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Everything posted by BobC

  1. Eastbourne 3 & 4 71-1 Looks like Laurie Sims outside,Mac Woolford inside. Eastbourne 71-1 Johns leads Mac Woolford Cradley unknown 72-1 Roy Trigg,72-2 is also Trigg Unknown pair Bengt Andersson leads Bob Andrews Stoke 73-1 agreed,Brian Woodward Unknown @Birmingham 73-1 Mike Lanham(B'ham),and Brian Woodward Swindon 72-1 (action)listed as Bouchard,I think its Brian Leonard. 72-1 listed as Mike keen,I think its Barry Briggs. Reading 73-1 Mick Bell leads Bo Wirebrand.
  2. Poole 72-1 In Front....Brian Collins At back....Frank Shuter Wolves rider....Tom Leadbitter ................................................................................ ................................. Oxford 71-2 Listed as Berg....I think its Ronnie genz 73-1 Davis inside,with John Dews outside Ken McKinlay leads MRC at Wolves,Alan Cowland(Leicester)middle,Roy Trigg(Cradley Heath)inside. 71-1 Timmo leads Ronnie Genz 73-1 John Dews ................................................................................ ................................. Exeter 73-1 Frank Shuter
  3. Happy days.A pain in the backside to get to,either by car or rail! Abiding memory will always be Snowie Beatie in the hut on the 1st turn.Ever helpful with programme/badge swaps.Didnt you help him as well,Bryn?How is Snowie nowadays? Last time I saw him,he was hobbling around using sticks. The elegance of Bengt Jansson in full flight,the wild and wooly Thommo.Len Silver,who doesnt seem to have changed a lot over the years. Ted Sear on the mic. Plech,Petersen,,Willmott,McGillivray,Etheridge,Lovaas,Dave Kennett,Morton,Thomsen.Used to either love or hate all of them,for various reasons. Remember being chased down the street by an underground official at Leyton Station for not paying the right fare!Concious got the better of me,as my mate got caught.They had a Riders Benevolent Fund collection that night,so I gave the difference to them! My all time hero Christer Lofqvist should have won the Superama one year.He beat Mauger and co,and ended up with 12pts from 4 rides.In his other ride,he got excluded for two minutes,as he was in the loo! Muppet! Great meeting all the same,even though I was upset! Good memories,although never like the 'London Stadium'.
  4. Another former Pirate who occasionally turns up at the Stadium.Saw him two or three times last season.Shy as ever. Im sure I saw his name in some veterans grasstrack results 2-3 years ago. I believe he sold his shop,'Maximum' in Downton,nr Salisbury,a few years ago.He is of Austrian decent,although he is as English as an Englishman can be! Two memorable meetings for him up at Swindon.He scored a maximum 12pts,from the number 7 berth,(68?).The weather was awful,raining all the time.You could see the line they were taking,but the sludge would run back down from the fence to cover the track by the time they got back round!That night he didnt meet up with any of the big guns,but it was a terrific result for a number 7 in those days.On another occasion,he also beat the mighty Briggo up there. Im also sure he beat Jimmy Gooch to win the Silver Sash at Newport.Sadly he lost it at the next meeting.(Sorry cant remember who to)
  5. Geoff made a surprise visit to Poole in 2006.All that ginger hair has receded,but easily recognisable. Looked astonished when I approached him to sign a couple of photos,one action and one portrait.Went on to say that seconds later in the action photo,he ended up in the safety fence at Plymouth.It was either Denis Day or Cliff Cox that did the dirty deed!! Amazing thing was,I got them from Ebay,and they arrived that day.I only took them along to show my mates. In my opinion,he is still the Greatest ever Poole Skipper.
  6. He also rode for Long Eaton.
  7. He is a regular here at Poole.He attends most home meetings.Always smiling and a happy little chappie. He and the late Maury Mattingly used to have some fun when I took some photos in from the 50's.Often having a friendly argument about whos who in them.Regularly being corrected by Rosita,Maurys wife!!! Lives a couple of miles away from the Stadium.Still got a great singing voice too!
  8. He was the first rider to win the League Championship with THREE different teams! Swindon 67,Poole 69,Exeter 74. Very quiet and unassuming,sadly no longer with us.
  9. BobC

    Colin Goody

    The joke down here when he rode for us (74-77 ?)was what colour tape will hold his bike together this week. Sounds naff,but honestly,there seemed to be more tape than chrome.Oh,and the sound of that beautiful JAP motor.Probably the last rider to use one in the top League? A great character,the sort of rider every team needs.
  10. BobC

