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Everything posted by BobC

  1. Pretty ordinary affair,to be honest. Nothing to set the pulses racing.Not up to the normal standard. Hts 13 and 15 were excellent though. Didnt get there until the riders were coming out for Ht1,so missed all the shenanigins. Matt Ford didnt look too amused about the situation when I saw him.(I presume he was there as a BSPA rep?) Bowden,for the first time actually sounded quite subdued on the mic.Maybe the realisation of his actions have finally sunk home? Wont hold my breath though. Holder and Kurtz actually put in a decent effort for once.Maybe it was because Chris Holder was in the pits? Shame they couldnt do it all season. Hopefully just one more meeting with that buffoon Bowden in charge.
  2. I thought the referee got this one wrong. This happened right in front of where I stand. Fisher gated,but to everyones surprise,Anderson made a blinder too.As the came down the back straight,Fisher rode as if it was the opposition,quite rightly too.As he looked over his right shoulder,he saw it was Jake. Fish then tried to stick it on the white line. Jake was going too fast for the line he was on and was forced to lay it down.Meanwhile Fish had overcooked his turn and did a 360 spin.Amazed Screen avoided the carnage,and Campton did extremely well to lay it down so quick. In my opinion,both Fish and Jake should have been excluded as both fell independantly of each other. Excellent home debut for Jake,who after a puncture in Ht2,was always in the thick of it.Well done that man. Shame I cant say the same for Holder. Abysmal is an understatement. Very poor judgement by using Reade at No.4 instead of R/R. He gave his best as always,but was always likley to struggle. As for Barker not team riding,thats the first time Ive ever seen him ride so selfishly. In the current climate down here,who can blame him for that?
  3. I understand the British pair will be Kyle Newman and Brendan Johnson.
  4. I havent met anyone who believes that time. Fish had just taken a very nasty tumble in the first running of the race.In the rerun,he gated like a scolded cat,blasted round for 2 laps,before looking back and eased up. Coming off the last bend,he was only just over parade speed. Incidently,Ive heard that the guy that films the home meetings has replayed the race and unofficially timed it as almost 6 seconds slower. I certainly dont believe it to be true. Just my opinion of course,
  5. Someone has posted the following comment on Kyle Newmans facebook page. 'Girl in the crowd was hit by the bike and suffered severe fractures to her lower leg. Had to be taken to hospital by helicopter. Two more spectators injured as well.' Sincere best wishes to all those involved.
  6. Top 7 qualify from todays meeting in Neustadt Donau,Germany. Well done Kyle. The other qualifying rounds are being held on19th May. Information copied and paste from the following website.. http://www.speedway-forum.de/board51-live-updates/board52-live-aus-deutschland/6719-live-update-u21-wm-quali-1-aus-neustadt-donau/ 1 8 Patryk Dudek 3, 3; 3; 3; 3 = 15 2 11 Witalij Biełousow 3; 3; 3; 2; 3 = 14 3 6 Michael Jepsen Jensen 2; 3; 2; 3; 3 = 13 4 16 Maciej Janowski 3; 2; 1; 3; 3 = 12 5 7 Sam Masters 1; 2; 3; 3; 2 = 11 6 4 Kyle Newman 3; 1; 2; 1; 2 = 9 7 1 Kirił Cukanow 1; 3; 0; 2; 2 = 8 + 3 8 2 Michell Hoffman 2; 2; 3; u; 1 = 8 + 2 9 10 Nejc Malesic 2; 1; 1; 2; d = 6 10 15 Andriej Kobrin 2; 1, u; 2; 1 = 6 11 14 Danny Massen 1; 0; 2; 1; 1 = 5 12 3 Ondrej Veverka 0; 0; 1; 1; 2 = 4 13 17 Valentin Grobauer 2; u; w = 2 14 18 Lukas Ziegler 2; 0; 0; 0; 0 = 2 15 9 Lukas Simon 1; w; 0; w = 1 16 12 Nicolas Vincentin u; d; u; u; 1 = 1 17 5 Władimir Borodulin 0 = 0 18 13 Roland Benko 0; u/- = 0 Lauf 1: Newman, Hofmann, Cukanov, Veverka Lauf 2: Dudek, Jensen, Masters, Borodulin Lauf 3: Belousov, Malesic, Simon, Vincentin Sturz - nix passiert