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Everything posted by andys

  1. We all get a bit carried away on here. Sometimes we all need to take a step back and relax. It's an internet forum, it's not life or death and not worth silly arguments (unless it's with starman, he's a plonker) I don't think I've been introduced yet to Mr starman lol
  2. accepted scb welcome to our world I've already made my peace with BWitcher and will say now if I said anything out of line I apologise also mate. BT and sky are basically trying to get as much out of people as they can, then to make promises and not keep them is truly awful.
  3. Oh I know that mate :-) Steve is looking near the finished article now great gates and coming from the back also.I've never looked forward to a season more than I am at the moment. Although I fear it might be another long hard season for our friends down the A19.
  4. Stand up Lewis rose absolutely magnificent keep that form going and you will be pushing for main body of the team
  5. Some excellent racing tonight considering it being a very easy win.
  6. Others don't and have parents bitching and moaning and blaming everyone else for the rest of their lives. Not mentioning any names of course Pmsl
  7. Yes your right, but tai has chosen to show allegiance to the country he was born in and yet you are saying he's not even British. I quote " he's only British cos it suits him" no he's only British cos he was born here ffs which bit of that do you not understand.
  8. Before people start tearing him limb from limb, would it not be prudent to wait for his reasons. As for his nationality as far as I'm aware he was born in Britain, which, whatever anyone says,makes him a British rider. Obviously he's going to have strong feelings for Australia, he lived there for long enough.
  9. Yeah all the best daryl and thank you for all you've done, time wise and moneywise,for our sport.
  10. Yeah that's what I thought so,to summarise, anyone that uses kodi for any reason is a "pikey/thief".
  11. You keep calling me a "pikey", I'm curious why?
  12. Wow did you get a responsible adult to write all that for you!!! I never mentioned violence once Seems to me certain individuals on here can happily dish it out but once someone gives it back they don't like it. As for the intelligence remark I did actually apologise for that, something your obviously not able to reciprocate which is fine, that's your choice. It's been an education chatting to you Many thanks
  13. Sorry mate but that post makes absolutely no sense what so ever " for no longing wishing to meet someone" it might be me not having any intelligence, but I really don't understand it.
  14. So you use it for nhl does that make you a scrounger, pikey and thief.
  15. Ok to try and put an end to this I will apologise if I offended anyone I'll now wait for the similar response for being called a thief and scrounger and pikey!!!!
  16. Hmmmmmm and I quote " I'll met up with you" how am I supposed to have a reasoned debate with ppl who haven't got the basic intelligence to spell and punctuate properly, as for agreeing to meet, or should that be "met", the bit about the police station means I believe it was tongue in cheek.
  17. Ok ok this debate is over you call me a pikey and yet you can not even spell words right obviously your village is in much greater need of you than this forum is pal
  18. Maybe we can meet up sometime so you can call me "pikey" to my face scb I think you might think differently however I use kodi as I'm sick of being ripped off for watching sports if you want to pay good luck to you it's your choice, the last time I checked it's everyone's own choice to do what they wish I choose not to pay over the odds if more ppl stop paying then sky and BT might wise up and fetch the price down although while they have ppl like you happily filling their coffers then they won't I'm sure you'll have some petty come back now so give it your best pal and like I said I'll happily discuss this in person one day.
  19. Hardly scrounging trying to get the best deal pal hang on I'll just pick up ur halo I think it's a bit loose
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