Has anyone made a dvd of last Saturday night please as I Tivo`d it then made a dvd ,wiped the Tivo recording and then found the dvd disc was faulty when I finalised it.
I am in Camberley Surrey if anyone local or will pay postage and whatever for a replacement.
Many Thanks
I am flying out Thurs am and staying at the Extol Inn in the Holesovice area north of the river until Tuesday night.
Anyone in town Thurs/Friday ? and where might You meet for a beer or two?
I did see on the back cover of Speedway Star that the trip that they are running to see the Prague Gp also states that they will be going to another meeting over that weekend.......Anyone any ideas as to what that is about please?
Hi all.
A strange request but her goes anyway.
I have booked the flights and hotel for the Gp weekend but as yet have not bought my gp ticket.
As I am travelling alone I might feel a little more at home if I was to sit near some Brits in the stadium.
So if anyone could tell me wher they are seated then I can look top see if there are any tickets nearby........I told You it was a strange one.
Many Thanks in advance.
"Need to book early though Sub for many of these events"
Thank You Fairy .
I can get a flight for just under £50.00 so was keen to book early.
I will reask the question tomorrow when the GP season is over .
I have recorded the complete meeting on Tivo and will be putting onto DVD if that`s any good for You?
I did notice an inflatable guitar or two in the crowd, was it You?
I missed the very start of the meeting before the teams were presented around the track on the pickups as it must have started early on Sky??
But I have the remaining 3.20 hrs or so.