in Newport's case, this is all me guessing BTW, it's something like this.
Admission is about £12, £9 and £3 now (I'm not sure of them prices)lets assume 2/5 are adults, 2/5 are kids and 1/5 are concessions, thats £1920 from adults, £720 from concessions and £480 from kids, £3120 all told. Add in say one programme for every 5th person, 80 programs at say a 50p profit is £40, 100 in the car park is £100 (£3260 so far). Stand has about 150 on a day where there are only 400 fans there, so another £200 (£3460). Add in bar profits and food outlets as well (no idea, I'll not even guess) thats £460+ a week for each rider. I don't know what costs Tim Stone has or what other income he has (I guess he has a few sponsors too that bring in some cash).
Mind you, it amazes me that a team like Berwick can cope on so few as they only get the cash form the turnstiles. So they're only get the £3120 - rent + progams. Not a lot at all.
Your conclusion is quite right and very interesting. My conclusions is that if we rode that many matches and with the admission prices as you do in the U.K to keep teh figures as a promotor our league crowds would drop by 50 to 70%!!
Is it possible that is the reason for the crowd drops? And as Ian told us the admission prices has gone up by about 300% since the sixties.
Any comments?
Norbold - Have you any pre-war crowd figures for New Cross?
yours in sport - Lejon