Lauf 4: Janowski, Kobrin, Maassen, Benkö - mit rerun wegen unkorrektem Start Lauf 5: Cukanov, Grobauer, Simon ex, schlimmer Sturz von Benkö und Borodulin = Sturzverursacher, beide werden auf der Bahn ärztlich versorgt. Hört sich nicht so gut an, 15 min Pause, da beide Krankenwagen weg sind. Für Benkö ist der Renntag beendet, er ist zwar wieder raus aus dem Krankenwagen, aber er humpelt und hält sich die Schulter. Borodulin wird noch immer behandelt. Weiter gehts, für Borodulin jetzt Grobauer und Simon ex da er am Start stehen geblieben war. Lauf 6: Jensen, Hofmann, Malesic, Maassen Lauf 7: Belousov, Masters, Kobrin, Veverka - schöner Kampf zwischen Belousov und Masters Lauf 8: Dudek, Janowski, Newman, Vincentin - Ausfall Lauf 9: Belousov, Jensen, Janowski, Cukanov Lauf 10: Hofmann, Ziegler, Vincentin Sturz, Kobrin Sturz - Ziegler für Borodulin Lauf 11: Dudek, Maassen, Veverka, Grobauer Sturz - nix passiert Lauf 12: Masters, Newman, Malesic, Ziegler - Ziegler für Benkö Lauf 13: Masters, Cukanov, Maassen, Vincentin - Sturz Lauf 14: Dudek, Belousov, Hofmann - Sturz, Grobauer - nicht am Startband; Grobauer für Benkö Lauf 15: Janowski, Malesic, Veverka, Ziegler - Ziegler für Borodulin Lauf 16: Jensen, Kobrin, Newman, Simon Lauf 17: Dudek, Cukanov, Kobrin, Malesic - defekt Lauf 18: Janowski, Masters, Hofmann, Simon - nicht gestartet Lauf 19: Jensen, Veverka, Vincentin, Ziegler - Ziegler für Benkö Lauf 20: Belousov, Newman, Maassen, Ziegler Lauf 21 stechen: Cukanov, Hofmann
  7. Kyle has been seeded to the Qualifier at Neustadt,this Sunday,29th April. http://www.speedway.org/ I can only assume that its because he has all the required licences to ride in International events.They take forever to sort out,and a lot of money too!
  8. There was some obvious discontent at Plymouth last Friday. I was chatting to Matt Bates who was asked,along with Tim Allan, to create 2 teams for a NL level meeting. It wasnt until Friday that Mr Bowden told him that he was advertisng the meeting as Plymouth v Weymouth.Right up till then it was always going to be Exeter v Weymouth! The teams posted on the Weymouth Wildcats Official Website are: EXETER FALCONS 1. Kyle Hughes 8.96 2. Jaimie Pickard 6.87 3. Mattie Bates © 4.63 4. Tom Brown 6.20 5. Luke Priest 5.88 6. Danny Stoneman 3.00 7. Richard Andrews 3.41 8. Tyler Govier 3.00 (On Standby) Team Manager: Rob Doran WEYMOUTH WILDCATS 1. Tim Webster 8.43 2. Dean Felton 5.35 3. James White Williams 4.53 4. Brendan Johnson 5.52 5. David Mason © 7.32 6. Luke Chessell 3.51 7. Jamie Dixon 3.00 Team manager: Tim Allan
  9. I too will vouch for HT.He does ask questions to the right people.Just like any of us can. Does anyone actually ask Promoters any questions anymore? Most are quite happy to reply in my experience. I know for a fact that one PL promoter has said that Fishers demands for this season were equal to half his other riders put together! Im simply looking forward to some great racing at SBA,as I have done ever since the Devils came back into the sport. It is genuinely one of my favourite circuits to watch racing. Its going to be a new experience for me calling SBA my home circuit.New challenge and some terrific supporters too. Cant wait now.
  10. Going for a long weekend for this one. Arriving Saturday after lunch and leaving Monday after lunch.Loads of beer time!!!! As much for meeting up with friends from all over the country as the racing. A good social gathering that indicates the main season is just round the corner. See you there.
  11. I will only be able to make Somerset on the odd ocassion. Friday nights are SBA nights, not OTA nights!!
  12. Due to changes in my private life,its looking very likely that I will be a full time Devils supporter in 2012. You will NEVER be able to remove my love of Poole Pirates though. I will be a regular on the 3rd-4th turns with the love of my life.Is she worth it? You bet she is.
