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Everything posted by scott28tt

  1. B*gger. Didn't spot the repeat. Now I feel even worse....
  2. I'm getting fed up with Sky. I think it's great that they show as much live speedway as they do, I think the coverage is good, but how many more times is a meeting going to over-run and my Sky+ box miss recording the last heat or two? It happened with the British GP, and it happened again today with the SWC final! Not impressed. Speedway is the only reason why I keep Sky Sports over the summer when there's no footy. If you're going to go to all the trouble of making the effort to show the delayed SWC final, at least make sure your subscribers get a chance to watch it all! They're not repeating the SWC final either, so I had to make do with watching Heat 25 on their web site - shame I missed 21-24!! Sort it out Sky, you're doing my head in. Update your planner schedule when an event over-runs, then at least my Sky+ box will carry on recording....
  3. I'm pleased (in a way) it wasn't just my Sky+ that decided to play up then! Maybe someone could email Sky to ask if they can repeat it overnight this week for us to try and record it again....??
  4. I've just watched the GP this evening on my Sky+ - what a meeting!! Some cracking racing! It got better and better as the night went on, including the final. Bomber in the final was just immense, that race totally blows away all the comments I've heard before that a heat is decided at the start! Well done Bomber.
  5. Richie Dennis http://www.dennis-racing.com/ Josh Auty http://www.joshauty.co.uk/ Paul Cooper http://www.paulcooperracing.co.uk/ Byron Bekker http://www.byronbekker.com/
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