    Colin Goody

    We see him a couple of times each season here at Poole. Last I heard was that he was living in nearby Blandford. Still loves his pint.
  11. For some photos,go to http://www.speedwayplus.co.uk/ Click on ''stadia pics'' Hope that helps.
  12. I heard this sad news on Friday. Crouch uses the term ''Gentleman'' In Maury's case,that is the perfect way to describe him.A true gentleman.A smashing guy. The neareast I ever heard him come to swearing was the word ''crumbs''. Will be sadly missed on the Poole terraces,where he has been a regular visitor,along with Rosita. Condolences to his family. R.I.P Maury.
  13. Even the Google Earth image now shows the stadium has been demolished.
  14. BobC

    Clubs Names

    Poole Pirates...1948-1984 Poole Wildcats....1985-1986 Poole Pirates....1987-2007 Weymouth Scorchers....1954-1962 Weymouth Royals....1962-1964 Weymouth Eagles....1968 Weymouth Wizards....1974-1977 Weymouth Wildcats....1978-1984,and 2003-2006
  15. For my sins,I am indeed a SWFC supporter.Seen them 4 times this season,Won2,Lost2.Even had a natter with ''Tango'' at Home park. Ive added some pics from the End of Era meeting in 2005,to try and give you some perspective. The memories....from Len Silver,Alan Cowland,Denis Day,Cliff Cox,Jimmy Squibb,etc,right up the end. Gone,but certainly not forgotten.
  16. On Saturday,3rd November,I travelled from Poole to watch Sheffield Wednesday play at Plymouth.Great result,Owls won 2-1. On the way,I stopped off at Exeter's former home,The County Ground.I had expected to see houses being built,etc. Absolutely no movement since the initial demolition. See some photos here.No,objection if anyone wants to use them,just a credit if used for publishing. http://good-times.webshots.com/album/561324596qHqHhB Sad to see the old place looking so forlorn.Centre green grass is almost knee high,yet some parts of the track remain defiant to nature. Great memories,all the same.
  17. Your fault for succumbing to Robs nagging! Not even I bought an Oxford pen,which incidentally you think is cool!! Thats me for a slap next time I see her! Ive been badgered all season with him trying to get me to buy sweat shirts,polo shirts,prog boards,pens,caps etc.Ive held firm and only purchased photos and progs.Give him his due,he did try hard. Just when you thought you had got one over Rabbit,who goes and wins the 50/50 draw then Rob............................?!!!!!!
  18. Congratulations to Dan Greenwood. A thoroughly deserved winner.
  19. In broad terms,I think the Academy League has been a success.All it needs is some fine tuning regarding eligibility. Sort that out,and I will happily continue to raise funds for our team.It will,and has been a pleasure to do so over the last two seasons. Well done to our lads.
  20. Yes ,but Hef hasnt got the whole track crew helping him,has he? Unlike 83,of course!!
  21. A real nightmare.From what we could gather from GWR Swindon radio,there had been a very bad smash.They wouldnt go into detail,but did say the Air Ambulance was required. We were 2.5 miles from the junction,and stopped at around 3.40,and didnt move again until just after 8pm. We may have not have arrived at our destination,but thankfully we have made it home again. I fear,but cannot confirm,that others may not arrive home at all. My thoughts are with them.
  22. Maury is a regular at Poole,along with his wife.Although both are in their 80's,his wife normally rides their motorcycle,with Maury as the pillion. They have helped me many times over the seasons,identifying riders from old photos.Always smiling and happy to recall the 'olden days'. Smashing people.Such a shame to hear about his heart attack.
  23. We arrived good and early,and looking forward to a few quiet moments,while the dog meeting was going on. Indeed we were,until Debbie and gang arrived! Dont know about airhorns being a noise nuisance..............this lot run them close! All good fun though,and as has been said,you have to admire them. Agree with you Shazz,a calming influence is all Lewis needs.To me he is losing his way a little at the moment.Cant fault his enthusiasm though.
  24. Hooray!!! At last....a meeting being decided in the correct manner.20 heats,winner takes all.No semi finals,and no one off Final. Congratulations Tai.The best rider on the night won it,deservedly so.His ht15 stalking of Bridger was right out of the top drawer.He forced his way up the inside on the last lap,Bridger not even makng a mistake.A quite breathtaking ride. Bridger still worries me,looking wild and almost out of control at times.Some people like it,I dont,hes a accident waiting to happen.Still pulling wheelies on the way to the start.What is that about? Its not clever. Haines quietly,but efficiently got on with it.Unlucky with Hughes stopping right in front of him allowing Auty through in ht2.Still ended up with 2pts though. Auty looping in a pressure ride.As others have said,not the first time this has happened. Unluckiest rider of the night was Kyle Hughes.Winning ht2 easily over Auty and Haines,when his chain came off on the 4th turn,last lap.Then leading his second ride,when he spun off.If he had held on to both races,he would have finished on 11pts,right up there at the sharp end. Overall,an entertaining evening,with Tai shining like a beacon.
  25. So,what is the draw order then? Apart from Johnson at No.16,they are in alphabetical order. Like to know,so that I can print a race sheet for the meeting.
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