  13. You can get an English speaking live update from the Poole speedway Forum. http://poolespeedway.2288420.n4.nabble.com/U21-Round-3-from-Pardubice-td3862397.html
  14. Well I had a excellent weekend.Shame it was spoilt by the lack of track action. I also met so many new friends at the New Barrack.If I wasnt introduced to you,I was the one in the Poole Speedway t-shirt. Especially good to meet up with The Saint,King Jamie,Thirdman,Paulco and Bluejam.
  15. Dull and overcast just 4miles from track.Damp over night,but no rain where I am.(Meadowhall).Sun trying to break through clouds. I'm going to be very brave and wear my Poole shirt today.A Doyle or Wolbert win will be the icing on the cake of an excellent weekend. Good to meet up with The Saint and King Jamie yesterday as the Wednesday won 3-0.
  16. Appropriate ticket booked.Thanks for the info. See you Saturday!
  17. Will do if I can get a suitable ticket. I will pm some details when I get home from work.
  18. Im coming up for this one.Football on Saturday,to watch my favourites,Sheffield Wednesday. Then the PLRC on Sunday. Anyone know of any pub in Sheffied that will be showing the GP?
  19. Thanks Jesper,but what about the other 21 races? I tried to follow it,but with some of the changes etc,I couldnt keep up. Plus I dont speak or understand Belgian! A good meeting in the end,as when I arrived at 11am the tracked was almost flooded. Lots of work by 3 tractors and some heavy haulage lorries to tyre pack it,we ended up with some excellent racing.Tomasz Piszcz was easily the best rider,but stalled at the start of the Semi Final. 44 races in a little over 5 hours was a long day,but glad I made the effort to go.What with the 38 races in Cloppenburg the day before,I saw a massive amount of racing and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Cheers.
  20. I watched 2 good meetings over the weekend. Cloppenburgs official opening on Saturday,then down to Heuseden-Zolder on the Sunday. Agree with others about David Bellego. Definitely one to watch. Thoroughly deserved his 2nd place behind Max Dilger in the Golden Helmet. Very exiting to watch and fearless from the back.Certainly worth the British promoters to invite him over. Could do a good job in the PL.Not sure what his average would be though.
  21. Any updates for this meeting? Ive no idea if any other riders were asked to go. All I do know is that both lads accepted the invitation straight away. Its certainly not for the money,which barely covers fuel costs. However,experience wise,its a great chance to show the Continentals that they are both worth future bookings. In the EU events calendar,take a look at how many riders we have nominated in any of their events over the years.Its astonishingly poor. Yet we still get some of the young British riders complaining about lack of experience abroad.They need to get in NOW for next season.They need to get on to Neil Vatcher and Phil Morris and badger them to be included.It may cost them money initially,but the better they perform,the higher the rewards. Earlier this season,Paul Starke won a meeting in France,with Brendan Johnson in 2nd.The meetings are there, IF the riders really want them.
  22. Kyle Newman and Ashley Morris represent GB in the European Best Pairs Championship in Germany on Saturday.This is Semi Final two,the other Semi Final is at Miskolc,Hungary the same day. The Final being at Tarnow on 17th September. Link: http://www.speedway.org/ Good luck to both lads.
  23. Im travelling to Cloppenberg Speedway on Saturday 3rd September,and Im hoping to make the Golden Helmet meeting at Heusden-Zolder on the Sunday. Just hope the weather stays fine.
  24. Poole only started in April 1948. Although withdrawing from the League in 1957,(we did run open meetings) we have run every year since we opened.
  25. I find it hard to believe that there isnt up to date information for this series. With Round 3 going ahead tomorrow at Plymouth,no information at all about it. Is anyone actually interested? Last Year,this was a cracking meeting. Even had time to shoot off to watch the Plymouth Argyle v Sheffield Wednesday football match in between meetings,with Weymouth there in the evening. This year however,Im popping down the pub in between meetings for a good meal,and a laugh with some of my Plymouth Friends.Anyone from Berwick on their tour more than welcome to join us. With the addition of reduced admission charges if you are doing this meeting and the Devils v Bandits meeting in the evening,this represents a really good day out. Come on Phil or Neil,give us some information about the current standings,and riders for this event.
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