.I and many others were well impressed.A very good effort.Well done.
  3. Quite agree Tim.They certainly didnt hold back,did they?Well done to everyone. Special mention to Dan Greenwood,Shane Hazelden,James Sarjeant.All three impressed me on the night. James doing a good job of keeping out of trouble,and scoring in all his rides,and qualifying for the Final directly. Both Dan and Shane suffering several falls each,while in scoring positions.As their fathers said,they will both have learned a lot from the experience.Both riders happy with their nights work,although understandably slightly disappointed as well.Shane was hobbling around afterwards,believing he may have broken a toe. Im sure there will be a lot of bumps and bruises today. Finally,congratulations to Brendan.Well done mate.
  4. If you had seen the state of his knee last night,you would understand why.I Wish I hadnt! Im amazed that he rode so well vs Swindon.Must have been agony. He did state that he was unlikely to ride.
  5. I was told at Oxford on Monday that the 250cc class have boycotted the series. That was from Peter Oakes. Anyone know why? There does seem to be a ''closed shop'',with a small group inviting certain riders,but not all. Good luck to ALL riders in this years series.See you at Weymouth.
  6. Oi,watch it you! Where else do you get a taxi drver who gives you a tour of the City,an education on Yorkshires finest footie team,and a memorable speedway occasion all in one day? That rocket fuel we had is still working! I genuinely enjoyed the whole day. Last night at Somerset,I met up with David Hoggart.He is thrilled with the responses on here,and even though a close friend of Garry,he couldnt believe how well Garry coped with the evening.Hoggy also gave me in insight from the moment of the crash right up to almost dragging Garry away from the stadium. Its a heart warming tale of tragedy and triumph.Makes you feel very humble,yet also very proud of the way our speedway 'family' pull together at times like this.I am already looking at going along to Stoke for their benefit meeting. After seeing and listening to Garry,I dont think I will be able wollow in self pity ever again. Truly inspiring.
  7. Just back from a very long,but thoroughly enjoyable day out. Some cracking races,Brilliant atmosphere,a real fun evening. Thank you to Rabbit,Tom,and Brendan for your company.Turned a good day into a brilliant one.Also,great to meet up with and chat with Tsunami. I hope all the riders who had spills are ok. How the heck did Complin get round Lindgren? Stunning ride.Fantastic way to finish the evening. Thank you to Garry Stead. Im genuinely sorry that this meeting had to take place at all.Im not ashamed to say that you had me very close to tears at times. It was privilege to be there for you.
  8. Go to Google Earth.Find Sheffield Speedway,and there is a camera fixed on Penistone Road,right outside the Stadium,with a live feed!! Click on the Owlerton Green camera. If you are still not sure where everything is,the track is to the right of the traffic lights. Weather looks as good as it could be. Forgot to add that I will be popping into my other sporting addiction,The Owls superstore,just up the road!!
  9. Ive no idea at the moment.I have been there plenty of times,but none of the others,Rabbit,Brendan Johnson and his friend Tom,have been to Sheffield before.Can I suggest somewhere near to Mick Gregorys track shop? I will pm you my mobile,as its always good to meet up with others,and put faces to names. We are leaving at 11am.See you later.
  10. Well,I will be coming up for this meeting,all the way from sunny Poole.Watch out all you Northern souls that might have offended the mighty Rabbit.She will be there too!! Cant be arsed with paying out lots of money to see a GP abroad.Rather put some money into the pocket of one of our sports so called 'lesser lights'. Ive always been of fan of TEAM speedway,rather than individual glory.Garry epitomises that for me.Every team needs a 'Garry'. Wouldnt miss this for anything.Fingers crossed for good weather. See you all there on Thursday.
  11. Results from a Best Pairs at Rye House on Saturday 11/8/7 The results from the heats.Scoring was 4,3,2,0. Pairings were...Portwood/Morris.......Knight/Naylor.....Owen/Warvill Ht1.65.4 Morris,Owen,Warvill,Portwood Ht2.64.2 Morris,Knight,Naylor,Portwood Ht3.64.0 Owen,Warvill,Naylor,Knight Ht4.63.5 Morris,Knight,Naylor,Portwood Ht5.63.6 Morris,Owen,Warvill,Portwood Ht6.64.5 Owen,Knight,Warvill,Naylor There were various falls and reruns,and common sense prevailed,each time all 4 four riders allowed in the reruns.After all,these lads need track time more than anything else. Particularly impressed with Morris,winning his races in very quick times.The slowest winning time in the main match was 59.0.Good to see people staying behind to watch.You never know,you might just be watching future Champions. Good luck to them all.
  12. Tony, Poole 85-1 Ray Dole 87-2 Will James 87-3 Wayne Barrett
  13. This copied from the Wolves vs Reading thread from the main meeting.I know there are some details missing,but its the best Ive seen so far. Wolves Predators 1 - (not Joe Reynolds) Finj 2 - Richard Franklin 1 2 X = 3 3 - Joe Haines 3 3 3 = 9 max 4 - Adam Chandler 1 M 0 2 1 = 4 Somerset Giants 1 - Matt Bates 3 E 3 = 6 2 - Jay Pickard 2'2 0 = 4+1 3 - Brendan Johnson 2 3 2 = 6 4 - Oliver Gay 1'X E = 1+1 ht one - Wolves number one wearing old Peter Karlsson kevlars rides falls at the back. Easy 5-1 for the visitors ht two - Joe Haines wins in a time of 60.82 on his spare bike, easing off leaving the last turn. Brendan easy second with Gay third. heat three - Oliver Gay falls on lap two and the Wolves #1 rides over him and does an Eddie Kidd through the air into the air fence. Takes no further part, Gay excluded. in the re-run, Joe Haines is sent out as a replacement but is turned back so Adam Chandler gets sent out but as he reaches the tapes, his bike splutters and goes through the tapes. Ref decides to exclude him on 2 mins instead. Brendan easily wins the third attempt after passing Franklin on lap two. heat four - Joe Haines records another easy win with Jay Pickard keeping the same pace but 50 yards back. Matt Bates suffers engine failure but trails in last behind Chandler. heat five - Matt Bates easy win ahead of Adam Chandler after Oliver Gay ef and Franklin excluded on first attempt. heat six - Wolves trailing 12-16 need a 5-1 but Haines wins in a time of 60.10 while easing off with Brendan Jonson doing his best to keep up but never troubled Haines. Adam Chandler third as Pickard fails to finish.
  14. I remember going to Wembley in 64,and seeing the GB vs USSR test match.He captured my imagination immediately. It was awesome to watch him come to the south coast,and take both Exeter and Poole by storm,a few years later. I had the pleasure of meeting him at Stoneleigh,a few seasons ago.He even signed my replica USSR racejacket. So humble that some of us could still remember him. A huge loss to our speedway family. R.I.P Igor.
  15. Sorry but thats ridiculous. I fully understand about the medical cover,but to change the date at this stage is not on.Surely medical cover should have been comfirmed BEFORE announcing the date? This is an Under 15's Championship.Parents have to balance out time off work etc to get there.Kids are coming from all over the Country,and it needs planning.Accomodation will have been booked etc.Will they find anywhere else at this late stage?How many will actually be able to make this date change? I heard last night at Plymouth,that Oxford have a home fixture for Friday night.So where will Peter Oakes be? No wonder he was reluctant to give me any details of the event. Sorry,but I find this well out of order.
  16. BobC

