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Everything posted by Richspeedway

  1. All the other Sky channels have live stuff on so not sure if it can be moved
  2. Lets hope that tennis finishes as may over run
  3. So how does everyone think the speedway would go in Britain in years to come. More teams? less teams? more coverage in the media, or just the same? I would like to think that few more teams start up and also more countries start get involved as lower countries like Croatia, Ukraine etc start to bring up more talented riders.
  4. Hi I have just received Issue 10 thanks alot and may I say it is great and look forward to future issues.
  5. Yeah thats the main reason for countries like that not having riders anymore because of the cost. I know this is going little off the subject but I remember a couple of years ago they were talking to a tennis player who comes from Armenia and he his their top player. It took him back to where he lived as a child and it was unbelievable to think that he would become a top sportsman from his humble backgrounds. Just shows if you put your mind to it what can happen.
  6. It shows how powerful the Soviet was though when people from Uzbekistan could become speedway riders as now it is broken up places like that and Tajikistan etc are very poor.
  7. The bmrc website has a list of a few places but has anyone emailed to ask if they have considered speedway at all?
  8. Hi I was thinking about subscribing to the Backtrack Vintage Mag as heard alot of good things about it on here. Just wondered if subscribed now what issues would I get? and also when do they come out (is it every month like) Cheers
  9. Wojaczek is just awful no question he should of seen the tapes did not go up properly and also Nicki had nothing to do with Gollob going down. But there was no need for Nicki to have a baby tantrum and say i am going to withdraw. Maybe Hans did bad as it was raining as know what he is like when there is a drop
  10. another thing would be if there was group stages and that then it may take longer and that means the elite league would either have change fixtures or maybe the elite teams would have use there younger riders if they could not move fixture dates.
  11. You could say no one would watch Poland thrash the Germans in the group stages but how about other sports? Like Rugby in the World cup you have New Zealand beating people like Japan 100-0 and people still watch. I think some countries could use them meetings to try out there younger riders maybe put couple old heads in so shows the future of the nation. Think country v country would be good maybe have so many groups of nations but spaced out so the big nations are in seperate groups like a seeding. So say example you had 5 team in group you have 5 gradings so Sweden, GB, Poland etc be seeded 1 then you have Czechs etc seeded 2 and so on down. Then if Poland have to face Italy or Ukraine then they may use younger riders as to try them out. Think more nations would join it and also would help the lower nations as would get to ride against best riders and get experience and also the lower riders would get on tv to help them get sponsors and maybe if put solid performance in a ride for a club in Poland or here.
  12. Am I right in thinking the top 6 nations qualify for the World cup so you just have them two spaces for teams that qualify? Seems like 5 them spaces always be Poland, GB, Sweden, Aussie and Denmark. Maybe Czech could go backwards but be hard for other nations get in there as Russia and Germany were good but just cannot compete against likes of top 5.
  13. I think the GB team for next year could be Scotty, Rico, Greg Hancock, TR, Lindback and Gollob. Well if Poles get away with it lets go for it
  14. Yeah exactly they have put in a great team performance.
  15. Nikki our young riders are doing well? Yeah but we have had silly exclusions. ermmmm i said WHAT YOU THINK OF OUR YOUNG RIDERS
  16. Woah Lucas has he had a few blue smarties or somat?? calm in the interview
  17. Well done Scotty also hope Russia get third as they looked good tonight think deserve get in playoff
  18. I hate to see Lee riding 100% fit!! Well done after a bad start.
  19. Well Nikki tactical ride, erm i mean the joker has helped Denmark get back in it.
  20. Think Charlie only Dane that seems fair rider. Don't worry he still young though
  21. Rain. well Hans won't go out, just a spot and he starts moaning
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