    Pete Jarman

    Taken from the Poole Website: ''Poole Speedway are saddened to hear of the death of former rider and Poole team manager and track curator Pete Jarman. A local man Pete Jarman was well known within speedway circles and was a one-time team-mate of current Poole team manager Neil Middleditch. He began his riding career for Eastbourne in 1959 and enjoyed seasons at Stoke and Wolverhampton and Oxford during the Sixties. He moved to Cradley Heath during the 1970's and ended his riding career back at Eastbourne in 1977. He then joined the Poole club as track manager and was most respected for his ability to prepare ideal racing strips, spending many years as the main track curator at Poole Speedway. The management, officials and riders all send their condolences to Pete's family'' It goes without saying,my sincere condolences to his family.
  17. He was beaten fair and square,on the track,but is not man enough to admit it. We just knew the book of excuses would come out. Bad loser,thats all.
  18. Didnt take Hans long to start spitting his dummy,did it? He should have been on game for laugh! Shame.
  19. Well I thought she did very well. Sure,she was reading off from pre set questions,etc.At least she sounded interested.She is very knowledgeable with other motor sports. I too admired her for her honesty,by saying it was her first ever meeting.Give her a chance. Very pleasant on the eye too.I suppose I will just have to put up with her again for the Final.......
  20. BobC

    Garry May

    It sure is Rabs. He also sponsors Bjarne Pedersen nowadays.
  21. Totally disagree with the summary of ht13. Going into the 3rd turn,Bridger and Lawson were side by side.Batchelor tried to muscle his way through a gap that wasnt there.He was unable to turn,and laid it down.They didnt touch at all.The correct decision by the referee. I agree with SS on Bridger.They way he was riding,made me feel that he is an accident wating to happen.Im all for trying your socks off,but he seemed right on the edge all the time.He may look spectacular,but he really should be knocking off the rough edges by now. A very entertaining evening all the same.
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